Document Type

Response or Comment

Publication Date



Interview, Jackson Laboratory, History, Scientists, Transcript, Susan Mehrtens

JAX Location

The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine

JAX Source

The Jackson Laboratory Historical Archives


Susan Metrhens' Note:

Regarded by many of his peers at Jax as one of the most intuitive, prescient and creative scientists at the Lab, Bailey was a very reflective narrator. While he provides one anecdote of c.c. Little1s sartorial habits, this tape is largely devoid of anecdotal material, and is more a reminiscence by a scientist who was at Jax in the early '50's, who left and returned in 1967. I tried, through a variety of questions, to probe the synergy between Bailey and the Lab, the degree to which his prescience and creativity might be due to the freedom and rich genetic resource provided by Jax, but perhaps this was too nebulous or difficult a theme: Bailey never really addressed it, and, in fact, seemed surprised to learn how his colleagues regard him. As might be expected, given his colleagues' opinion of him as a pioneering maverick, Bailey gave unique answers to my standard questions about utopian changes to be made at Jax, and the legacy it will leave to the future. Where most others looked to things like an endowment as a way Jax could be changed for the better, Bailey would redo the physical plant to create more interaction betweeen the staff. His memories of Jax in the '50's--the small size, laissezfaire lack of bureaucracy, and "family" atmosphere--echo the attitudes of many of the "old timers." . Value this tape as a distinctly different set of views, by a thoughtful and reflective scientist.
