X-autosome translocations in the mouse, total inactivation versus partial inactivation of the x chromosome.
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Cellular Biology:, Hereditary Factors:, Physiology:, Genes: a - Non-agouti, a*t - Black & tan, b - Brown, Blo - Blotchy, Mo*blo, Blotchy, Bn - Bent-tail, c*ch - Chinchilla, cw - Curly Whiskers, D, d - Dilute, D-Locus, df - Ames dwarf, fr - Frizzy, Gy - Gyro, jp - Jimpy, jp*mds, Ta*jp, Mo*vbr -, Viable-brindled, Mo - Mottled, Mo*dp - Dappled, p - Pink-eyed dilution, p*l - lethal, ru-2 - Ruby-eye-2, s - Piebald-spotting, se - Short-ear, sh-1 - Shaker-1, spf - Sparse-fur, Ta - Tabby, tk - Tail kinks, Tp - Taupe,, Unknown:
Original Citation
Adv Genet 1970; 15:175-259.