
Submissions from 1967

Effect of drinking schedule upon alcohol preference in mice., J L. Fuller

Effects of the albino gene upon behaviour of mice., J L. Fuller

Ethanol preference in hybrids between a low and a high preference strain of mice. Abstr., J L. Fuller and R L. Collins

Saccharin reverses the effect of food deprivation upon fluid intake in mice., J L. Fuller and C W. Cooper

Investigations of cell surface morphology. Abstr., W Galbraith

The role of macrophages in the induction of antibody in x-irradiated animals., R Gallily and M Feldman

Ontogeny of macrophage resistance to mouse hepatitis in vivo and in vitro., R Gallily, A Warwick, and F B. Bang

Effect of colchicine on res phagocytic activity., M Galton

Factors involved in the rejection of skin transplanted across a weak histocompatibility barrier. Gene dosage, sex of recipient, and nature of expression of histocompatibility genes., M Galton

Separate genes determining the structure and intracellular location of hepatic glucuronidase., R Ganschow and K Paigen

Biological and chemotherapeutic studies on primary mammary tumors in c3h and c3ho mice., J Gelzer and P Loustalot

Chrysenex in experimental advanced mammary cancer., J Gelzer and P Loustalot

On the specificity of the antitumor action 4,4'-diacetyl-diphenyl- -urea-bis-guanylhydrazone on rodent tumors. Abstr., J Gelzer and P Loustalot

Demonstration of an early host-graft incompatibility reaction in radiation chimeras with the jerne plaque technique., N Gengozian, C F. Gottlieb, and E M. Allen

Phosphatases in mammary tumours of c3h mice., J G. Georgatsos

Hydrolysis of deoxyribo-oligonucleotides bearing 3'-monoesterified phosphate by mouse mammary tumor exonuclease., J G. Georgatsos and S Ierokleous

Search for mycoplasma in germfree leukemic mice., J G. Gilbey and M Pollard

Homo- and hetero-exchange diffusion of amino acids in ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., E Gillespie

Comparative effects of steroids on skin maintained in organ culture. II. Estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone., R W. Gillette, D Goulian Jr., and H Conway

End-plate cholinesterase in dystrophic muscle., G H. Glaser and M R. Seashore

Studies on experimental diabetes in the wellesley hybrid mouse. Iii. Dietary effects and similar changes in a commercial swiss-hauschka strain., R E. Gleason, V Lauris, and J S. Soeldner

Quantitative studies concerning the uptake of mouse thymus dna by l1210 leukemia cells., J L. Glick

The specificity of inhibition of l1210 tumor growth by mouse thymus deoxyribonucleic acid., J L. Glick

The specificity of inhibition of tumor cell viability by dna., J L. Glick

Inhibition of tumor cell viability by dna., J L. Glick and A P. Salim

Mechanism of dna inhibition of l1210 cell viability. Abstr., J Glick and C Sahler

Reactivation in vitro of immunocompetence in irradiated mouse spleen., A Globerson and R Auerbach

Possible extracellular and intracellular bactericidal actions of mouse complement., A A. Glynn and F A. Medhurst

Pregnancy block in inbred mice and in the f1 crosses., B Godowicz

Pregnancy block 'the bruce effect' in inbred mice and in the f1 hybrids., B Godowicz

Effects of radioprotective chemicals on the histopathologic changes of oral radiation death in mice., R A. Goepp and F W. Fitch

The use of parenteral chemicals for protection against oral radiation death in mice., R A. Goepp, F W. Fitch, and J Doull

Physiology of tumour and normal cell membranes. Abstr, R J. Goldacre

Virus-like particles in murine leukaemia l5178y., G J. Goldenberg and C E. Thomas

Radiation studies on mice of an inbred tumor resistant strain. V. Possible evidence for activation of the mammary tumor virus (mvt) by urethane as observed by electron microscopy., A Goldfeder and A K. Ghosh

