Submissions from 1971
Biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids by mouse neuroblastoma (nb41a), rat glia (rgc-6) and human glia (chb-4) in cell culture., G Dawson, S Kemp, A Stoolmiller, and A Dorfman
Properties of the moloney pseudotype of friend virus. Abstr., P J. Dawson and A H. Fieldsteel
The influence of age on chronic remittent friend disease., P J. Dawson and A H. Fieldsteel
Cerebral phospholipids in 'quaking' mice., R Dawson and N Clarke
Heterotransplantability of an in-vitro transformed human lymphoblas- toid cell line. Abstr., D R. Deal, P Gerber, F Chisari, and B Eddy
Detection of weak histocompatibility antigens on mouse peritoneal macrophages., W J. De angelis and G Haughton
Effet de groupe et tumeurs greffees chez la souris., R Dechambre and C Gosse
Influence de la densite de population sur l'evolution des tumeurs ascitiques de la souris. Determinisme sensoriel du phenomene., R Dechambre and C Gosse
The adoptive transfer of concomintant immunity to murine tumor isografts with spleen cells from tumor-bearing animals., P Deckers, B W. Edgerton, B S. Thomas, and Y H. Pilch
Transfer of immunity to tumour isografts by the systemic administra- tion of xenogeneic 'immune' rna., P J. Deckers and Y H. Pilch
Transfer of tumor immunity with rna. Abstr., P J. Deckers and Y H. Pilch
Facilitation of tumor growth by syngeneic normal cells mixed with tumor cells in vitro., P J. Deckers, K P. Ramming, and Y H. Pilch
Die subcellulare bindung von 67-gallium in ascites-tumorzellen., K Deckner, G Becker, U Langowski, H Schwering, G Hornung, and C Schmidt
The distribution of 67gallium in ascites tumor cells., K Deckner, P Schomerus, G Becker, G Hornung, and C Schmidt
Moloney sarcoma virus-induced tumors in mice. Inhibition or stimula- tion by (poly ri).(poly Rc)., E De clercq and T C. Merigan
Host-tumor interaction during 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy. Abstr., J J. De cosse, M A. Mandel, and M Zuik
Principles in teratology., K Degenhardt and J Kleinebrecht
Variability in limb defects induced by 5-fluro-2'-deoxycytidine in mice. Abstr., K Degenhardt, J Kleinebrecht, and J Franz
Megacariocitos e neoplasias experimentais. 3. Estudo da medula ossea em animals inoculados no peritoneo., M R. De kastner
Megacariocitos e neoplasias experimentais. 4. Estudo do pulmao, figado, supra-renais e ganglios linfaticos. (eng. Summ.), M R. De kastner
Comparative transfer rna methylase capacity in mouse ascites tumors and in their derived tumorigenic and nontumorigenic cell cultures., R T. Dell'orco, D G. Blair, and J F. Morgan
Variations des populations lymphoides medullaires chez la souris irradiee a dose subletale et greffee de moelle 6 a 11 jours plus tard., M Delrez, N F. Barakina, and J Haot
Effect of normal and irradiated marrow grafts on the haemopoietic recovery after a sublethal irradiation., M Delrez, J Haot, and E H. Betz
Quantitative control of interferon production in normal and leukemic mice. Workshop on interferon, 2nd internat. Cong. Virology, budapest,, E De maeyer, guignard J. Maeyer, and D W. Bailey
Effect of antilymphocytic serum on circulating interferon in mice as a function of the inducer., guignard J. De maeyer and E D. Maeyer
Hemagglutination and cytotoxic studies of h-2. II. Some new cytotoxic specificities., P Demant, M Cherry, and G D. Snell
Different sensitivity of h-2k and h-2d incompatibility to als immuno- suppression., P Demant and K Nouza
Hemagglutination and cytotoxic studies of h-2. Iii. A family of 3- like specificities not in the c crossover region., P Demant, G D. Snell, and M Cherry
Activite unitaire corticale chez la souris apres injection locale d'actinomycine d., J Deminiere and B Cardo
Tritiated thymidine uptake by mouse bone marrow cells in liquid culture., F De munk, M Sumner, and T Bradley
The cell proliferation kinetics of four experimental tumors after acute x-irradiation., J Denekamp and R H. Thomlinson
Effects of feeding the carcinogen dimethylnitrosamine on its metabolism and methylation of dna in the mouse., L Den engelse and P Emmelot
