Submissions from 1967
Cytoplasmic budding observed in murine virus-induced leukemias., D M. Hunt and B V. Siegel
Influence of diphosphopyridine nucleotide (dpn) on photodynamic effects of low concentrations of methylene blue in ascites tumor cells., J C. Hunter, D Burk, and M W. Woods
In vitro stimulation of mitosis of leucoytes from several strains of mice., R L. Hybertson and J H. Bryan
Inorganic ion concentrations in ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells and fluid., K H. Ibsen and R W. Mckee
The effects of pretreatment with nitrogen mustard n-oxide and strain- -specific tumor tissue on the development of spontaneous mammary tumor., H Ichihashi and T Kondo
Spleen focus in friend's disease. An electron microscopic study., Y Ikawa and H Sugano
Prevention of radioleukaemia by lymph node shielding., P L. Ilbery
Change of ploidy in plasma cell tumors (mspc) in early transplant generations., H T. Imai, T H. Yosida, and K Moriwaki
Ulteriori osservazioni sul plasmocitoma sperimentale da bayol f nel topo balb/c., F Invernizzi, F Fantini, and G Galetti
Enhancement activity of mouse immunoglobulin classes., G L. Irvin, I )ii, J C. Eustace, and J L. Fahey
Testing drug phototoxicity in mice., A Ison and H Blank
Characteristic differences in clones isolated from an s37 ascites tumor in vitro., E Ito and G E. Moore
Cycles of hair growth in hairless mice., U Iversen and O H. Iversen
A class of dense reticular cells with long processes in the mouse thymus. Abstr., J Izard
Quantitation of paneth cell population in mouse intestine. Abstr., T H. Jackson, E J. Wheeler, and R A. Liebelt
Growth of tumors in allogeneic hosts following organ culture explantation., B B. Jacobs and R A. Huseby
Growth of tumors in allogeneic hosts following short-term maintenance in organ culture. Abstr., B B. Jacobs and R A. Huseby
Effect of vitamin a on palate hydration in mouse embryos., R M. Jacobs
Streptonigrin. Effect on the first meiotic metaphase of the mouse egg., G Jagiello
Some effects of immunological factors on gestation in mice., D A. James
Synthesis antigens composed exclusively of l- or d-amino acids. I. Effect of optical configuration on the immunogenicity of synthetic polypeptides in mice., C A. Janeway and M Sela
Amyloidosis in x-irradiated mice receiving spleen cells and serum from sensitized donors. Abstr., D T. Janigan and R L. Druet
Studies on lipogenesis in vivo, fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis in hyperglycaemic-obese mice., G R. Jansen, M E. Zanetti, and C F. Hutchison
Differential response of protein synthesis in ehrlich ascites tumour cells and normal thymocytes to 2,4-dinitrophenol and oligomycin., L Jarett and D M. Kipnis
Irradiation induced asymmetry of the thymus in mice., B Jarplid
Allograft survival prolonged by heterologus spleen cells in 'millipore' diffusion chambers., H F. Jeejeebhoy
The effect of co, kcn and nan3 on the nucleic acid content of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., E Jeney and F Medve
Studies on the nonspecific depression of the immune response., J F. Jennings and C M. Oates
Extra-toes. A new mutant gene causing multiple abnormalities in the mouse., D R. Johnson
Lipids of the rauscher mouse leukemia virus., M Johnson and P T. Mora
Radiosensitivity of drug-resistant l1210 leukemia., R E. Johnson
Survival curve characteristics of drug-resistant murine leukemia., R E. Johnson and W G. Hardy
Hyperbaric oxygen effect on experimental tumor growth., R E. Johnson, A R. Kagan, and T L. Bryant
Thymectomy and chemical carcinogenesis. Abstr., S Johnson
Tumour-specific antigenicity of methylcholanthrene (mc)-induced tumours. Abstr., S Johnson
The effect of various chemotherapeutic agents on sarcoma 37 ascites tumor cells., B J. Johnston and M E. Mahood
The effect of various combined chemotherapeutic agents on sarcoma 37 ascites tumor cells--part 1., B J. Johnston and M E. Mahood
The effect of various combined chemotherapeutic agents on sarcoma 37 ascites tumor cells--part 2., B J. Johnston and M E. Mahood
Transport of myo-inositol in ehrlich ascites cells., R M. Johnstone and C Sung
Effet des rayons x sur la leucemogenese des souris akr. Role d'une lesion generalisee du systeme hemopoietique., P Jullien and G Rudali
The effect of the interval between intraperitoneal administration of cystamine and exposure on the dose-reduction factor for hematopoietic stem cells., V Juraskova and L Tkadlecek
Effect of a 28 hour day on ovulation and reproduction in mice., I H. Kaiser
Virus-like particles in 3-methylcholanthrene-induced primary and transplanted sarcomas of germ-free rodents., M Kajima and M Pollard
Factors influencing the quantitative estimation of the in vivo survival of cells from solid tumors., R F. Kallman, G Silini, and L M. Vanputten
Early splenectomy and survival of inbred mice., P K. Kalpaktsoglou, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
3beta-hydroxy-c27-steroid Dehydrogenases in mouse liver microsomes., A A. Kandutsch
On the natural history of the murine leukemias. Presidential address., H S. Kaplan
Proliferative ability of irradiated bone marrow with a different incidence of spontaneous chromosomal aberrations., Z Karpfel and B Koukalova
