
Submissions from 1970

Strain differences in response of the mouse mammary gland to hormones in vitro., D V. Singh, K B. Ome, and H A. Bern

Viral leukemogenesis in immunologically and hematologically altered mice., J G. Sinkovics, M J. Ahearn, E Shirato, and C C. Shullenberger

Regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis in normal and malignant tissues., M D. Siperstein

Aggregation of l1210 leukemic cells in vitro by chitosan and its derivatives. Abstr., A E. Sirica and R J. Woodman

Antigen binding cells in tolerant animals., O Sjoberg and E Moller

Kinetics of normal and leukemic leukocyte populations and relevance to chemotherapy., H E. Skipper and S Perry

Morphologic changes in white and brown adipose tissue by insulin, thyroxin and cortisol in organ culture., B G. Slavin and J J. Elias

Phenotypical relationship between the lactation period effect on the mother and the growth of her offspring in laboratory mice. (polish With eng summ.), T Slawinski

Radiation and the phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system. I. Enhancement of res function in x-irradiated mice., V S. Sljivic

Radiation and the phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system. II. Mechanism of res stimulation after irradiation., V S. Sljivic

The comparative immunosuppressive effect of heterologous antisera to various c3h mouse tissues., A E. Sloboda and J Landes

Trial-and -error behaviour of inbred and f1 hybrid mice., J L. Smart

Untersuchungen zur phanotypischen auspragung unterschiedlicher fruchtbarkeitsveranlagung bei mausen. I. Die bedeutung der frucht- barkeit und ihrer erblichkeit in der tierproduktion. (eng. Summ.), D Smidt and H Monzavifar

Fine structure of mouse embryonic palatal epithelium prior to and after midline fusion., G R. Smiley

Attempts to detect nocule-inducing virus in strain riii mice., G H. Smith, H B, and E A. Dunn

Biochemical studies on hormone-responsive mammary tumors in br6 mice., J A. Smith and R J. King

Nuclear proteins and their metabolism in hormone responsive and unre- sponsive br6 mouse mammary tumours., J A. Smith and R J. King

Distribution of injected 59fe in mice., L H. Smith and M L. Clayton

Plantation, effects of splenectomy., L H. Smith, C F. With, and W. Trans

Histochemical observations on the mouse uterus during the oestrous cycle., M S. Smith

Sv40 virus-induced tumour specific transplantation antigen in cultured mouse cells., R W. Smith, J Morganroth, and P T. Mora

Fatty acid synthesis in developing mouse liver., S Smith and S Abraham

Joint lethal effects of actinomycin d and radiation in mice., W W. Smith, S K. Carter, S M. Wilson, and J Cornfield

Passenger lactic dehydrogenase virus., M J. Snodgrass, S E. Lymphatic, and The

Collagen and glycosaminoglycans in skin of aging mice., H Sobel, M J. Hewlett, and H E. Hrubant

Dominance in threshold characters. A comparison of two tabby alleles in the mouse., J A. Sofaer and C J. Lean

Ultrastructure of mouse egg-cylinder., D Solter, I Damjanov, and N Skreb

Extrauterine growth of mouse egg-cylinders results in malignant teratoma., D Solter, N Skreb, and I Damjanov

Effects of 4,4'-diacetyldiphenylurea-bis-(guanylhydrazone) on the incorporation of precursors into nucleic acid and protein of leukemia l1210., J Soucek, M J. Ehrke, and E Mihich

Murine myeloproliferative virus in cell culture., H D. Soule and W J. Arnold

An inverse relationship between activity and radiation resistance in mice., J F. Spalding, R F. Archuleta, and O S. Johnson

Utilization of long-chain fatty acid methyl esters by mammalian cells. Abstr., A A. Spector and W E. Kuhl

Mammalian lung development, interactions in primordium formation and bronchial morphogenesis., B S. Spooner and N K. Wessells

A chamber for the instrumental control of licking behavior in the laboratory mouse., R L. Sprott, F Clark, and R E. Wimer

Detection of a lung tumour agent in balb/c/cb/se irradiated mice., F Squartini and G B. Bolis

Increase of radiation induced leukaemia in c57bl female mice by infection with mammary tumour virus., F Squartini and G B. Bolis

