Submissions from 1965
Phase portraits of dystrophic and nondystrophic mouse muscle-fiber action potentials., T C. Evans and B A. Schottelius
The immunoglobulins of mice. 4. Serum immunoglobulin changes follow- ing birth., J L. Fahey and W F. Barth
Normal immunoglobulins and antibody response in neonatally thymectom- ized mice., J L. Fahey, W F. Barth, and L W. Law
Differences in the electrophoretic mobility of antibody from inbred strains of mice., J L. Fahey, W Barth, and Z Ovary
The immunoglobulins of mice. V. The metabolic (catabolic) properties of five immunoglobulins classes., J L. Fahey and S Sell
Fractionation in preoperative irradiation., B H. Feder, P B. Blair, and P Close
Tumour transplantation. A simple technique., B H. Feder and J L. Boutelle
Acatalasemic and hypocatalasemic mouse mutants. Abstr., R N. Feinstein
Microradiographic and histologic appearance of mouse mandibles after extraction of mandible incisors. Abstr., W J. Felts and J M. Grewe
Hypoxia induced alteration of the skin homograft reaction., R J. Ferguson and A Anthony
The usefulness of tissue culture cell lines in the development of ascites tumors from a transplantable squamous cell mouse carcinoma., M R. Fernandes and I Koprowska
Reduced incidence of regression of sarcoma 180 in vitamin b6 deficient mice thymectomized at birth. Abstr., J F. Ferrer and E Mihich
Erythroblasten-leukamie nach injektion von virus der myeloischen leukamie der maus., F Fey and A Graffi
Untersuchungen zur hamatologischen aufsplitterung der durch das virus der myeloischen leukamie der maus induzierten leukosen., F Fey and A Graffi
A 'self-limiting,' transmissible ascites in swiss mice induced by an unidentified agent. Abstr., A H. Fieldsteel, J Scholler, and A G. Fiscus
Immunodiffusion, detection of a murine leukemia virus (rauscher)., M A. Fink and C A. Cowles
Major urinary protein complex of normal mice. Origin., J S. Finlayson, R Asofsky, M Potter, and C C. Runner
A comparison of the amounts of mouse interferon obtained from differ- ent sources., N B. Finter
Induction of malignant lymphomas by urethane in adult mice bearing syngeneic thymus grafts., donati L. Fiore, bianchi L. Chieco, G Tridente, and L Mazzarella
Epidermal innervation in methylcholanthrene-painted skin., M J. Fitzgerald and S M. Lavelle
Induction of an immunolgical response in local lymph nodes by chemical carcinogens., A Fjelde and J L. Turk
The effect of 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene on young mice of low and high cancer strain., A Flaks
X-ray dose-dependent suppression of urethan lung tumorigenesis in mice. Abstr., W A. Foley and L J. Cole
Experimentally-induced neoplasms in the skin of mice. II. The influ- ence of age on tumor induction in rhino mice., P D. Forbes
Ultraviolet radiation-induced erythema and neoplasia in the skin of mice. Abstr., P D. Forbes and F Urbach
The effects of antibodies on cells. II. Changes in the electrophore- tic mobility of ascites tumour cells treated with antibodies and com- plement., J A. Forrester, D C. Dumonde, and E J. Ambrose
Alopecia in mice homozygous for strong's luxoid gene. Abstr., P F. Forsthoefel, M L. Fritts, and L J. Hatzenbeler
Simultaneous measure of general activity and exploratory behavior., D P. Foshee, C J. Vierck, G W. Meier, and C Federspiel
The comparative uptake of i125-labeled 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine and thymidine-h3 into tissue of mice bearing hepatoma-129., B W. Fox and W H. Prusoff
Intravenous pyelography technique in mice., M Fox and E Proca
Neuro-ontogeny of neuromuscular mutant mice., M W. Fox
Reflex-ontogeny and behavioural development of the mouse., M W. Fox
The visual cliff test for the study of visual depth perception in the mouse., M W. Fox
Teratogenic effects of thalidomide in rabbits, rats, hamsters, and mice., I D. Fratta, E B. Sigg, and K Maiorana
Pyrazine-2-carboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (pct), an iron eliminating agent with antitumor activity. Abstr., F A. French, A E. Lewis, A H. Sheena, and E J. Jr
Strain-dependent differences in mice injected with rabbit anti-mouse erythrocyte serum. Abstr., R Fresco, C L. Lee, and I Davidsohn
Effects of stress on alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. Abstr., G H. Fried, J Kalberer, and W Antopol
Necrosis liquefaction and absorption of c3h mammary tumors resulting from injection of extracts from tumor tissue. Abstr., F Friedman, L Burton, and A Rottino
Erythropoietic effect of plasma from mice receiving testosterone., W Fried and C W. Gurney
A new method for purifying a murine leukemia virus. Abstr., C Friend and E D. Harven
The fine structure of brunner's gland in the mouse., D S. Friend
The effect on the length of life in the ooffspring of x-irradiated male mice., H Frolen
Thrombi in the left atrium of the heart in mice., R J. Fry, K H. Hamilton, and H Lisco
Identification of ehrlich tumor cell agglutinogens in the cell mem- brane of embryonic erythroblast in mice by means of mixed-agglutina- tion reaction., M Furusawa, H Adachi, and S Asayama
Some antigen similarities between mouse erythrocytes and ehrlich ascites tumour cells., M Furusawa, M Kotani, H Takeuchi, and S Asayama