Immunopathology of new zealand black mice treated with anti- lymphocyte globulin., A Denman, A Russell, G Loewi, and E J. Denman
Inhibition by phytohemagglutinin of dna synthesis in cultured mouse lymphomas., P B. Dent
Enhancement of metastases by l-asparaginase in a mouse tumor system., S D. Deodhar
Enhancement of metastases by l-asparaginase in a mouse tumor system. Abstr., S D. Deodhar
Enhancement of metastases by l-asparaginase in a mouse tumour system., S D. Deodhar
Spotting genes and internal pigmentation patterns in the mouse., M Deol
Virus oncogenes des animaux de laboratoire et recherche de produits anticancereux., Y De ratuld and G H. Werner
Graft-versus-host assay to discriminate between mouse cells differing at weak histocompatibility loci., R W. Derlet and H R. Hilgard
Action de l'hormone male sur la carcinogenese chimique de la peau de souris., J Derout, prevost G. Thieriot, and J D. Brux
Mecanisme de l'action antimitotique de la daunomycine dans les cellules tumorales d'ehrlich., C Desaive and R Bassleer
The association of the galactosyl diglycerides of brain with myelina- tion. II. The inability of the myelin-deficient mutant, jimpy mouse, to synthesize galactosyl diglycerides effectively., D S. Deshmukh, T Inoue, and R A. Pieringer
Cell proliferation in the c3h mouse duodenal crypts after a single dose of hydroxyurea (hu). Abstr., L A. Dethlefsen and R M. Riley
Effect of aversive stimulation and early handling on skin conductance, defecation, and activity in mus musculus., R Deutsch and L E. Roberts
Response of the draining lymph node in the early afferent arc of the allograft rejection reaction., R Devlin and G Ramm
Studies on dna transfer from donor to host tissues in mice., R Devlin and G Ramm
Influence of some drugs on the immune response. Iii. Effect of sero- tonin, 5-hydroxytryptophan, reserpine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and dopa on the involvement of lymph node cells in the immune response., L V. Devoino and L S. Yeliseyeva
Tion of strain differences in secondary constrictions., V G. Dev, M S. Grewal, D A. Miller, R E. Kouri, J J. Hutton, D O. Miller, and I. Demonstra
Effect of tumor growth rate on sensitivity to cyclophosphamide. Abstr, W D. De wys
Stimulation of humoral antibody formation by polyanions. V. Relationship between enhancement of sheep red blood cell uptake by the spleen and adjuvant action of dextran sulfate., T Diamantstein, H Meinhold, and B Wagner
Stimulation of humoral antibody formation by polyanions. 3. Restoration of the immune response to sheep red blood cells by polyanions in thymectomized and lethally irradiated mice protected with bone marrow cells., T Diamantstein, B Wagner, J L'Age-Stehr, I Beyse, M V Odenwald, and G Schultz
Stimulation of humoral antibody formation by polyanions. IV. The effects of dextran sulfate on the kinetics of secondary immune response in mice., T Diamantstein, B Wagner, M V. Odenwald, and G Schulz
Competition between different strains of scrapie agent and their interaction with the host genotype. Abstr., A G. Dickinson
Host-genotype and agent effects in scrapie incubations, change in allelic interaction with different strains of agent., A Dickinson and V M. Meikle
Induction in vitro of immunological tolerance to the h-antigens of salmonella adelaide., E Diener, M Feldmann, and W D. Armstrong
Absence of spontaneous leukemia regression in balb/c mice. Abstr., M Dietz and M A. Rich
In vivo studies on the distribution of 3h-daunomycin in tumours and in different tissues of the mouse., G Di fronzo and R Gambetta
Gas chromatographic determination of gangliosides in mouse cell lines and in virally transformed derivative lines., I Dijong, P T. Mora, and R O. Brady
Comparative behavior of soluble and particulate antigens and inert colloids in reticuloendothelial-stimulated or depressed mice., N R. Di luzio and H S. Iii
Preleukemic thymus metabolism in akr mice. Abstr., N V. Dimitrov and I Brodsky
Changes in sarcoma 180 (s-180) cells associated with resis- tance to adenosine (ar) analogs. Abstr., A Divekar, L Kenny, and M Hakala
