
Submissions from 1960

Studies on the folic acid vitamins. IV. The persistence of amethop- terin in mammalian tissues., S Charache, P T. Condit, and S R. Humphreys

Genetics of gametes. IV. The phenotype of mouse spermatozoa in four inbred strains and their f1 crosses., K N. Charma

Effect of pre-immunized rat bone marrow on lethally irradiated mice., P H. Chin and M S. Silverman

Transamination in transplanted and spontaneous tumors. Abstr., M A. Chirigos, S R. Humphreys, and A Goldin

Incorporation of radioactive dna into ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., M R. Chorazy, H H. Baldwin, and R K. Boutwell

Metalophil reticular cells in experimental mouse-amyloidosis., H E. Christensen

Spleen-shielding in x-irradiation-accelerated experimental amy- loidosis in mice., H E. Christensen and G H. Hjort

Adrenocortical and gonadal responses of female mice to increased population density., J J. Christian

A study of the subcutaneous connective tissue of the mouse, with special reference to nuclear type, nuclear division and mitotic rhythm., C H. Chu

Analysis of x-ray induced chromosome aberrations in mouse somatic cells in vitro. Abstr., E H. Chu and V Monesi

The behavior of p388 mouse leukemia in the chick embryo and hatched chick. Abstr., B D. Clarkson and A Katz

An immunologic and chemical study of the similarities between mouse and human serum proteins., J Clausen and J Heremans

Immuno-electrophoretical investigations of mouse serum protein fractions obtained by ammonium sulphate fractionation., J Clausen and J Heremans

X-ray effects on incorporation of radiophosphate into deoxyribonucleic acid of mouse mammary tumors. Abstr., K H. Clifton and H Vermund

Effect of x-irradiation on the metabolism of ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells. Abstr., E L. Coe, E N. Garcia, and R W. Mckee

Estimation of the cellular lethal dose and the critical cell number for the c3h mouse mammary carcinoma from radiosensitivity studies in vivo., A Cohen and L Cohen

The ultrastructure of the rods of the mouse retina., A I. Cohen

Erthropoietic stimulating factor production in pubescent mice after a single exposure to hypoxia., J K. Colehour

Isoantigens for transplantation immunity to bone marrow homografts. Abstr., L J. Cole and W E. Davis

Homograft-reactive large mononuclear leukocytes in peripheral blood and peritoneal exudates. Abstr., L J. Cole and R M. Garver

Studies on the mechanism of secondary disease, the parental-f, hybrid radiation chimera., L J. Cole and R M. Garver

Late effects of x-radiation. The influence of dose fractionation on life span, leukemia, and nephrosclerosis incidence in mice., L J. Cole, P C. Nowell, and J S. Arnold

Phenylalanine hydroxylase activity in dilute and nondilute strains of mice., D L. Coleman

Influence of diet on transamidinase activity in dystrophic mice., D L. Coleman and M E. Ashworth

Ueber die beeinflussung der virulenz von tumoren durch chemother- apeutica, einfluss von bayer e39 auf die virulence des krebs-2- -ascitescarcinom., W A. Collier and M Dewit

The ribonucleases of mouse ascites tumors. Abstr., J S. Colter and K A. Ellem

Experimental applications of bone marrow transplantation., C C. Congdon and A Hollaender

Labeled iodinated compounds in tumors and tissues of c3h mice after the injection of i131-labeled triiodothyronine., K R. Corey and J Gross

The concentration of radioactive triiodothyronine in mammary tumors and tissues of c3h mice., K R. Corey and J Gross

The role of proliferation in the second stage of carcinogenesis., I Cornman, J L. Gargus, and M Macdonald

Delayed effects in mice irradiated with partial body shielding. Abstr., G E. Cosgrove and A C. Upton

Evaluation of the carcinostatic activity of various agents on mouse ascites tumors., F M. Costa, G H. Blumenthal, and D M. Greenberg

Distribution des anticorps contre le virus du polyome dans differ- entes souches de souris de laboratoire., R Cramer and M R. Riviere

