Submissions from 1967
Heterogeneity of a mouse myeloma protein. Abstr., B Parkhouse and E S. Lennox
Effect of friend virus on platelet levels and packed cell volumes. Abstr., I B. Parr and K E. Rowson
The persistence of donor-derived cells in thymus grafts, lymph nodes and spleens of recipient mice., D M. Parrott and M A. Desousa
Behavioural homeostasis in mice., P A. Parsons
Morphogenetic homeostasis in mice., P A. Parsons and W L. Howe
Die bedeutung des histokompatibilitats-systems fur die experimentelle krebsforschung., G Pasternak
Differentiation between viral and new cellular antigens in graffi leukaemia of mice., G Pasternak
Demonstration of graffi leukemia virus and virus-induced antigens in leukemic and nonleukemic tissue of mice., G Pasternak and L Pasternak
Histological changes in the pancreatic islets of alloxen-treated mice, with comments on beta-cell regeneration., G J. Patent and M Alfert
Synergism in the antitumor activities of 6-(methyl-mercapto)purine ribonucleoside(me6mpr) and 6-mercaptopurine(6mp). Abstr., A Paterson, M Wang, and A Simpson
Plasma cell tumours adj/pc5 and adj/pc6. Abstr., C H. Paul
Development of mouse ova in explanted oviducts. Fertilization, cultivation, and transplantation., A Pavlok
The macrophage in allograft rejection. Abstr., N N. Pearsall and R S. Weiser
Changes in the susceptibility of mice to intraperitoneally injected endotoxin during transplantation immunity., J Pekarek, V Haskova, and J Johanovsky
A comparison of the effects of a variety of factors on the metabolic rate of the mouse., P R. Pennycuik
The blood and marrow picture of the laboratory mouse., R H. Penny
Dihydrofolate reductase from a resistant subline of the l1210 lymphoma. Purification and properties., J P. Perkins, B L. Hillcoat, and J R. Bertino
Comparative osmotic analysis of red cells in murine leukemias. Abstr., K Perk and J Moloney
Further studies on the relationship of a rhabdomyosarcoma virus to muscle tissue., K Perk, J Moloney, and E Jenkins
Evidence for a subpopulation of cells with an extended g2 period in normal adult mouse liver., L D. Perry and F J. Swartz
Origin of follicle cells in the infant mouse ovary., H Peters and T Pedersen
An inquiry into the possible reutilization of follicular cell dna by the mouse oocyte., R D. Peterson, K Fichtelius, and S Liden
Studies of natural populations of mus. Iii. Coat color polymorphisms., M L. Petras
Serum esterases in the house mouse, mus musculus., M L. Petras and F G. Biddle
Murine myeloma cells in suspension culture., O S. Pettengill and G D. Sorenson
Growth of two human tumour cell lines in mice treated with anti- lymphocyte serum., B Phillips and J Gazet
Histogenesis of the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei in the mouse. An autoradiographic study., E T. Pierce
Teratocarcinoma. Model for a developmental concept of cancer., G B. Pierce
Antigens of epithelial basement membranes of mouse, rat, and man, a study utilizing enzyme-labeled antibody., G B. Pierce and P K. Nakane
Histogenesis of teratocarcinomas, an ultrastructural study, abstr., G B. Pierce, L C. Stevens, and P K. Nakane
Ultrastructural analysis of the early development of teratocarcinomas., G B. Pierce, L C. Stevens, and P K. Nakane
Relationship between thymus and hypophysis., W Pierpaoli and E Sorkin
Congenital eye defects in the mouse. I. Corneal opacity in c57black mice., L J. Pierro and J Spiggle
Early effects of radiation on dna biosynthesis. Abstr., O Pierucci
Enhanced muscle regeneration and increased strength in myopathic animals treated with ethylenedinitramine., P Pietsch and J Harrold
The incidence of mammary tumors in germ-free c3h mice., H I. Pilgrim and A D. Labrecque
Intracellular protein breakdown in the l1210 ascites leukemia., M J. Pine
Reaction of heterozygous swiss mice to implantation of c3h myeloma x5563., H Pinkerton and D Hagler
Hereditary defect in iron absorption in mice., P H. Pinkerton and R M. Bannerman
(thermal Effects of focused laser beam on transplanted harding-passey melanoma.) (russ.), L A. Piruzian, V A. Dement'ev, and G S. Savchenko
Seminal vesicle proteins of the house mouse. Inheritance of electro- phoretic variants. Abstr., R D. Platz and H G. Wolfe
Early maturation of immune responses in neonatal new zealand black (nzb) mice., J H. Playfair
Fractionation of splenic antibody-forming cells on glass bead columns., P H. Plotz and N Talal
Co-carcinogenicity of exogenous progesterone in c3hf female mice. Abstr., W E. Poel
The development of an effective method for control of epizootic diarrhea in infant mice., S M. Poiley
Preleukaemic syndrome in germ free akr mice., M Pollard
Ultracellular ph of the ehrlich ascites tumor cell as it is affected by sugars and sugar derivatives., D T. Poole
Collection of mouse urine or bile., R S. Pope
Lifespan and weight of inbred mice in triplet parabiosis., R S. Pope
A description of rho. A non-h-2 isoantigen in rfm mice., D M. Popp
A review of non-h-2 isoantigens in mice., D M. Popp
