Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
Zinc finger protein gene complexes on mouse chromosomes 8 and 11.
Document Type
Publication Date
Chromosome-Mapping, Comparative-Study, Cricetulus: ge, Drosophila-Melanogaster: ge, Fetal-Development: ge, Genes-Homeo-Box, Genes-Regulator, Genes-Reiterated, Genes-Structural, Hamsters, Hybrid-Cells, Mice: ge, Mice-Inbred-BALB-C: ge, Muridae: ge, Sequence-Homology-Nucleic-Acid, Species-Specificity, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, Zinc-Fingers: ge
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JAX Source
Genomics 1990 Nov; 8(3):469-76.
HG00189, HL29305
Two murine homologs of the Drosophila Kr:uppel gene, a member of the gap class of developmental control genes that encode a protein with zinc fingers, were mapped to mouse chromosomes 8 and 11 by using somatic cell hybrids and an interspecific backcross. Surprisingly, both genes were closely linked to two previously mapped, Kr:uppel-related zinc finger protein genes, suggesting that they are part of gene complexes.
Recommended Citation
Nadeau JH,
Birkenmeier CS,
Chowdhury K,
Crosby JL,
Lalley PA.
Zinc finger protein gene complexes on mouse chromosomes 8 and 11. Genomics 1990 Nov; 8(3):469-76.