
Submissions from 1964

Augmentation of 6-aminonicotinamide antagonism of tumor growth by compounds with estrogenic activity., L S. Dietrich

Intracellular inclusion bodies in tissues of mouse tumors treated with lysozyme. Abstr., I C. Diller

Effect of glucan on mouse sarcoma 37., I C. Diller, M E. Fisher, and D Gable

Effect of splenectomy and x-irradiation on antibody formation in reticuloendothelial hyperfunctional mice., N R. Di luzio, W R. Wooles, and S H. Morrow

The effects of electrolytes on the rate of tumor development in c3h mice., W Dindial, M W. Mettenleiter, and P R. Borchardt

Sources of immunological variation., J K. Dineen

Etude immunochimique des proteines renales de la souris, identifica- tion des antigenes organo-specifiques., B Dinh, G Hermann, and P Grabar

Effect of cigarette-smoke condensates on homografts of neonatal lung tissue in mice., J A. Dipaolo

Polydactylism in the offspring of mice injected with 5-bromodeoxyuri- dine., J A. Dipaolo

The potentiation of lymphosarcomas in the mouse by manganous chloride. Abstr., J A. Dipaolo

Malformations induced in the mouse by thalidomide., J A. Dipaolo, H Gatzek, and J Pickren

Calcareous pericarditis in mice of several genetically related strains., J A. Dipaolo, L C. Strong, and G E. Moore

Biophysical studies of the mammary tumor virus, properties of the mammary tumor virus in cell culture, ultrastructure of mammary tumors in mice bearing pituitary transplants and in leukemic mice. Abstr. Lillia babbitt hyde found. Conf. On mammary tumor virus, inverness,, L Dmochowski and J Sykes

Source of the male odour causing pregnancy block in mice. Abstr., C J. Dominic

Studies on the ontogeny of transplantation antigens in mice. Abstr., G Doria

Studies on the tolerance of the immune system of mouse chimeras., G Doria

Untersuchungen uber die generationszeit, dns-synthesezeit und mito- sedauer von zellen der hyperplastischen epidermis und des platten- epithelcarcinoms der maus nach methylcholanthrenpinselung., P Dormer, H Tulinius, and W Oehlert

Stimulation of motility and pinocytosis heparin in amoeba proteus and of murine fibroblasts. Abstr., T F. Dougherty, G Schneebeli, and N Panagiotis

A critical evaluation of therapy in muscular dystrophy., R M. Dowben

Physiological aspects of aging. V. Calcium and magnesium metabolism in senescent mice., H H. Draper

A coprophagy-preventing metabolism cage for mice or hamsters., H H. Draper and A F. Robbins

The effect of irradiation on the progressive growth of metastases following intravenous injection of ehrlich ascites tumour cells., V Drasil and V Juraskova

Five allelic genes at the asa locus which control gamma-globulin allotypic specificities in mice., S Dray

Zur anabolen wirkung von 1-methyl-a1-androstenolonacetat auf das sarkom 180 und die wirtsgewebe der maus., J Drews, E Folsch, and H Grunze

Chinical and pathological studies of an hereditary neuropathy in mice. (dystonia Musculorum)., L W. Duchen and S J. Strich

Carcinogenesis in thymectomized mice. Abstr., J T. Duhig

Abnormalities associated with a chromosome region in the mouse., L C. Dunn and D Bennett

Action comparee de l'hydrocorticone et de l'irradiation x sur la leucemogenese des souris akr., J Duplan

Relation entre la mortalite des souris irradiees et les delais ecoules entre l'irradiation x et l'injection des cellules restauratrices., J F. Duplan and E Estienne

Optimum o2/co2 ratio in radiotherapy., L A. Du sault

The influence of time-spacing of fractions on response to radiation., L A. Du sault

Histopathological modifications of the h16 experimental tumour, ob- tained by polypassage. (in Rumanian), R Dutu and I Popp

Experiments with completely mammectomized mice. Abstr. Lillia babbitt hyde found. Conf. On mammary tumor virus, inverness,, A Dux

