Faculty Research 1990 - 1999

Chromosomal location and isoform analysis of mouse Fc epsilon RII/CD23.

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Blotting-Southern, Chromosome-Mapping, Crosses-Genetic, DNA: an, Mice: ge, im, Receptors-IgE: ge, RNA-Probes, RNA-Messenger: an, bi, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, Transcription-Genetic

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JAX Source

Mol Immunol 1993 Jan;30(1):27-33




The gene for the mouse low affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RII, also known as CD23) was mapped on Chromosome (Chr) 8 proximal to Plat. This gene, symbolized Fcer2 (formerly Fce2) resides in a region of Chr 8 with linkage homology with human chromosomes 8 and 19. The mouse Fc epsilon RII was examined for the presence of alternate N-terminal forms such as seen in humans. An antisense RNA probe was prepared from the 5' end of the cDNA through the first 660 bp of the cDNA and was used to analyze message from Fc epsilon RII+ B cells and B cell hybridomas both before and after treatment with interleukin 4 (IL-4). Using RNase protection analysis, a major 640 bp band corresponding to the full length probe was seen, even after activation of the cells with LPS in the presence of IL-4, which is known to give high expression levels of the Fc epsilon RII. This result suggests that the mouse does not produce significant levels of an alternate IL-4 inducible Fc epsilon RII, as seen in man, and this may explain the more restricted cell lineage expression of the Fc epsilon RII in the mouse.

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