Zone electrophoresis studies on hemagglutinin of hemagglutinating and of masked strain of polyoma virus., R Cramer and S E. Stewart

Uptake of thymidine and synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid in mouse ascites cells., A R. Crathorn and K V. Shooter

The influence of dinitrophenol and fatty acids on the p32 metabolism of ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., E H. Creaser and P G. Scholefield

The development of bony pelvic sexual dimorphism in mice., E S. Crelin

Some new data concerning the biology of tumours. The effects of some new data concerning the biology of tumours. The effects of heparin and its components on tumour growth., G Csaba, C Horvath, and T Acs

Immunologically competent cells in adult mouse liver. Studies with parent-to-hybrid radiation chimeras., G Cudkowicz and G E. Cosgrove

Mortality and changes in irradiated f1 hybrid mice injected with parental adult liver cells. Abstr., G Cudkowicz and G E. Cosgrove

The influence of heat-stress on the pars nervosa of the mouse., P J. Cullingham

The effect of dusts on l cells and peritoneal cells in diffusion chambers., R C. Curran

Histochemical observations on dystrophic muscle. Abstr., R L. Curtis and M B. Hollinshead

Terol and on atherosclerosis and heart weights in rats and mice., W F. Cuthbertson, P V. Elcoate, D M. Al, and O. Choles

Biological properties of vincaleukoblastine, an alkaloid in vinca rosea linn, with reference to its antitumor action., J H. Cutts, C T. Beer, and R L. Noble

Investigations of the influence of estrogen, testosterone and pro- lactine on the activity of alkaline and acid phosphatase in trans- plantable mammary tumors in mice. (pol., Eng. Summ.), A Czarnomska

Sensitive stages for the production of developmental abnormalities in mice with 5-fluorouracil., C P. Dagg

Immunological enhancement of tumor homografts in the offspring of immunized mothers. Abstr., M K. Dagg and N Kaliss

Effects of anaerobiosis on the rates of multiplication of mammalian cells cultured in vitro., S Dales

Viability and tetrazolium salt in ascites tumours., G Dallner

The potentiation of x-ray effects on normal mouse skin by actinomycin d. Abstr., G J. D'angio and B Brown

Amethopterin and liver purine metabolism in vivo., R A. Darrow, L Shuster, and A Goldin

Studies on the mechanism of action of 6-mercaptopurine in sensitive and resistant l1210 leukemia in vitro., J D. Davidson

Fate of homologous adult spleen cells injected into new-born mice., A J. Davies and S M. Doak

Chromatographic analysis of cationic nuclear proteins of a number of neoplastic tissues., J R. Davis and H Busch

Resistance of lymph nodes of mice to a fibrosarcoma. Abstr., R L. Davis and W L. Williams

Heparin, histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in neoplastic mast cells in culture. Abstr., S M. Day and J P. Green

Leukemogenic and cancerigenic activity of human leukemic and tumoral rna in mice. Abstr., S De carvalho

Biologic properties of human leukemic and tumoral rna. IV. Leukemia and neoplasms induced in mice with human leukemic rna carried in tissue culture., S De carvalho, H J. Rand, and D P. Meyer

Transplantation of polyoma-induced tumors in hamsters. Abstr., V Defendi

Further electron microscope studies of a mouse leukemia induced by cell-free filtrates., E De harven and C Friend

Biological and biochemical effect of deoxyribonuclease on mice bearing ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Abstr., G De lamirande

Critical periods for the effects of infantile experience on adult learning., V H. Denenberg and R W. Bell

Pads of c3h/crgl mice. Abstr., K B. Deome, P B. Faulkin, R. Hyper, and C A. Fat

Cancerisation experimentale du col uterin chez la souris r3a., P Desaive, P Minet, and G Booz

In vitro culture of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., E E. Deschner and B R. Allen

Treatment of mouse lymphosarcoma by total body irradiation and admini- stration of bone marrow and lymphnode cells., M J. De vries and O Vos

