Interpretation of the genetic structure of the h-2 locus of mice, based on a statistical analysis of its alleles.


I K. Egorov

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Hereditary Factors:, Physiology:, Serology:, Congenic Resistant Lines: C3H.K, B10.BY, A.BY, A.CA, AKR.ALB, AKR.K, AKR.M, C3H.NB, C3H.SW, B10.A, B10.BR, B10.D2/O, B10.M, B10.Y, D1.C, D1.LP, D1.ST, B10.L, B10.LP, A.SW, ST.T6, STRAIN 903-66, Strains: A(CAL-A) (A/J), AKR, AL(AL/N), BALB/C, BLPBR, C, CBA, CC57BR, CC57W, CE, CHI, C3H, C57, C57BL/KS, C57BL/6, C57BL/10, C57BR/A, C57BR/CD, C58, DBA/1 (12), DBA/2 (212), F, I, JK, L, L (P), LP, MA (MARSH), N, NBL, P, SIMPSON, RF (W), RFM, RIII (R3A), SJL, KSB, STOLI, SWR, WB, WC, WH, 101, 129, DSR, 4CS (CHECK IVCS-25387), AQR, HTO, BUB, ST/A (STA), YBL, YBR

Original Citation

Folia Biol rague) 1967; 13:169-80.

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