Faculty Research 1980 - 1989
The murine retinoblastoma homolog maps to chromosome 14 near Es-10.
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Carboxylic-Ester-Hydrolases: ge, Chromosome-Mapping, Crosses-Genetic, Disease-Models-Animal, DNA-Probes, Evolution, Female, Genetic-Markers, Hamsters, Human, Hybrid-Cells, Linkage-(Genetics), Male, Mice, Mice-Inbred-C57BL, Muridae: ge, Restriction-Fragment-Length-Polymorphisms, Retinoblastoma: ge, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S
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Genomics 1989 Jul;5(1):70-5
CA44900, GM39414
Restriction fragment length variants have been exploited to map genetically Rb-1, the murine homolog of the human retinoblastoma gene. Rb-1 localized to mouse chromosome 14 on the basis of results from analysis of somatic cell hybrids. In an interspecific backcross involving Mus spretus, Rb-1 and the murine homolog of the human esterase D gene (ESD), which we refer to here as Esd, were inseparable. Furthermore, the strain distribution patterns of Rb-1 and Es-10 are the same in 31 of 32 recombinant inbred strains. Close linkage of the chromosome 14 morphological marker hairless (hr) to Rb-1 is also implied. These results localize Rb-1 on the mouse linkage map and provide close genetic markers to follow Rb-1 in somatic as well as in germline genetic experiments. Additionally, the results suggest that Es-10 is the murine homolog of ESD and provide further evidence for linkage conservation during mammalian evolution.
Recommended Citation
Stone JC,
Crosby JL,
Kozak CA,
Schievella AR,
Bernards R,
Nadeau JH.
The murine retinoblastoma homolog maps to chromosome 14 near Es-10. Genomics 1989 Jul;5(1):70-5