A cytological and cytochemical analysis of the l-strain (929) fibra- blast. Abstr., M M. Dewey, R H. Kahn, and J L. Conklin

Extraction and chromatography of mouse and bovine pancreatic ribo- nucleases., S R. Dickman, G A. Morrill, and K M. Trupin

Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid uptake by ascites tumor cells. Abstr., L S. Dietrich

Effects of compounds with estrogenic activity on the endogenous respiration of ascites tumor cells. Abstr., L S. Dietrich and M Janecki

Response of sarcoma 37 and normal cells of the mouse host to zymosan and hydroglucan., I C. Diller and Z T. Mankowski

Utilization of thymine and thymidine in dna synthesis of ehrlich and yoshida ascites tumor cells incubated 'in vitro'., A Di marco, P Barbieri, L Fuoco, and A Rusconi

The immunological response produced in inbred mice following the isologous and homologous transfer of antigenically stimulated spleen cells., J K. Dineen and B T. Perry

Experimental evaluation of actinomycin d., J A. Dipaolo

The effect of allicin from garlic on tumor growth., J A. Dipaolo and C Carruthers

Der einfluss langdauernder behandlung mit reserpin, iproniazid und 5-oxytrypyamin auf den oestrus-zyklus von mausen erbreiner stamme., W Dischler

Anticancer activity of purine analogs. Abstr., G J. Dixon, H E. Schabel, R B. Culture, and Vivo'

Survival of total-body x-irradiated mice after delayed infusions of isologous bone marrow., I Djerassi, R Woodruff, and S Farber

Viruses and tumors in the light of electron microscope studies. A review., L Dmochowski

X-ray protection of certain sulfhydryl compounds and their precursors in mice., F R. Domer and F W. Schueler

Immunization against ehrlich ascites carcinoma with nitrogen mustard treated cells. Abstr., D M. Donaldson and J A. North

Serotonin studies on mouse tissues., R M. Donaldson, S Malkiel, and S J. Gray

Iibeta-hydroxy dehydrogenase system activity in thymi of mice follow- ing prolonged cortisol treatment., T F. Dougherty, M L. Berliner, and D L. Berliner

Elimination of 131 i-labelled protein antigens from the circulation of the mouse., D W. Dresser

Flaked maize as a source of tapeworm infestation in mice., M L. Duffill and M F. Lyon

Bone marrow depression in murine leukaemia., J T. Duhig

The effect of radiation on the distribution of sulfur 35 in the skin of tumor-bearing mice. Abstr., J T. Duhig

Intermittent radiation and the life span of mice., J T. Duhig and S Warren

Serial passage of the parotid gland tumor agent in mice, the activity of such tumor extracts for several strains of mice., A D. Dulaney and M F. Goss

Observations on the fine structure of dorsal root ganglia from old mice. Abstr., D Duncan and D Nall

Polymorphisms in populations of wild house mice., L C. Dunn, A B. Beasley, and H Tinker

A comparison of the effects, in compounds, of seven genetically similar lethal t alleles from populations of wild house mice., L C. Dunn and D Bennett

Sur les tumeurs transplantables du vagin chez la souris., K Dux

Recovery of blastocysts and induction of implantation following art- ificial insemination of immature mice., P J. Dziuk and M N. Runner

The sustained growth of human and animal cells in a protein-free environment. Abstr., H Eagle

The biosynthesis of meso-inositol by cultured mammalian cells, and the parabiotic growth of inositol-dependent and inositol-independent strains., H Eagle, B W. Agranoff, and E E. Snell

The reversible binding of half-cystine residues to serum protein, and its bearing on the cystine requirement of cultured mammalian cells., H Eagle, V I. Oyama, and K A. Piez

Formation of noninfectious viral hemagglutinins in ascites tumor cells., M D. Eaton, M Jewell, and A R. Scala

Viral growth and oncolysis in krebs 2 cells as affected by substrate., M D. Eaton, A R. Scala, and H C. Rouse