Mammary tumorigenesis in splenectomized mice., F Squartini and G B. Bolis

Mouse strain and breeding stimulation as factors influencing the effect of thymectomy on mammary tumorigenesis., F Squartini, M Olivi, and G B. Bolis

Effect of thymectomy on pregnancy dependence of mouse mammary tumours (riii/dm/se and balb/cf(riii)/se)., F Squartini, M B. Olivi, G Rossi, and G B. Bolis

Induction of dominant lethals in mice by tepa and hempa., R J. Sram, V Benes, and Z Zudova

Induction of translocations in mice by tepa., R J. Sram, Z Zudova, and V Benes

An estrogen effect of 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in the mouse adrenal., T A. Stabler and F Ungar

4'-demethyl-epipodophyllotoxin Thenylidene glucoside (vm 26), a podophyllum compound with a new mechanism of action., H Stahelin

Antibody production to the factor in human urine stimulating colony formation in vitro by bone marrow cells., E R. Stanley, T A. Neill, and S H. Chan

Induction of immunologic tolerance in older new zealand mice repopulated with young spleen, bone marrow, or thymus., P J. Staples, A D. Steinberg, and N Talal

Impaired recovery of plaque-forming cells in new zealand mice given cyclophosphamide., P J. Staples and N Talal

Rate of antigen catabolism and immunogenicity of (131i)bgg in mice. I. Action of mycobacterial adjuvants., J M. Stark

Rate of antigen catabolism and immunogenicity of (131i)bgg in mice. II. Immunogenicity of (131i)bgg and adjuvant action after alteration of the metabolic rate by various means., J M. Stark

The serum antibody response to bacteriophage phi chi one seven four in germ-free and conventionally reared mice. I. Assay of neutralizing antibody by a 50 per cent neutralization method., P W. Stashak, P J. Baker, and B S. Roberson

Inheritance of t-maze learning in mice., J H. Stasik

Du syndrome aigu et sur la morphologie des lesions du syndrome chronique., W Stauffacher, L Orci, M Amherdt, A E. Lambert, A E. Renold, D C. Rouiller, and B S. Pathogenese

A rapid assay for cdp reductase activity in mammalian cell extracts., J R. Steeper and C D. Steuart

Host-induced changes in infectivity of friend spleen focus-forming virus., R A. Steeves and R J. Eckner

Spleen foci and polycythemia in c57bl mice infected with host- -adapted friend leukemia virus., R A. Steeves, E A. Mirand, A Bulba, and P J. Trudel

Effect of phytohemagglutinin on skin allograft survival in mice., S S. Stefani and C D. Moore

Cyclophosphamide tolerance as a test for antigenicity of nucleic acids., A D. Steinberg, T M. Chused, M E. Jacobs, and N Talal

Immunity and tolerance to nucleic acids in nzb/nzw (b/w) mice. Abstr., A D. Steinberg, T M. Chused, and N Talal

Tolerance to polyinosinic polycytidylic acid in nzb/nzw mice., A D. Steinberg, G G. Daley, and N Talal

The role of nzb/nzw f1 thymus in experimental tolerance and auto- -immunity., A D. Steinberg, L D. Law, and N Talal

Delayed hypersensitivity and neoplasia, in vitro studies with macrophage migration., T Steiner and A L. Watne

The metabolism of ketones, triglyceride and monoglyceride in livers of obese hyperglycaemic mice., J M. Stein, P D. Bewsher, and J M. Stowers

The action of interferon in transplantable lymphatic leukemia of gross., A Stelmachowska, olszewska Z. Blach, and Z Skurska

Karyotype analysis of the b16 mouse melanoma with reassessment of the normal mouse idiogram., E M. Stephenson and N G. Stephenson

The immunosuppressive effect of antilymphocyte sera produced by sensitization with different lymphoid tissues., W A. Sterling, L R. Elveback, and R G. Shorter

Lack of specific inhibition of graft-versus-host reaction by anti-fab serum., M Sternberg

Inhibition of uridine incorporation into p1798 lymphosarcoma nuclear rna by l-asparaginase and 9alpha-fluoroprednisolone. Abstr., L T. Stevens j and V P. Hollander

