
Submissions from 1964

Irreversible cellular changes in old mice., L M. Franks and F C. Chesterman

Teratogenesis of the central nervous system. In h. A. Stevens and r. Heber (ed.) Mental retardation. Univ. Chicago, F C. Fraser

Metabolism of serum glycoproteins in the x-irradiated mouse with im- planted rat bone-marrow., W Friedberg, D N. Faulkner, J K. Abbott, and M H. Friedberg

Dissociation of androgen-induced enzyme synthesis and amino acid in- corporation in mouse kidney by actinomycin d., E H. Frieden, A A. Harper, F Chin, and W H. Fishman

Influence of reduced glutathione on oxygen consumption., G H. Fried, J Kalberer, S Kooperstein, and W Antopol

Distribution of antibody plaque forming cells in various tissues of several strains of mice injected with sheep erythrocytes., H Friedman

Inhibition of antibody plaque formation by sensitized lymphoid cells, rapid indicator of transplantation immunity., H Friedman

Polyoma virus strains of differing oncogenicity, transplantation immunity in mice., R M. Friedman and A S. Rabson

The erythropoietic effect of androgens. Abstr., W Fried, R D. Gowin, R Forde, and C W. Gurney

Spontaneous autoimmunity in mice, antibodies to nucleoprotein in strain a/j., G J. Friou and P O. Teague

Morphologische und histochemische verlaufsbeobachtungen einer trans- plantablen mauseleukamie (laj1)., S Fritsch

Verlaufsbeobachtungen zur pathogenese einer spontanen transplantablen mauseleukamie (laj i)., S Fritsch and H Heinecke

Effect of a diet containing sodium deoxycholate on the intestinal mucosa of the mouse., R J. Fry and E Staffeldt

Studies on experimental leukemia in mice. II. Preservation and re- sistance of c58 mouse leukemic cells. (jap., H Fujiwara

Measurement of alcohol preference in genetic experiments., J L. Fuller

Physiological and population aspects of behavior genetics., J L. Fuller

Effetto del triparanolo sul contenuto in desmosterolo di alcuni tumori cerebrali sperimentali., R Fumagalli, paoletti E. Grossi, and P Paoletti

Distribution of cesium 137 after chronic exposure in dogs and mice., J E. Furchner, G A. Trafton, and C R. Richmond

Genetic control of thyroid activity in phh and phl mice. Abstr., N C. Gagliardi, P A. Kitos, and J A. Weir

The agouti pigment pattern of the mouse, a quantatitive and experi- mental study., D B. Galbraith

Cortisone and its derivative, hydrocortisone 21-phosphate, dimishes the genetic resistance of c3h mice to mouse hepatitis virus (mhv). Abstr., R Gallily and F B. Bang

Effect of cortisone on genetic resistance to mouse hepatitis virus in vivo and in vitro., R Gallily, A Warwick, and F B. Bang

The relation of thymic chimerism to actively acquired tolerance., M Galton, P B. Reed, and S F. Holt

Reduction in radiation lethality by chemical mixture and bone marrow in mice., J A. Gantz and R I. Wang

Inhibition of tumour growth in irradiated mice by sensitized homolo- gous spleen cells., P Gardner, C A. Trench, C A. Green, and T Bird

Host-tumor relationships in testicular interstitial cell tumors., W U. Gardner

The replication of moloney leukemia virus by a transplantable cell line. Abstr., A L. Garretson and S A. Mayyasi

Carcinogenic dose-response curve to oral diethylstilbestrol., G H. Gass, D Coats, and N Graham

Effect of parenteral heterologous albumin on transplanted tumors in mice., J Gazet and B M. Kibbin

Failure of actinomycin d to inhibit antitoxin production to a chal- lenging injection of antigen., B D. Geller and R S. Speirs

Effects of nucleic acid inhibitors on immune functions of the reti- culoendothelial system. Abstr., B Geller and R S. Speirs

The antileukemia activity of tylocrebrine., E Gellert and R Rudzats

The effect of a phthalanilide derivative on lipide metabolism in l1210 leukemia cells., A Gellhorn, M Wagner, M Rechler, Z Koren, and W Benjamin