Growth of bone marrow in syngeneic, f1, and allogeneic recipients. Abstr., R A. Popp
Hemoglobins of mice. Sequence and possible ambiguity at one position of the alpha chain., R A. Popp
Linkage of es-1 and es-2 in the mouse., R A. Popp
Observations on the development of mouse blastocysts transferred to the testis and kidney., D G. Porter
Radiation depigmentation of mouse hair, recovery between split doses. Abstr., C S. Potten
Radiation depigmentation of mouse hair, the dose-response relation- ship for follicular melanocyte presursors. Abstr., C S. Potten
Radiation depigmentation of mouse hair, variation in sensitivity with genotype and hair growth cycle. Abstr., C S. Potten
Genetics of immunoglobulins in the mouse., M Potter and R Lieberman
Specific antigenicity of thymocytes., E F. Potworowski and R C. Nairn
Cytoplasmic inclusions in estrogen-induced testicular interstitial- -cell tumors in mice., schneider N. Pourreau
Cellular radiosensitivity and tumor curability., W E. Powers, L A. Palmer, and L J. Tolmach
Immunity of c3h mice to the asparaginase susceptible 6c3hed ascites lymphosarcoma. Abstr., M D. Prager and N Bachynsky
Immunity to the 6c3hed ascites tumor following treatment of tumor- -bearing mice with escherichia coli l-asparaginase., M D. Prager, J Roberts, and N Bachynsky
Tween 80 e difese immunitarie nei riguardi del cancro ascite di ehrlich., D C. Prati, F D. Roberto, and A Ingrami
Pyrimidine nucleoside requirements of a neoplastic c3h mouse cell strain., F M. Price, J Rotherham, and V J. Evans
4-ethylsulphonylnaphthalene-1-sulphonamide (hpa). Abstr., J A. Pringle
Use of bladder grafting techniques in carcinogenic assay. Abstr., J A. Pringle and M Wood
Biosynthesis of methionine in the liver of leukaemic mice., K Pristoupilova
Antigenic competition. Cellular or humoral., J Radovich and D W. Talmage
Age-associated lipofuscin pigment accumulation in the nervous system of mice. Abstr., reimer P. Rady
Auditory sensitivity in mice. Peromyscus and mus musculus., K Ralls
Leukotactic factor elaborated by mixtures of genetically dissimilar cells., H Ramseier
The dose rate of irradiation. Methodology of irradiation and dosimetry., M L. Randolph, M Slater, A C. Al, T E. Neutrons, and G R. By
Effects of nitrogen mustard on the development of experimental amyloidosis in mice., P Ranlov
Transfer amyloidosis. In vitro irradiation of the transferred spleen cells., P Ranlov
Ultrastructural investigations on the cellular morphogenesis of experimental mouse amyloidosis., P Ranlov and J Wanstrup
Autoradiographic investigations of amyloidosis produced in mice by transplantation of spleen cells from casein-treated syngenic donor mice., P Ranlov and O Werdelin
Effects of s37 plasma on cells in vitro. Abstr., S Rasheed
Specific activity of several enzymes of nucleotide metabolism in mouse spleen after immunization., K Raska and E P. Cohen
Comparison of folate reductases of sarcoma 180 cells, sensitive and resistant to amethopterin., R P. Raunio and M T. Hakala
Leucocyte cultures in five strains of mice., M Ray and W A. Birnie
Leucocyte cultures in five strains of mice. Abstr., M Ray and W A. Birnie
Comparaison du comportement explorateur de souris des lignee sensible et resistante a la crise audiogene., G Raynaud, J Ducrocq, and Y Raoul
Pigment cell response to x-irradiation in the pet mouse. Abstr., W M. Reams and B E. Schaeffer
Sulfhyryl content of the normal and x-irradiated pet mouse gastroc- nemius. Abstr., W M. Reams and R E. Shervette
Genetic regulation of enzyme activity in mammalian system by the alteration of the rates of enzyme degradation., M Rechcigl and W E. Heston
Composition of plasma triglyceride fatty acids and free fatty acids in hypothalamic obese mice., T W. Redding and A V. Schally
Modification of x-ray-induced mutation frequency by post-treatment with plasma factors in mice., O S. Reddi and N V. Naidu
Wasting disease induced with cortisol acetate. I. Studies in germ- -free and conventionally reared mice., N D. Reed and J W. Jutila
Use of tissue culture to restore immunological competence to the neonatally thymectomized mouse., A J. Reese and M S. Israel
Function of age. Abstr., W Reichel, J Hollander, J H. Al, P P. Accumulation, and D I. As a
Evidence of common antigenic properties in chemically induced sarcomas of mice., J Reiner and C M. Southam
Increased growth of tumor isotransplants after immunosuppression of the recipient mice by methotrexate or 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine., J Reiner and C M. Southam
Ultrastructure of blastocyst attachment in the mouse., S Reinius
Poorly differentiated cholangiocarcinomas occurring 'spontaneously' in c3h and c3h x y hybrid mice., M D. Reuber
Incorporation of labeled amino acids into serum and tissue proteins from normal and x-irradiated mice., A M. Reuther, A Sassen, and F Kennes
Pilot studies of the cell population kinetics in irradiated tumours., L Revesz and P Lindfors