(cytological Analysis of the action of high energy protons. Compara- tive data on the effect of 660 million electron-volt protons and co60 gamma-rays on the testes.) (russ.), E S. Gaidova, V N. Ivanov, and S P. Yarmonenko
Factors affecting formation of incomplete vi antibody in mice., S Gaines, J A. Currie, and J G. Tully
Rhythm in mitosis and cytoplasmic solid concentration in landschutz ascites tumour cells., W Galbraith and E Mayhew
Effect of cerebral ablation on a circadian pituitary adrenocortico- tropic rhythm in c mice., J H. Galicich, F Halberg, L A. French, and F Ungar
Asynchronous replication of the mouse sex chromosomes., M Galton and S F. Holt
The role of soluble aggregates in the primary immune response of mice to serum protein antigens. Abstr., C N. Gamble
Hereditary absence of sebaceous glands in the mouse., A H. Gates and M Karasek
The influence of parenteral rna and dna on the growth of sarcoma 180 and ehrlich's ascites tumor in swiss mice., J Gazet and B M. Kibbin
Abnormal immune mechanism in allogeneic radiation chimeras., N Gengozian, B Rabette, and C C. Congdon
A deoxyribonuclease from mammary tumours of c3h mice preferentially hydrolysing heat-denatired dna., J G. Georgatsos and A Symeonidis
Die wirkung von lactat-dehydrogenase-erhohendem virus (riley-virus) bei mausen mit primaren und transplantierten carcinomen., A Georgii and L Thorn
Transfer of immune cytolysis by ribosomes to non-sensitized lymphoid cells and appearance of inhibition of ribosomal activity. Abstr., R M. Gerughty, W Rosenau, and H D. Moon
Abrogation of the eichwald-silmser phenomenon by the use of eaca., R W. Gillette, D Goulian, and H Conway
Cortisone acetate treatment of haemolytic anaemia in nzb mice., P J. Giltinan, M C. Holmes, and F M. Burnet
Relation of reticulocytosis to positive coombs tests in nzb and other mice., P J. Giltinan, L C. Norins, and M C. Holmes
Action synergique des rayons x et de la vincaleucoblastine sur une tumeur solide isologue de la souris c3h., V Girard, D Oth, J Robert, and C Burg
Histochemistry lxxviii. Ascorbic acid in normal mast cells and macro- phages and in neoplastic mast cells., D Glick and S Hosoda
Inhibition of l1210 tumor growth by thymus dna., J L. Glick and A R. Goldberg
A comparison of degenerative changes in the process of spermatogenesis in male mice differing in genotype., B Godowicz
Influences on the incidence of secondary disease in radiation chimeras, thymetomy and tolerance., J F. Goedbloed and O Vos
The capacity for skin rejection in mice thymectomized neonatally or in adult life., J F. Goedbloed and O Vos
Induction of copious interstitial by tumor implantation into the scalp pretreated with adjuvant agents., H Goldie, M Walker, R A. Haley, and M S. Kavic
Resistance of a/jax mouse embryos with spontaneous congenital cleft lip to the lethal effect of 6-amino-nicotinamide., M Goldstein, F C. Fraser, and K Roth
Effects of insecticides on reproduction in the laboratory mouse. I. Kepone., E E. Good, G W. Ware, and D F. Miller
Non-disjunction and maternal age in the mouse., R C. Goodlin
A search for parental antigens not expressed in f1 hybrid mice., J W. Goodman
Staphylococcal infection in the mouse. Iii. The effect of survival in infected animals on the mouse virulence of staphylococci., R H. Gorrill and E M. Neil
The behavior of the langerhans islets during the action of carcinogenic substances on the pancreas., T Gorski
Initial degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid after injection in mam- mals., C Gosse, J B. Pecq, P Defrance, and C Paoletti
Testing carcinogenicity of edible oils. Part 1. Peanut oil., S V. Gothoskar and K J. Ranadive
Induction of transplantation tolerance in adult animals., G Gowland
Studies of leukemic cell antigens., J T. Grace, R F. Buffett, E A. Mirand, and V C. Dunkel
The genetic effects of a sex-linked lethal gene on the fitness of carrier females. Abstr., D Grahn, F A. Verley, K F. Hamilton, and W P. Leslie
The pathogenesis of acute allogeneic disease in mice studied by para- biosis., G A. Granger, R S. Weiser, and B Holmes
Effect of neonatal thymectomy on the induction of sarcomata in c57bl mice., G A. Grant and J F. Miller
A comparison of the glycolipids found in different strains of ascites tumour cells in mice., G M. Gray
Use of laboratory animals for the analysis of genetic influences upon drug toxicity., E L. Green and H Meier
Natural mutation rates in the house mouse, plan of study and pre- liminary estimates., E L. Green, G Schlager, and M M. Dickie
A test for histocompatibility between sublines of the cba strain of mice., M C. Green and K A. Kaufer
Virus-like particles in ascites cells derived from benzpyrene-induced squamous cell carcinoma of the mouse cervix. Abstr., M H. Greider and D G. Scarpelli
Low molecular weight dextran and tumor growth. Abstr., W O. Griffen
Effects of freezing and thawing on enzymes of mouse liver, acid phos- phatase, glucose-6-phosphatase, uricase, and adenosine deaminase., C C. Griffin, V S. Waravdekar, P J. Goldblatt, and R E. Stowell
Development of a virus-resistant inbred mouse strain for the study of innate resistance to arbo b viruses., D Groschel and H Koprowski
Recent studies on the mouse leukemia virus., L Gross
Genes and genotypes affecting the teeth of the mouse., H Gruneberg
Congenital defects as indicators of lifelong abnormal processes., H Gruneberg, J M. Gray, and G M. Truslove