(study By means of analytical immunoelectrophoresis of the simplifica- tion in the antigenic structure of mouse liver which occurs during the early stages of carcinogenesis.) (eng. Summ.), V I. Gel'shtein and T A. Yagorskaya

Heterotransplantation of human antibody-forming cells in diffusion chambers., N Gengozian

Transplantation of rat bone marrow in irradiated mice, effect of ex- posure rate., N Gengozian

Allotypic specificities in four strains of inbred mice as revealed by reciprocal immunizations., N Gengozian and G Doria

Oncolysis by clostridia. II. Experiments on a tumor spectrum with a variety of clostridia in combination with heavy metal., D Gericke and K Engelbart

Der einfluss von p-aminosalicylat bei der nucleinsaureisolierung auf das lactatdehydrogenase aktivierende virus des mausetumors sarkom i., A Gerogii, P Goldbrunner, and D Brdiczka

Infection experimentale de la souris adulte par ingestion de virus coxsackie, cheminement du virus au cours des phases pre- et post- viremiques., P Gevaudan and J Charrel

Cytological investigations on the t-locus in mus musculus l., duszynska I. Geyer

Work and power capacity of normal mice and those suffering from mus- cular dystrophy, measured during stationary swimming., G O. Gey and D W. Kennard

The interaction between carcinomas and lymphatic tissue., T Ghose

Relation between moloney virus and friend virus (fv)., A V. Gillespie

Transplantation of msv-induced sarcomata., A V. Gillespie and F C. Chesterman

Equivalence of x-irradiation in vivo and in vitro on mouse oocyte sur- vival., L E. Glass and T R. Clure

Survival of mouse eggs after in vivo and in vitro x-irradiation. Abstr., L E. Glass and T R. Clure

Antigenic specificity of benzo(a)pyrene-induced sarcomas., A Globerson and M Feldman

Role of the thymus in restoration of immune reactivity and lymphoid regeneration in irradiated mice., A Globerson and M Feldman

Studies on induced resistance against isotransplants of virus-induced leukemia., J P. Glynn, A R. Bianco, and A Goldin

Variations in drug susceptibility among moloney virus-induced trans- plantable leukemias., J P. Glynn, A R. Bianco, and A Goldin

Comparative histochemical studies of human muscular dystrophy and murine dystrophia muscularis., M N. Golarz

Biology of large established tumours regressing with nitrogen mustard treatment. (a) The mouse plasma cell tumour., R J. Goldacre and M E. Whisson

Experimental chemotherapy studies. Iii. Properties of dna from ascites cells treated in vivo with nitrogen mustard., R H. Golder, guzman G. Martin, J Jones, N O. Stein, A Rotenberg, and R J. Rutman

Effect of proteolysis by papain on metastasisability of tumor cells from their primary growth into blood and organs of the mouse. Abstr., H Goldie, M Walker, R Flow, and C Walker

Chemotherapy studies with virus-induced leukemia in mice., A Goldin, J P. Gylnn, J B. Moloney, S R. Humphreys, and M A. Chirigos

Pregnancy induced hemagglutinins to paternal h-2 antigens in multi- parous mice., R C. Goodlin and L A. Herzenberg

Irradiation of donor bone marrow, effects on survival and on chromo- somal aberrations in the marrow of recipient mice., J W. Goodman and M A. Bender

Circulatory changes in osteolytic and osteoblastic reactions, an experimental study utilizing two malignant mouse tumors., L W. Gorham and W T. West

Etude de diverses tumeurs spontanees observees chez des souris de souche xlii., C Gosse, R P. Dechambre, marchant R. Gerard, and F Lacour

Eosinophil leucocyte reaction to tricycloquinazoline-treated cells and to this chemical., P K. Goswami

Local subcutaneous eosinophil leucocytic reaction to the inoculation of isolated normal or tumour cells in mice., P K. Goswami

Effects of surgical trauma and other environmental stressors on tumor growth and wound healing., B Gottfried and N Molomut

Lifespans of mice as affected by continuing irradiation from cobalt- -60 accumulated ancestrally and under direct irradiation., J W. Gowen and J Stadler

Influence of sex, environment, and radiation factors on life shorten- ing and tumor incidence in c3hf mice. Abstr., D Grahn and K F. Hamilton

