
Submissions from 1960

The micromorphology of a salivary-gland tumor of a mouse infected with polyoma virus., G A. Edwards, R F. Buffett, and J Furth

Continuity and rate of dna synthesis in ascites tumor cells. Abstr., J L. Edwards and A L. Koch

Ehrlich ascites tumor cells., J L. Edwards, A L. Koch, P Y. Al, M C. Synthesis, and T M. In

Strain differences in the reproductive performance of female mice after x-ray exposure. Abstr., U H. Ehling

Untersuchungen uber experimentelle leukamien. VI. Uber die transplant- ation von leukamien nach indol und 3-hydroxy-anthranilsaure bei der maus., H Ehrhart, A Georgii, and K Stanislawski

Untersuchungen uber experimentelle leukamien. IV. Steigerung der leukamiehaufigkeit bei rfh-mausen nach erhohung der indoldosis., H Ehrhart, W Stich, and W Benoit

Studies on the mechanism of action of urethane on mammary adeno- carcinoma 755., G B. Elion, S Bieber, and G H. Hitchings

In vitro culture of the krebs ascites carcinoma and the ehrlich ascites carcinoma of mice., J O. Ely and J H. Gray

Fall in the content of free radicals in ehrlich ascites tumor cells treated with propyl gallate., N M. Emanuel and T E. Lipatova

Some observations on the intermediary metabolism of ascites tumour cells. (abstr. Only), P Emmelot

Swelling of normal, preneoplastic and neoplastic liver mitochondria. 2. The swelling of liver mitochondria from mice and rats fed carcino- genic azodyes, and of hepatoma mitrochondria., P Emmelot and I H. Reyers

Study on cross-resistance of amethopterin. Abstr., H Endo

Lymphatic pathways from the tail in rats and mice., A Engeset and E Tjotta

Effects of changes in the medium on the radiosensitivity of tumor cells. Abstr., T C. Evans and B Willis

Distinctive myeloma globulins associated with a new plasma cell neo- plasm of strain c3h mice., J L. Fahey, M Potter, F J. Gutter, and T B. Dunn

Myeloma proteins and macroglobulins associated with plasma cell tumors in experimental animals., J L. Fahey, M Potter, and D Nathans

The genetics of litter size in mice., D S. Falconer

Effect of inbreeding on ovulation rate and foetal mortality in mice., D S. Falconer and R C. Roberts

Regulation of growth and spacing of gland elements in the mammary fat pad of the c3h mouse., L J. Faulkin and K B. Ome

Crystallization of purified mouse encephalomyocarditis virus particles., P Faulkner, E M. Martin, S Sved, and T S. Work

Die wirkung des ammomiumchlorids auf die entwicklung bosartiger gesch- wulste., I Fekete

Studies on the mechanism of immunological enhancement of tumor grafts., M Feldman and A Globerson

Nutrition and genetics., P F. Fenton

Urea formation in nephrectomized mice., P F. Fenton and lemonias C. Vakirtzi

Anatomical observations on inbred mice exhibiting a constitutional disease pattern similar to that in man. Abstr., F H. Figge

Lipid synthesis by ascites tumor cells., D L. Fillerup, J W. Knauf, and J F. Mead

Latency and growth of osteogenic sarcomas induced by radiostrontium. Abstr., M P. Finkel, P J. Bergstrand, and B O. Biskis

Increased levels of folic reductase as a mechanism of resistance to amethopterin in mouse leukemia cells. Abstr., G A. Fischer

Die reaktionen des peripheren blutes nach einzeitigen ganzkorper- bestralung neugeborener mause., H Fischer

Immunite et vaccination anticancereuses experimentales et chez l'homme., R Fischer

Inhibition de la cancerogenese spontanee chez les souris riii et akr par des implants de tissus cancereux modifies., R Fischer and G Rudali

Uber den einfluss von lyophilisiertem leukosegewebe auf die ak-leuk- amie der maus., R Fischer and G Rudali

Some effects of different tensions of oxygen on the respiration and growth of l-strain fibrablasts., A R. Fisher

Immunohistochemical study of ehrlich ascites tumor. Abstr., F W. Fitch, L Anagnostopoulos, and R W. Wissler

