Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
The LabFlow system for workflow management in large scale biology research laboratories.
Document Type
Publication Date
Clinical-Laboratory-Information-Systems, Computer-Simulation, Database-Management-Systems, Expressed-Sequence-Tags, Research, Sequence-Analysis-DNA, Software, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, Work
First Page
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JAX Source
Ismb 1998;6:69-77
LabFlow is a workflow management system designed for large scale biology research laboratories. It provides a workflow model in which objects flow from task to task under programmatic control. The model supports parallelism, meaning that an object can flow down several paths simultaneously, and sub-workflows which can be invoked subroutine-style from a task. The system allocates tasks to Unix processes to achieve requisite levels of multiprocessing. The system uses the LabBase data management system to store workflow-state and laboratory results. LabFlow provides a Per15 object-oriented framework for defining workflows, and an engine for executing these. The software is freely available.
Recommended Citation
Goodman N,
Rozen S,
Stein LD.
The LabFlow system for workflow management in large scale biology research laboratories. Ismb 1998;6:69-77