Studies on the relationship of leukemogenesis and mammary tumori- genesis. Abstr., L Dmochowski
Immunological studies on mouse mammary tumors and leukemia., L Dmochowski, W C. Williams, G R. Swearingen, B Myers, and S Fujinaga
Serological studies of tumor antigens in chemical- and virus- -induced thymic lymphomas., R G. Doell and B J. Mathieson
The effect of x-rays on circulating lymphocytes of mice quantitated by pha-responsiveness., M J. Doenhoff
Reconstitution of the t-cell pool after irradiation of mice., M J. Doenhoff and A J. Davies
Further characterization of o(s) mutation of mouse beta-glucuronidase locus., R Dofuku, U Tettenborn, and S Ohno
Testosterone 'regulon' in the mouse kidney., R Dofuku, U Tettenborn, and S Ohno
Effect of tissue erythropoietic factors (tepfs) on erythropoiesis., M A. Doklen
Contribution of thymus-independent cells to the enhancement of the immune potential in erythropoiesis depressed fetal liver chimeras., G Doria, G Agarossi, and S D. Pietro
Effect of blocking cell receptors on an immune response resulting from in vitro cooperation between thymocytes and thymus-independent cells., G Doria, G Agarossi, and S D. Pietro
No interstrain differences in incidence of cleft palate in mouse embryos intra-amniotically injected with hydrocortisone., M Dostal and R Jelinek
Contractile properties of developing mouse dystrophic muscle., W B. Douglas and R J. Baskin
Electron microscopy of human and mouse myeloma serum iga., R R. Dourmashkin, G Virella, and R M. Parkhouse
Subunit structure of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase from mouse liver., D Doyle
Preparation of highly radioactive bovine anti-mouse lymphocyte antibody., D W. Dresser
Harvesting methods of immunoglobulin producing cells., B Drewinko, J Trujillo, and diddi M. Gonzales
Les immunoglobulines de la souris., H Duc
Electrophysiological studies on neuromuscular transmission in hereditary 'motor end-plate disease' of the mouse., L W. Duchen and E Stefani
Bone marrow origin of complement receptor lymphocytes., P Dukon, C Bianco, and V Nussenzweig
Apparent memory differences in inbred mice produced by differential reaction to stress., N C. Duncan, N E. Grossen, and E B. Hunt
Electron microscopic study of the thymus of the normal and 'lethargic' mice. Abstr., H C. Dung
Experimental studies of 'lethargic' mutant mice., H Dung and R Swigart
Inhibition of population growth and nucleic acid synthesis in cultures of l5178y and irc cells by acronycine. Abstr., B P. Dunn, P W. Gout, and C T. Beer
Further studies of a mutation (low) which distorts transmission ratios in the house mouse., L C. Dunn and D Bennett
Lethal alleles near locus t in house mouse populations on the jutland peninsula, denmark., L C. Dunn and D Bennett
Radiosensibilite des cellules souches hemopoietiques (cfu) du sang circulant., J F. Duplan and C Mazurek
Evolution de la population des cellules souches hemopoietiques chez les radiochimeres isogeniques., J Duplan and P Monnot
The role of genetic factors in the combined neoplastic effects of vaccinia virus and methylcholanthrene., reynals M. Duran and F Lilly
The influence of cell proliferation in tumours and normal tissues during fractionated radiotherapy., J Dutreix, M Tubiana, A Wambersie, and E Malaise
Identification of the histocompatibility loci in inbred strains of mice., A Dux
Resistance and susceptibility to tumours. VI. Reaction of labelled lymphoid cells transferred into the site of previously implanted carcinoma., R Dvorak and J Lindner
Resistance and susceptibility to tumours. V. On the permeation of the 3h thymidine labelled cells from lymphatic organs into the site of proliferating tumour., R Dvorak and J Lindner
Antigen binding lymphocytes in congenitally athymic (nude) mice., J Dwyer, S Mason, N Warner, and I Mackay
Cellular interactions in the immune response. Abstr., J W. Dyminski and B F. Argyris
In vitro sensitization to transplantation antigens. I. Sensitization of lymphoid cells by allogeneic macrophages., J W. Dyminski and B F. Argyris