The reversible expression of an adult isozyme locus, gdc-1, in tumors of the mouse.
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Biochemistry, Metabolism:, Hereditary Factors:, Neoplasm:, Physiology:, Tissue Culture:, Types of Tumors:, Transplantable Tumors: C1300, SAR-180, SAR-37, 15091A, P1534, 6C3HED (GARDNER), SAR-1 (SAI), BW 7756, BW 5147 ,L 5147, SAD2, CAD1, BW 10139, OTT (ALL) 6050, T 1703, T 1699, EM 11593 (ALL), SV-75346, Genes: Gdc-1 - NAD alpha-glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase, Strains: A(CAL-A) (A/J), AKR, CE, C3H/HE, C57BL/6, C57L, DBA/1 (12), DBA/2 (212)
Original Citation
Cancer Res 1976; 36:3711-7.