Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
The molecular biology of polycystic kidney disease.
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Mice, Polycystic-Kidney-Diseases, Polycystic-Kidney-Autosomal-Dominant, Polycystic-Kidney-Autosomal-Recessive, Proteins, Receptor-Epidermal-Growth-Factor, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S
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JAX Source
Pediatr-Nephrol 1998 Nov; 12(9):721-6.
In recent years there have been a number of developments in polycystic kidney disease (PKD) research. The genes associated with the predominant forms of autosomal dominant PKD have been cloned, and the gene associated with a mouse model for autosomal recessive PKD has been identified and characterized. Other studies have yielded new information regarding the role of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene in promoting renal cyst formation. In this review article we summarize recent published data on the molecular genetics of autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive PKD and provide a working model of how multiple genes participate in the PKD disease pathway.
Recommended Citation
Murcia NS,
Woychik RP,
Avner ED.
The molecular biology of polycystic kidney disease. Pediatr-Nephrol 1998 Nov; 12(9):721-6.