Embryological analysis of a new cleft palate gene in the house mouse. Abstr., N Fitch

Oxygen consumption of mouse skin epithelial layer. Abstr., L R. Fitzgerald and M Klein

The effect of parotin in mice., H S. Fleming

Estimation of 'progestin' by the hooker-forbes method., D S. Flux

Enzyme levels in the sarcoma-180 of mice treated with 6-mercapto-purine. Abstract., P J. Fodor and D A. Clarke

The in vitro and in vivo analysis of mammalian tumor viruses. IV. Antibody response and tumor induction with polyoma virus in different species., M Fogel and L Sachs

Semi-defined media, origins of ccrf cell lines., G E. Foley, B P. Drolet, R E. Carthy, K A. Goulet, J M. Dokos, D D. Filler, and I A. In

Studies on the mechanism of action of cytoxan. I. Evidence of activa- tion in vivo. Abstr., G E. Foley, O M. Friedman, and B P. Drolet

Further studies on the effects of strong's luxoid gene. Abstr., P F. Forsthoefel

The fertility of mice selected for large or small body size., R E. Fowler and R G. Edwards

The effects of testosterone on the ultrastructure of the mouse pro- state in vivo and in organ cultures., L M. Franks and A A. Barton

Chimera tolerance as a possible factor in development of s-37 leuko- sis. Abstr., W R. Franks, A M. Gregor, M M. Shaw, and J Skublics

Selection for an invariant character, vibrissa number, in the house mouse. II. Limits to variablity., A S. Fraser and B M. Kindred

Some experimental and clinical studies on the causes of congenital clefts of the palate and of the lip., F C. Fraser

Effect of mechlorethamine on tumor glycolysis and diphosphopyridine nucleotide content. Abstr., I M. Fraser

Deoxyadenosine 1-n-oxide and its effect on the incorporation in vitro of p32-orthophosphate into dna of ehrlich ascites cells., S Frederiksen and H Klenow

The anticarcinogenic effect of ascorbic acid and of ascophyllum nodo- sum on urethan-induced pulmonary adenomas in strain a mice. Abstr., F A. French and B L. Freedlander

Carcinostatic activity of some dicarbonyl compounds and their bis-hy- drazones., F A. French, B L. Freeflander, A Hasking, and J French

Serum-albumin metabolism in x-irradiated mice with implanted rat bone marrow., W Friedberg

Alpha-glycerophosphate oxidation in the tissues of obese hyperglycemic mice and nonobese controls. Abstr., G H. Fried and W Antopol

Total oxygen consumption and tissue respiratory enzyme activity in obese hyperglycemic mice and non-obese controls. Abstr., G H. Fried, N Greenberg, and W Antopol

A rapid (24 hour) bioassay for detection of human and mouse tumo factor., F Friedman, R Kassel, L Burton, M L. Kaplan, and A Rottino

Cytotoxic activity of cytoxyl alcohol, a possible primary hydrolytic product of cytoxan. Abstr., O M. Friedman, H Sommer, and G E. Foley

Immunological studies on the leukemia agent of swiss mice., C Friend

Tumor formation with transplants of spleen or liver from mice with virus-induced leukemia., C Friend and J R. Haddad

An unusual spontaneous cardiac lesion of unknown etiology in mice. Abstr., R J. Fry, K Hamilton, and H Lisco

Die mitose-rate von cornea und duodenum beim tumortragenden tier., U Fuchs and V Jung

A new carcinostatic agent for the ehrlich ascites tumor., A Furst, J Miller, H Gross, and W Cutting

Pathogenesis and character of radiation-induced pituitary tumors., J Furth, R F. Buffett, and ghera N. Haran

Further observations on pituitary tumorigenesis by x-rays in mice and rats. Abstr., J Furth, K Yokoro, and ghera N. Haran

Propagation of columbia sk virus in ehrlich ascites tumor cells with oncolysis., E Furusawa and W Cutting

Behavior of l-fibrablasts and sarcoma 180 cells in diffusion chambers in resistant hosts. Abstr., J D. Gabourel