The mammary tumor agent in completely mammectomized mice., A Dux and O Muhlbock

Disturbances in the tyrosine metabolism in mouse liver during experi- mentally induced leukemia. (eng. Summary), A Y. D'yachkova

Prevention of wasting in mice thymectomized at birth and their sub- sequent rejection of allogeneic leukemic cells., J East and D M. Parrott

The uptake of fluorescent labelled proteins by normal and tumour tissues in vivo., G C. Easty

Crescita del carcinoma mammario spontaneo del topo c3h/mza femmina in funzione dell'ora del giorno e del grado di differenziazione., J M. Echave llanos and E G. Bade

Heart dry weight in nephrectomized mice., J M. Echave llanos and A F. Badran

Action of an homogenate of rat pituitary gland on mouse regenerating liver., J M. Echave llanos and J Russo

Transplantation antigen levels in the early mouse embryo., M Edidin

Transplantation antigens in the mouse embryo. The fate of early embryo tissues transplanted to adult hosts., M Edidin

(age- And line-specific reactions of mice to injection of urethane.) (eng. Summ.), I K. Egorov

The linear and age reaction specificity of mice to urethan injections. (russ., Eng. Summ.), I K. Egorov

Schutzwirkung von cystein und aet bei strahleninduzierten dominanten letalmutationen der maus., U Ehling

Aet-schutzwirkung bei strahleninduzierten dominanten letalmutationen der maus., U H. Ehling

Frequency of x-ray induced presumed dominant mutations affecting the skeleton of mice. Abstr., U H. Ehling

Strain variation in reproductive capacity and radiation response of female mice., U H. Ehling

Alteration of steroid biotransformations and in vitro androgen pro- duction by murine testicular tissue following various modes of irrad- iation. Abstr., L G. Ellis and D L. Berliner

Effect of rabbit antisera to sheep pituitary gonadotropic hormones on the testes of a/jax mice previously treated with estradiol. Abstr., C A. Ely

Tierexperimenteller beitrag zur frage der einlagerung von tetracyclin in tumorgewebe., K Engelbart, D Gericke, and A Soder

Partial immune elimination of homologous red blood cells in mice., R P. Erickson, L A. Herzenberg, and R Goor

Circadian system phase-dependent toxicity and other effects of metho- pyrapone (su-4885) in the mouse., R J. Ertel, F Halberg, and F Ungar

Modification of radiosensitivity of mice by inert gases and nitrous oxide., J C. Evans, T W. Roberts, and L R. Orkin

Synergism of the antineoplastic activity of cytosine arabinoside by porfiromycin., J S. Evans, L Bostwick, and G D. Mengel

The reversal of cytosine arabinoside activity in vivo by deoxycyti- dine., J S. Evans and G D. Mengel

Phase portraits of mouse skeletal muscle action potentials. Abstr., T C. Evans and B A. Schottelius

Neoplastic transformations in c3h mouse embryonic tissue in vitro determined by intraocular growth. I. Cells from chemically defined medium with and without serum supplement., V J. Evans, G A. Parker, and T B. Dunn

The effect of adrenaline on the mitotic rate in the epidermis of hair- less mice., A Evensen

The effect of adrenaline on the mitotic rate in the epidermis of hair- less mice in vitro., A Evensen and O Heldaas

Hematological changes in aging male c57bl/6jax mice., K L. Ewing and O E. Tauber

Investigations on mechanisms of normal and defective immunity. Abstr., J L. Fahey, W Barth, and L W. Law

The immunoglobulins of mice. I. Four major classes of immunoglobu- lins, 7s gamma2-, 7sgamma1-, gamma1a (beta2a)-, and 18s gamma2m-glo- bulins., J L. Fahey, J Wunderlich, and R Mishell

The immunoglobulins of mice. II. Two subclasses of mouse 7s gamma2- -globulins, gamma2a- and gamma2b-globulins., J L. Fahey, J Wunderlich, and R Mishell

Genetic studies of lung tumours in mice. Abstr., D S. Falconer and J L. Bloom

Diabetes insipidus associated with oligosyndactyly in the mouse., D S. Falconer, M Latyszewski, and J H. Isaacson

