Faculty Research 1980 - 1989

Mechanism of induction of mouse kidney alcohol dehydrogenase by androgen. Androgen-induced stimulation of transcription of the Adh-1 gene.

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Animal, Comparative-Study, Enzyme-Induction, Female, Gene-Expression-Regulation: de, Genes-Structural: de, Hypophysectomy, Kidney: de, en, Kinetics, Mice, Mice-Inbred-Strains, Mutation, Organ-Specificity, Reference-Values, RNA-Messenger: de, ge, Species-Specificity, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, Testosterone, Transcription-Genetic: de

First Page


Last Page



AA05512, AA06608, GM31656


The three alcohol dehydrogenase genes in the mouse are subject to developmental, hormonal, and genetic control as revealed by variation in expression among inbred strains. The primary purpose of this study was to determine the mechanism by which androgen regulates the expression of the Adh-1 gene in kidney. In addition, the fold-induction in several inbred strains was examined in a search for possible genetic variation in the induction process, and Adh-1 expression in several tissues was studied. Testosterone treatment of female mice results in a 10-12-fold increase in alcohol dehydrogenase activity and a corresponding increase in the rate of enzyme synthesis accounts for this induction. The induction of Adh-1 mRNA after androgen treatment is sufficient to account for the induction in enzyme synthesis. An increase in Adh-1 transcription accounts for a substantial part of the increase in Adh-1 mRNA level following androgen simulation. This conclusion was reached using nuclear "run-on: assays, in vivo labeling, and a kinetic analysis of Adh-1 mRNA accumulation and loss in response to hormone. This induction requires androgen receptor. The fold induction by androgen of Adh-1 mRNA is similar in eight inbred mouse strains. There is almost a 100-fold variation in Adh-1 mRNA concentrations among various mouse tissues. Tissues with lowest level of expression are brain and heart, while liver and adrenals have the highest content of Adh-1 mRNA.

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