Glutamate oxalate transaminase (got) genetics in mus musculus, linkage, polymorphism, and phenotypes of the got-2 and got-1 loci.
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Biochemistry, Metabolism:, Hereditary Factors:, Linkage:, Origin:, Genes: dn - Deafness, Es-1 - Serum esterase-1, Es-3 - Kidney esterase-3, Got-2 - Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase-2, Got-1 - Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase-1, Gpd-1 - Glucose phosphate dehydrogenase, Ldh - Lactate dehydrogenase, ldr-1, Lactate dehydrogenase regulator, ob - Obese, Os - Oligosyndactylism, Pgm-1 - Phosphoglucomutase-1, Strains: A/HE, AKR, BALB/C, CBA, CBA/CA, CE, C3HEB, C57BL/6, C57BR/CD, C58, DBA/2 (212), DE, DW, L (P), LP, MA (MARSH), P, SIMPSON, PL (PLA, PLB), RF (W), SEA, SJL, ST/B (STB), SWR, 129, BUB, Unknown:
Original Citation
Biochem Genet 1970; 4:259-73.