Faculty Research 1990 - 1999

T-cell responses to myelin basic protein in normal and MBP-deficient mice.

Document Type


Publication Date



Animal, Brain: im, pa, Cells-Cultured, Cytokines: me, Encephalomyelitis-Allergic: im, pa, Female, Guinea-Pigs, Interferon-Type-II: me, Interleukin-2: me, Interleukin-4: me, Lymphocyte-Transformation: de, im, Male, Mice, Mice-Inbred-BALB-C, Mice-Inbred-C3H, Mice-Neurologic-Mutants: im, Molecular-Sequence-Data, Myelin-Basic-Proteins: ge, im, Peptide-Fragments: im, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, T-Lymphocytes: im, cy, me

First Page


Last Page


JAX Source

J Neuroimmunol 1998 Apr 15;84(2):131-8




BALB/c mice are resistant to the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) after immunization with myelin basic protein (MBP). Previous studies of BALB/c mice suggest that MBP-specific T-cells can eventually be cloned from these mice, although they are either initially present in very low frequencies or are functionally anergic. To determine what role endogenous MBP expression plays in shaping the BALB/c T-cell repertoire, MBP-deficient BALB/c mice were constructed by breeding the shiverer (shi/shi) mutation onto the BALB/c background. These mice lack all conventional isoforms of MBP due to a deletion of MBP exons 3-7. Studies of the MBP-directed response of these mice suggest that endogenous MBP expression is directly responsible for EAE resistance in BALB/c mice, by quantitatively affecting expression of the T-cell repertoire. In contrast to wild-type BALB/c T-cells, uncloned T-cells from BALB/c shi/shi mice immunized with MBP proliferate in vitro to MBP and MBP peptides 59-76 and 89-101 and are able to induce severe EAE upon transfer to BALB/c recipients expressing MBP.

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