Close linkage between genes which cause hairlessness in the mouse.

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Linkage:, Organs:, Origin:, Genes: a - Non-agouti, b - Brown, bt - Belted, c*e - Extreme dilution, Ca - Caracul, f - Flexed tail, Fz - Fuzzy, H-9 - Histocompatibility-9, je - Jerker, Ln - Leaden, N - Naked, Os - Oligosyndactylism, p - Pink-eyed dilution, Ra - Ragged, Re -, Rex, ru - Ruby-eye, S - Piebald, se - Short-ear, Sha - Shaven, Sl - Steel, E*So - Sombre, So, T brachyury, T locus - Talleles, v - Waltzer, Va - Varitint-waddler, W*v - Viable dominant spotting, wa-2 - Waved-2,, Unknown:

Original Citation

Genet Res 1967; 9:99-110.

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