Virus-like particles in tumors induced by urethane in naturally tumor-resistant mice. Abstr., A Goldfeder and A K. Ghosh

Radiosensitivity and biological properties of tumors. Xii. Resistance of oxidative metabolism to x-irradiation. Abstr., A Goldfeder and J Selig

Radiosensitivity and biological properties of tumours. XI. The effects of x-irradiation on intracellular distribution of catalase., A Goldfeder, J N. Selig, and L A. Miller

Transport of methotrexate in murine leukemia cells in vitro. Enhanced uptake with metabolic inhibitors. Abstr., D Goldman and V T. Oliverio

Studies on the induction of immunologic unresponsiveness. II. Kinetics., E S. Golub and W O. Weigle

Studies on the kinetics of induction of immunologic unresponsiveness in adult mice. Abstr., E S. Golub and W O. Weigle

Attempts to immunize F1 hybrid mice against their parents., J W Goodman and G C Bosma

Behavioral characteristics of young and senescent inbred female mice of the c57bl/6j strain., C L. Goodrick

Learning and retention of a light contingent bar press response for three inbred strains of mice., C L. Goodrick

Studies on the murine plasma-cell neoplasm, x5563. II. Accelerated immunologic reactivity to transplanted tumor induced in c3h mice by transferred immune rabbit cells., B L. Gordon and J Fong

Purification without loss of viability of neoplastic plasma-cells from the ascites passaged mouse myeloma, x5563., B L. Gordon, J Fong, and B W. Papermaster

Intracellular hydrogen transport in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., E E. Gordon, L Ernster, and G Dallner

Inhibition of multiplication of foot and mouth disease virus in adult mice pretreated with freund's complete adjuvant., D S. Gorhe

Binding of tritium-labeled polycyclic hydrocarbons to dna of mouse skin., L M. Goshman and C Heidelberger

Genetic characteristics influencing vaccine-conferred immunity., J W. Gowen and J Stadler

Life in environs of continuing higher levels of added radiant energy from puberty to death as expressed by mice., J W. Gowen and J Stadler

Specificity of vaccine-conferred resistance to salmonella typhimurium in mice., J W. Gowen and J Stadler

Mechanism of induced epidermization in the mouse uterine cervix., C E. Graham

Chemical carcinogenesis in gnotobiotic animals. Abstr., G A. Grant and F J. Roe

Strates of ehrlich ascites cells and of normal mouse tissues., D R. Grassetti, J T. Of 2, O. Thiols, and O. Sub

Mechanism of antibody synthesis. Size differences between mouse kappa chains., W R. Gray, W J. Dreyer, and L Hood

Dna-rna hybridization studies of myeloma tumors in mice., L J. Greenberg and J W. Uhr

Dna-rna hybridization studies on myeloma tumors. Abstr., L J. Greenberg and J W. Uhr

The induction of lymphomas in hamsters by heterologous tumor trans- plants., H S. Greene and E K. Harvey

Shambling, a neurological mutant of the mouse., E L. Green

A defect of the splanchnic mesoderm caused by the mutant gene dominant hemimelia in the mouse., M C. Green

Linkage group ii of the house mouse., M C. Green and P W. Lane

Comparison of the adrenal cortical responses to the stressing effects of crowding, and life in a complex environment in cba mice. Abstr., S Green and K Dieffenbach

Relationship of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase activity to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide content and rate of proliferation of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., S Green and A Dobrjansky

Cellular kinetics of the immune response. Abstr., C J. Gregory

Preparations on development of friend leukemia in mice., I Gresser, J Coppey, and E Falcoff

A case of tertiary trisomy in the mouse, and its implications for the cytological classification of trisomics in other mammals., A B. Griffen

Four further cases of autosomal primary trisomy in the mouse., A B. Griffen and M C. Bunker