The measurement of residual acute injury from single exposures by survival following daily irradiation., D Grahn and G A. Sacher

Distribution properties of sex ratio in mice and the frequency of sex-linked mutations. Abstr., D Grahn, F A. Verley, K F. Hamilton, and W P. Leslie

Occurrence of giant cells in mouse salivary gland cultures., N G. Grand

Homograft target cells, specific destruction in vitro by contact interaction with immune macrophages., G A. Granger and R S. Weiser

Effect of thymectomy on the induction of tumours by chemical agents., G A. Grant, J F. Miller, and F J. Roe

Isolement de mycobacteries par inoculation a la souris de produits pathologiques., C Grebus and A Cremieux

Fitness of populations of irradiated mice, plan of experiments., E L. Green

Reproductive fitness of irradiated populations of mice., E L. Green

Persistence of populations of mice exposed to substerilizing doses spermatogonial x-irradiation., E L. Green and E P. Les

Embryonic mortality in mouse populations after eleven generations of spermatogonial irradiation., E L. Green, T H. Roderick, and G Schlager

The regeneration of f1 host cell spleen and thymus at ectopic sites in f1 animals induced by implantation of parental spleen and thymus., I Green

The occurrence of chromosomal aberrations in pre-spermatocytic cells of irradiated male mice. II. Cytological studies of sterile and semi- -sterile f1 individuals. In w. D. Carlson, (ed.), Proc. Internat. Symp. On effects of ionizing, A B. Griffen

Three cases of trisomy in the mouse., A B. Griffen and M C. Bunker

The acceptance and evolution of dermal homografts freed of viable cells., H C. Grillo and C F. Khann

The occurrence of insulin in the pancreas of foetuses of some rodents., T A. Grillo

(on Hematological characteristics of strain cc-57 laboratory mice.) (russ. Text), A N. Grinchenko and A S. Zverkova

Attempt at classification of mouse leukemia viruses, mouse leukemia virus type a and the friend virus., L Gross

Attempt to classify viruses causing leukemia in mice. Abstr., L Gross

Electron-microscopic study of the mouse leukemia virus (gross), and of tissues from mice with virus-induced leukemia., L Gross

How many different viruses causing leukemia in mice., L Gross

Quantitation of erythroid hypoplasia in mice following irradiation. Abstr., C W. Gurney, D Hofstra, E Simmons, and C Newton

Acceptance of allogeneic tumor and skin grafts in backcross progeny of a homograft-tolerance male., R D. Guttmann, G J. Vosika, and J B. Aust

Rejection of isogeneic murine skin grafts following exposure to allo- geneic ribonucleic acid., R Guttmann, E D. Kraus, and M F. Dolan

Apparent lack of relation between dilute locus and audiogenic seizures in crosses between dba/1j and c57bl/6j mice. Abstr., R Guttmann and I Lieblich

Development of the visual cortex in mice with inherited retinal dystrophy., L Gyllensten and J Lindberg

The effect of sex hormones on the histochemistry of mouse prostate organ cultures., F Gyorkey

Clearance of brucella melitensis from the tissues of neonatally thy- mectomized mice. Abstr., W K. Hadley and S S. Elberg

Transplantation antigens, extraction of a soluble fraction inducing transplantation immunity in the mouse. Abstr., severyns A. Haenen, G Lejeune, A Castermans, and F P. Pont

A method of inhalation anesthesia for laboratory mice., E O. Hagen and J M. Hagen

The induction of mammary cancer in male mice by isologous pituitary implants., E O. Hagen and H E. Rawlinson

Morphological distinction of type b virus particles in mammary tumors of strain a mice., M A. Hairstone, M J. Lyons, and D H. Moore

Study of b particles in the mammary tumors of different mouse strains., M A. Hairstone, J B. Sheffield, and D H. Moore

Artificial heterogenization of tumours by means of herpes simplex and polyoma viruses., V P. Hamburg and moldavsky G. Svet

Chemotherapy studies on primary tumor grafts and metastases in ham- sters and mice., A H. Handler, T G. Sarris, and C Wills

In vivo migration of colony-forming units from shielded bone marrow in the irradiated mouse., G E. Hanks