Environmental influence on experimental teratocarcinogenesis in testes of mice., L C. Stevens

Experimental production of testicular teratomas in mice of strains 129, a/he, and their f1 hybrids., L C. Stevens

The development of transplantable teratocarcinomas from intratesti- cular grafts of pre- and postimplantation mouse embryos., L C. Stevens

Genetic variation in patterns of nephron function during natriuresis in mice., J Stewart

Reponse du sre au mycobacterium tuberculosis (bcg) et au coryne- bacterium parvum chez des souris de differentes lignees., C Stiffel, D Mouton, Y Bouthillier, C Decreusefond, and G Biozzi

Strain c57bl/10scsn and its congenic resistant sublines., J H. Stimpfling and A E. Reichert

Interference of cocal virus with friend leukemia virus-induced splenomegaly in dba/2j mice., T B. Stim

TL.4, A leukemia-specific antigen coded by the cell genome. Abstr., E Stockert, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse

Induction of tolerance to horse gamma globulin (hgg) and to horse- -anti-mouse-thymocyte-globulin (hamtg) using cyclophosphamide (cytoxan). Abstr., G Stockman and J J. Trentin

Transformation of mouse macrophages by simian virus 40., L B. Stone and K K. Takemoto

Antibody production by host cells in x-irradiated recipients of allo- geneic spleen cells., U Storb and R S. Weiser

L-asparaginase and allograft immunity., R L. St pierre, J I. Tennenbaum, and R M. Folk

Studies of the cellular radiosensitivity of transplants of murine ependymomas irradiated in vivo., K Stratton and A Anderson

General method for the detection of cells producing antibodies against haptens and proteins., P Strausbauch, A Sulica, and D Givol

Effect of pha and particles on the hexose monophosphate shunt and dna synthesis by akr spleen cells. Abstr., R Strauss, B Paul, A Jacobs, and A Sbarra

Studies of hereditary-obese mice (obob) after implantation of pan- creatic islets in millipore filter capsules., R L. Strautz

An analysis of the genetic requirements for delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions to transplantation antigens in mice., J W. Streilein and R E. Billingham

Studies on immune lymphocyte transfer reactions in murine homologous cell chimeras., J W. Streilein, I Zeiss, and D Steinmuller

Acute mortality of mice and rats exposed to 14 mev neutrons., T A. Strike

Serological and immunogenic activity of soluble mouse transplantation antigens controlled by the h-2 locus., S Strober, E Appella, and L W. Law

The effect of pasteurization on an inhibitor of cancer in mice., L C. Strong

Further studies on liver glyoxalase activity in mice bearing lymphosarcoma., R A. Strzinek, G R. Vela, V E. Scholes, and S J. Norton

Resistance to oncogenesis, antigenic tumors and absence of immunosuppression. Abstr., O Stutman

Studies on thymus function. I. Cooperative effect of thymic function and lymphohemopoietic cells in restoration of neonatally thymectomized mice., O Stutman, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good

Studies on thymus function. II. Cooperative effect of newborn and embryonic hemopoietic liver cells with thymus function., O Stutman, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good

Interferon production by mouse peritoneal cells., T P. Subrahmanyan and C A. Mims

Host and tumor modifications associated with serial heterotrans- plantation of tumors through immunologically tolerant animals., foca N. Suciu, V Dumitrescu, C Lazar, and M Nachtigal

Effect of bleeding after irradiation on survival of three strains of lethally-irradiated mice with different radiosensitivity., T Sugahara and T Tanaka

Immunity of the autochthonous host to viable tumor cells shed from pulmonary metastases. Abstr., E V. Sugarbaker, A M. Cohen, and A S. Ketcham

Immunologic status of host and response of a methylcholanthrene- -induced sarcoma to local x-irradiation., H D. Suit and A Kastelan

Physical properties of mouse h-2 transplantation alloantigens., J M. Summerell and D A. Davies

Composition of acyl groups in the neutral glycerides from mouse brain., G Y. Sun

Composition of acyl groups in the neutral glycerides from mouse brain., G Y. Sun

The acyl and alk-1-enyl groups of the major phosphoglycerides from ox brain myelin and mouse brain microsomal, mitochondrial and myelin fractions., G Y. Sun and L A. Horrocks