Impact of seafood and fruit consumption on bone mineral density.
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Anthropometry, Bone-Density, China, Densitometry-X-Ray, Diet, Female, Fruit, Humans, Male, Middle-Aged, Nutrition-Surveys, Osteoporosis, Postmenopause
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Maturitas 2007 Jan; 56(1):1-11.
OBJECTIVES: Over the past decade, dietary choices and nutrition have proven to be major modulators of bone mineral density (BMD) in men and women. We investigated environmental determinants, specifically dietary habits, of BMD by using multiple regression models in a rural Chinese population. METHODS: BMDs were measured at the hip and total body in 5848 men and 6207 women, aged 25-64. Dietary and supplemental intakes were assessed by a simple, one-page questionnaire tailored to collect nutritional information from large rural populations. Another questionnaire was used to collect information on the subjects' age, disease history, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity as well as women's menstrual status and reproductive history. Multiple regression models were used to assess the relationships among dietary variables and BMD, after adjusting for age, BMI (body mass index), weight, occupation, smoking status, and alcohol consumption. RESULTS: Increasing seafood consumption was significantly associated with greater BMD in women (p<0.001), especially those consuming more than 250 g per week of seafood. One thousand and three hundred and twenty-four men and 1479 women consumed
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Zalloua PA,
Hsu YH,
Terwedow H,
Zang T,
Wu D,
Tang G,
Li Z,
Hong X,
Azar ST,
Wang B,
Bouxsein ML,
Brain J,
Cummings SR,
Rosen CJ,
Xu X.
Impact of seafood and fruit consumption on bone mineral density. Maturitas 2007 Jan; 56(1):1-11.