An experimental model for studying factors which influence metastasis of malignant tumors., K Karrer, S R. Humphreys, and A Goldin
Factors elevating liver tyrosine. 2-oxoglutarate Aminotransferase activity in tumor-bearing mice., Y Kato
The juxtaglomerular apparatus in fetal and newborn mice., C T. Kaylor and J M. Carter
Effects of phytohaemagglutinin on homograft rejection., B Kehn and P Rigby
Mithramycin effect on the growth of a mouse glioma. Abstr., B Kennedy and J W. Yarbro
Distant mutagenic effects of ionizing radiation in mammals, J J. Kerkis and L N. Jasnova
Amethoperin transport in ehrlich ascites carcinoma and l1210 cells., D Kessel and T C. Hall
Plasma corticoid levels in young and old, male and female c57bl/6j mice. Abstr., R A. Khalid and B Grad
Dna from mouse ascites hepatoma as a cancerogenic agent. (russ.), I A. Khodosova and I N. Shvemberger
Changes of the transplantability of tumor cells during propagation in vitro. (summary), J Kieler
The spiral vessel and stria vascularis in shaker-1 mice., K Kikuchi and D A. Hilding
Purine ribonucleotide reductase. End-product inhibition and stimu- lation of a mammalian enzyme., A P. Kimball, P S. Allinson, and M J. Frymire
Studies on immune suppressive drugs., A P. Kimball, S J. Herriot, and P S. Allinson
Rna synthesis in mouse brain., R H. Kimberlin
Nature of induced persistent vaginal cornification in mice. I. Effect of neonatal treatment with various doses of steroids., T Kimura, S L. Basu, and S Nandi
Nature of induced persistent vaginal cornification in mice. Iii. Effects of estradiol and testosterone on vaginal epithelium in vitro., T Kimura, S L. Basu, and S Nandi
Nature of induced persistent vaginal cornification in mice. IV. Changes in the vaginal epithelium of old mice treated neonatally with estradiol or testosterone., T Kimura and S Nandi
Nature of induced persistent vaginal cornification in mice. II. Effect of estradiol and testosterone on vaginal epithelium of mice of different ages., T Kimura, S Nandi, and K B. Deome
Selection for canalisation in mice., B Kindred
Some observations on the skin and hair of tabby mice., B Kindred
The expression of the tabby and crinkled genes in different genetic backgrounds in the mouse., B Kindred
Passive serologic transfer of allograft immunity in immunologically suppressed mice. I. Immunosuppression by heterlogous anti-lymphocyte serum., D W. Kinne and R L. Simmons
Experimental gastric erosion by salt solutions. Abstr., R Kinosita, T Seto, and S Igarasi
Lack of correlation between production of interferon and protection of temperature in mice infected with sindbis virus., A Kirn, A Schieffer, and R Tinland
Quantitative changes in the phosphorus fractions of transplanted brain tumors during complete ischemic incubation., W M. Kirsch
The effect of prolonged ischemia upon regional energy reserves in the experimental glioblastoma., W M. Kirsch, D Schulz, and J W. Leitner
Morphologic responses to a murine erythroblastosis virus., W H. Kirsten and L A. Mayer
Comparative analyses of lactic and malic dehydrogenases and their multiple molecular forms in milk from various animal species and man., B Kjellberg and B W. Karlsson
Congenic mouse strains with different immunoglobulin allotypes. I. Breeding scheme, histocompatibility tests, and kinetics of gamma g2a- -globulin production by transferred cells for c3h.sw And its congenic partner cwb/5., J Klein and L A. Herzenberg
Analysis of the histocompatibility-2 (h-2) locus of nzb mice., J Klein, J Martinkova, and L A. Herzenberg
Biochemical radiosensitivity of lymphoid tumors., H Klouwen and A Appelman
Biosynthetic units of an immunoglobulin heavy chain., P M. Knopf, R M. Parkhouse, and E S. Lennox
The effect of x-rays on the ovaries of the progeny of irradiated mice, with special reference to small oocytes., N K. Kochar and B K. Batra
Teratogenic activity of retinoic acid., D M. Kochhar
Rejection of allogeneic skin grafts and alloantibody levels in hyper- immunized mice., H Kodama, I N. Sachin, and E J. Shabart
Prolonged survival of skin homograft in rabbits and mice overloaded with ovalbumin., K Kohayakawa
Electron spin resonance measurements of genetic variation in mouse melanins. Abstr., D H. Kohl and F H. Moyer
Positive long-acting thyroid stimulator responses in the complement- -deficient mouse., P O. Kohler, M R. Mardiney, and G T. Ross
The possible role of genetic factors in carcinogenesis., P C. Koller
Experimental study of the achondroplasia gene effects in the mouse., B V. Konyukhov and Y V. Paschin
Alveolar nodule outgrowths and adenocarcinomas of mouse mammary gland., L Kopelovich, S Abraham, H Mcgrath, E Al, T C. Preneoplastic, and Hyperplastic
Effects of continuous low-level gamma irradiation on circulating and peritoneal mononuclear leukocytes of mice., L Kornfeld and V Greenman
Mice after skin grafting., paul B. Kossowska, V Viklicky, kossakowska T. Rymaszewska, U O. Node, and T Of
Effect of chloroquine on tissue hydroxyproline and hexosamine in mice bearing bashford carcinoma., K Kowalewski
9.10-dimethyl-1.2-benzanthracene Induced ovarian tumours in mice., T Krarup
Late effects of x-rays on the erythropoietic stem cell system of the mouse. Abstr., J S. Krebs