The occurrence of chromosomal aberrations in pre-spermatocytic cells of irradiated male mice. Iii. Sterility and semisterility in the offspring of male mice irradiated in the pre-meiotic and post-meiotic stages of spermatogenesis., A B. Griffen and M C. Bunker

Relationship of uracil derivatives to the metabolism of arabinosyl cytosine (ara-c). Abstr., G B. Grindey, L D. Saslaw, and V S. Waravdekar

Res and inherited resistance to mouse typhoid. Abstr., D Groschel, C M. Pass, and B S. Rosenberg

Gene action in the mammalian x-chromosome., H Gruneberg

Le probleme des corps d'inclusion dans les tumeurs. I. Chez l'animal., M Guerin

Uptake and utilization of 2-phosphoenolpyruvate (pep) by malignant cells., M Guminska and J Kieler

On the presence of gamma and beta 1c globulins in renal glomeruli of aging and neonatally x-irradiated mice., P H. Guttman, K D. Wuepper, and H H. Fudenberg

Visual and non-visual factors in the centripetal stimulation of post- natal growth of the visual centers in mice., L Gyllensten, T Malmfors, and grettve M. Norrlin

Higher sex centres in newborn male mice., E O. Hagen

Ovarian implantation in newborn male mice., E O. Hagen

Ovarian implantation in newborn male mice. Abstr., O Hagen

Malate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in the pancreatic islets of obese- -hyperglycemic mice., U Haglund and I Taljedal

In-vitro growth of pieces of brain from scrapie-infected mice., D A. Haig and I H. Pattison

Biophysical and bioassay studies on milk fractions of genetically similar agent-bearing and agent-free mouse substrains., W T. Hall and W F. Feller

Differences in teratogenic response and in capacity to repair in embryos of two inbred strains of mice., M Hamburgh and V Callahan

Characteristics of an acceleration response in mice., P B. Hamilton, R G. Boegli, and C J. Gerber

The effects of nitrogen mustard on the intestinal epithelium of the mouse., J C. Hampton

Utilization of l-methionine and s-adenosyl-l-methionine for methyla- tion of soluble rna by mouse liver and hepatoma extracts., R L. Hancock

Srna methylase activity of embryonic liver., R L. Hancock, P Mcfarland, and R R. Fox

Colony-forming unit repopulation and split-dose radiosensitivity in endotoxin treated and control laf1 mice. Abstr., G E. Hanks and E J. Ainsworth

Repopulation of colony-forming units in mice., G E. Hanks and E J. Ainsworth

Systemic tuberculin sensitivity in mice. I. Factors contributing to active tuberculin shock., S Han and R S. Weiser

Systemic tuberculin sensitivity in mice. II. Hypothermia as an indicator of tuberculin shock in actively and passively sensitized mice., S Han and R S. Weiser

Systemic tuberculin sensitivity in mice. Iii. The effects of adrenalectomy and treatment with antianaphylactic agents., S Han and R S. Weiser

Changes in the cellular composition of bone marrow in mice irradiated with different x-ray doses., J Haot, G Haughton, and L Revesz

Une nouvelle methode d'etude de la moelle hematopoietique basee sur la determination des volumes cellulaires., J Haot, L Revesz, and G Haughton

A leukemogenic filtrable agent from chemically-induced lymphoid leukemia in c57bl mice., ghera N. Haran

The mechanism of radiation action in leukaemogenesis. The role of radiation in leukaemia development., ghera N. Haran

Studies on leukemia development in sjl mice. Abstr., ghera N. Haran and M Kotler

Studies on leukemia development in the sjl/j strain of mice., ghera N. Haran, M Kotler, and A Meshorer

The mechanism of radiation action in leukaemogenesis. Isolation of a leukaemogenic filtrable agent from tissues of irradiated and normal c57bl mice., ghera N. Haran and A Peled

Pathological effects of subcutaneous injections of asbestos into mice. Abstr., J S. Harington and F J. Roe