Faculty Research 1980 - 1989

Synthesis and secretion of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor by established human liver cell lines.

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Cell-Line, Culture-Media, Hepatoma: me, Human, Immunodiffusion, Immunoelectrophoresis-Two-Dimensional, Kinetics, Liver-Neoplasms: me, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S

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JAX Source

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1982 Sep;79(18):5684-7


HL01661, CA18470, CA25875


The site of synthesis of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2-PI), a physiologic inhibitor of plasmin, is not known with certainty. We have studied the production and secretion of alpha 2-PI by three established human liver cell lines derived from hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatoblastoma (Hep G2, Hep 3B, and PLC/PRF/5). As measured by a specific radioimmunoassay, the titer of alpha 2-PI increased in the medium of Hep G2 and Hep 3B cells with time, but no significant amount of alpha 2-PI was found in the medium of PLC/PRF/5. There was no evidence for a significant intracellular pool of this protein. On immunodiffusion against anti-alpha 2-PI serum, alpha 2-PI secreted by Hep G2 (G2 alpha 2-PI) formed a simple precipitin line of complete identity with the alpha 2-PI present in plasma (plasma alpha 2-PI). G2 alpha 2-PI behaved similarly to plasma alpha 2-PI in Sephadex G-150 gel filtration, sucrose density-gradient centrifugation, and crossed immunoelectrophoresis. G2 alpha 2-PI inhibited plasmin activity instantaneously in a functional assay and formed a complex with plasmin demonstrable by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. De novo synthesis of alpha 2-PI was shown by the presence of specific immunoprecipitable radioactivity in the medium after 5 hr of labeling of the cells with [35S]methionine. Analysis of the immunoprecipitates by NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed a single peak of radioactivity corresponding to Mr 68,000. These results indicate that the liver is a site of alpha 2-PI production.

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