Sex differences in recombination of linked genes in animals.

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Hereditary Factors:, Life-History Effects:, Linkage:, Physiology:, Genes: a - Non-agouti, b - Brown, bt - Belted, c - Albino, Ca - Caracul, D, d - Dilute, D-Locus, f - Flexed tail, fi - Fidget, fr - Frizzy, Fu - Fused, Fz - Fuzzy, H-2 - Histocompatibility-2, Hbb - Hemoblobin-beta-chain=Hb*b, Hb*s, Hbd, Hk -, Hook, hl - Hair-loss, hr - Hairless, Ht - High-tail, ki - Kinky, Fu*ki, Lc - Lurcher, Ln - Leaden, Lp - Loop-tail, lu - Luxoid, m - Misty=mls, mg - Mahogany, mi - Microphthalmia, N - Naked, Os - Oligosyndactylism, p - Pink-eyed, dilution, pa - Pallid, pe - Pearl, pi - Pirouette, Pt - Pintail, py - Polydaetyly, Ra - Ragged, Re - Rex, Sd - Danforth's short tail, se - Short-ear, sh-1 - Shaker-1, sh-2 - Shaker-2, Sp - Splotch, T brachyury, T locus - Talleles, tf - tf, th -, Tilted head, ub, ti - Tipsy, Trf - Transferrin, un - Undulated, vt - Vestigial-tail, W*v - Viable dominant spotting, wa-1 - Waved-1, wa-2 - Waved-2, we - Wellhaarig, wi - Whirler, Xt - Extra-toes J, Unknown:

Original Citation

Genet Res 1967; 9:211-20.

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