Method for placing a pituitary graft into the evacuated pituitary capsule of the hypophysectomized rat or mouse., G Falconi and G L. Rossi

Transauricular hypophysectomy in rats and mice., G Falconi and G L. Rossi

Corynebacterial pseudotuberculosis in mice. II. Activation of natural and experimental latent infections., R M. Fauve, chase C. Pierce, and R Dubos

Preoperative irradiation, evaluation by a simple experimental model., B H. Feder and P B. Blair

Organotherapy in experimental leukemias., N A. Fedorov, I I. Zaretsky, V P. Reschikov, M P. Khokhlova, and S N. Ageeva

Acatalasemic mice., R N. Feinstein, J E. Seaholm, J B. Howard, and W L. Russell

Skin homograft destruction by 'antibody' derived from sensitized lym- phoid cells., J D. Feldman

The role of the thymus in restoring immunological reactivity and lym- phoid cell differentiation in x-irradiated adult mice., M Feldman and A Globerson

The determination of bending and transverse breaking strength in femora of inbred mice. Abstr., W J. Felts

The skin homograft reaction in mice acclimated to reduced barometric pressure. Abstr., R J. Ferguson and A Anthony

Histochemischer nachweis alkalischer phosphatase in hamatopoetischen geweben normaler mause verschiedener inzuchtstamme., F Fey and B Zelms

Continous cultivation in vitro of friend virus (fv) induced ascites tumor., A H. Fieldsteel, P J. Dawson, and W L. Bostick

The effect of x-irradiation and cysteine on dopa-oxidase activity in the b-16 mouse melanoma. Abstr., W J. Fimian and K M. Hull

Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of b-16 and s-91 melanomas. Abstr., W J. Fimian, P M. Smith, and R M. Coleman

Transplant immunity and immunological enhancement. Abstr., I Finegold, R Wissler, and K Dzoga

Effects of pulsed laser irradiation of the forehead in mice., S Fine and E Klein

Biological effects of high peak power radiation., S Fine, T Maimen, E Klein, and R E. Scott

Some immunological cross-reactions among the murine leukemia viruses. Abstr., M A. Fink

Immune reactions to a murine leukemia virus. I. Induction of immunity to infection with virus in the natural host., M A. Fink and F J. Rauscher

A rich source of mouse interferon., N B. Finter

Influence of host factors on development and type of leukemia induced in mice by graffi virus., donati L. Fiore and bianchi L. Chieco

Immunized parental thymus cells., donati L. Fiore, bianchi L. Chieco, G D. Benedictis, D G. Tridente, and V. Pre

Kinetics of changes, in thymus and other lymphopoietic organs of adult mice, induced by single doses of urethan., donati L. Fiore and A M. Kaye

The chromosomes of tumors induced in mice by human adenovirus, type 12., A Fjelde, J J. Trentin, and E Bryan

Effect of carcinogens in young mice., A Flaks

Glycolysis by sarcoma 180 of mice treated with 6-mercaptopurine. II. Conditions determining the formation of pyruvate from 3-phosphogly- cerate., P J. Fodor and H C. Reilly

Interaction of urethan and fractionated or regional x-radiation in mice, lung tumor and leukemia incidence., W A. Foley and L J. Cole

X-ray inhibition of urethan lung tumorigenesis in mice, direct effect. Abstr., W A. Foley and L J. Cole

Uber die wirkung anaboler steroide auf den glycineinbau in maligne tumoren und wirtsgewebe., E Folsch, J Drews, and H Grunze

A reciprocal translocation in the mouse between the x chromosome and a short autosome., C E. Ford and E P. Evans

Electrophoresis of spleen cells in friend virus (fv) disease., J A. Forrester and M H. Salaman

Early radiation effects on the diffusion of molecules in the animal body., A Forssberg, G Sundius, B Tribukait, and C Nyman

Observations on the penetrance of green's luxoid gene. Abstr., P F. Forsthoefel

Suppression of tissue immunity by cyclophosphamide., M Fox