The role of phospholipides in the uptake of amino acids by ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., W L. Gaby, H L. Wolin, and I Zajac

Production of incomplete vi antibody in mice., S Gaines, J A. Currie, and J G. Tully

Is there 'metabolic' dna in the mouse seminal vesicle., J G. Gall and W W. Johnson

Tumors in transplanted pituitary glands in mice. Abstr., W U. Gardner

Anaemica and leukopenia after injection of parental strain blood in f1 hybrid mice previously treated with sub-lethal irradiation., R M. Garver and L J. Cole

Attempts to induce malignant deciduomas in mice., G Gasic, O Badinez, and T Baydak

Metastasizing mesenchymal mouse tumors induced by subcutaneous graft of mouse placenta containing 9,10-dimethyl-1, 2-benzanthracene., G Gasic, O Badinez, H Rappaport, and S H. Wu

Differential growth behaviour of primary and secondary tumors in cort- isone-treated mice., G Gasic, T Baydak, and E Jacob

Cementing substance in metastasizing and non-metastasizing trans- plantable tumours in mice., G Gasic, F Loebel, and O Badinez

Uber die resistenz der geschwulstzellen gegen chemotherapeutica., E Gati

A comparative study of muscular dystrophy. Abstr., A J. Gatz, J J. Fudema, and Y T. Oester

The use of the method of immunological tolerance for inhibiting forma- tion on antibodies to tissue antigens., V I. Gel'shtein and V N. Stepina

Pancreatic islets in mice with the obese-hyperglycemic syndrome, lack of effect of carbutamide., W Gepts, J Christophe, and J Mayer

(experiments In inducing genetic transformations in animals with deoxyribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleoprotein.) (in Russian), S M. Gersenzon, I P. Kok, L V. Samos, N M. Turkevic, and N J. Federova

The role of spreading factor (hyaberonidase) in metastasis., T Ghose

Epithelial changes in vaginal isografts in male mice., W E. Gibbs and H C. Browning

Urinary excretion of a vinbydrin-positive compound, probably a pep- tide, after administration of beta-aminoisobutyric acid to the mouse., J B. Gilbert and Y Ku

The increase in urinary taurine after intraperitoneal administration of amino acids to the mouse., J B. Gilbert, Y Ku, L L. Rogers, and R J. Williams

Action of phospholipids on the cytotoxic effect of rabbit antibodies against ehrlich ascites tumour cells., I Ginsburg

Effect of strepococeal haemolysins on ehrlich ascites tumour cells., I Ginsburg and N Grossowicz

Lack of identity of polyoma virus and pneumonia virus of mice (pvm)., A J. Girardi and M R. Hilleman

Effect of a primary tuberculous infection on the resistance of male and female mice to ectromelia., A W. Gledhill and R J. Rees

The inheritance of hemoglobin types and other biochemical traits in mammals., waelsch S. Gluecksohn

The reticuloendothelial system in experimental malaria and trypano- somiasis., F C. Goble and I Singer

Peculiar sites of the histochemical reaction for phosphorylase in hepatoma ascites cells. Abstr., H G. Godlewski

Histochemical studies of the muscles of dystrophic mice. Abstr., M N. Golarz

Some histochemical observations on the muscles of mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., M N. Golarz and G H. Bourne

Structural and metabolic properties of two tumor-types indigenous to the same host., A Goldfeder

The response of neoplasms to x-radiation in vivo at increased oxygen tension., A Goldfeder and G E. Clarke

An electron microscope study of spontaneous mammary carcinomas in a subline of strain dba mice., A Goldfeder, D Gelber, and D H. Moore

Enhancement of bone resorption in tissue culture by mouse fibro- sarcoma. Abstr., P Goldhaber

Effect of total body x-irradiation on the viability of metastatic tumor cells. Abstr., H Goldie, G J. Tarleton, L Deadrick, and O Strong

Inhibition of malignant cell growth and spread by combined internal (topical) and external (systemic) irradiations., H Goldie, G J. Tarleton, O Strong, and L D. Deadrick

Implantation of ascitic tumor cells and of metastatic emboli from body fluids into tissues, its inhibition by chemicals and radioiso- topes., H Goldie and M Walker