An analysis of single-gene effects on avoidance, maze, wheel running, and exploratory behavior in the mouse.

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Behavior:, Hereditary Factors:, Physiology:, Genes: a*td - Tanoid, A*i - Intermediate agouti, A*w-J - White-bellied agouti-J, A*y - Yellow, A*vy - Viable yellow, A*iy - Intermediate yellow, b*J - Brown-J, bf - Buff, bg*J - Beige-J, Blo - Blotchy, Mo*blo, Blotchy, c*J - Albino-J, Ca*J -, Caracul-J, d*s - Slight dilution, ep - Pale ears, hz - Haze, js - Jackson shaker, jw, lt - Lustrous, ma - Matted, mb, Mi*wh - White, mh - Mocha, ob - Obese, pa - Pallid, pe - Pearl, qk - Quaking, ru - Ruby-eye, Mo*to, To - Tortoiseshell, uw -, Underwhite, W - Dominant spotting, W*v - Viable dominant spotting, Strains: C57BL/6, Unknown:

Original Citation

Behavioral Biol 1973; 8:771-83.

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