Submissions from 1972
Differences in protein patterns on polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of neuronal membranes from mice of different strains., R S. Gurd, H Mahler, and W Moore
Hematopoietic and immunological alterations in mice produced by sr89 -induced marrow hypoplasia., C Gurney, L Klassen, J Birks, and E Allen
Identification of plasma proteins in the palate of fetal mice., D L. Gustine and E F. Zimmerman
The conditioning of the recipient as a factor enhancing immune insufficiency induced by the graft-versus-host reaction., romero M. Gutierrez and G Mathe
Lymphoid tissue architecture. Experimental analysis of the origin and distribution of t-cells and b-cells., G A. Gutman and I L. Weissman
Unilateral nephrektomierte nzb-hybriden als testobjekt fur immun- suppressive (antiglomerulonephritische) pharmaka., J Guttner and K Augsten
Quantitative estimation of mouse transplantation antigens by two in vitro methods., L Gyenes, K Bilimoria, V Likhite, and A Sehon
Quantitative cytochemical investigations on ehrlich ascites tumour cells treated with vincristine. II. Fast green cytophotometric investigations., A Gyesko, Z Szentirmay, and J Sugar
Modulation of transfer rna-methylating enzyme activities in murine leukemic cells., B Hacker
Binding of polyamines to transfer rna from e. Coli and mouse leukemic cells. Abstr., B Hacker and B J. Dermott
Cell line derived from balb/3t3 that is transformed by murine leukae- mia virus, a focus assay for leukaemia virus., A Hackett and S Sylvester
Inhibition of mlv-induced transformation in balb/3t3 derived cells., A Hackett and S Sylvester
Corticosterone-induced isolated cleft palate in a/j mice., R M. Hackman and K S. Brown
The relation of deoxyribonuclease inhibitor levels to the occurrence of antinuclear antibodies in nzb/nzw mice., K Hadjiyannaki and P Lachmann
Defibrination and metastasis formation, effects of arvin on experimental metastases in mice., B Hagmar
Pharmacology of 3,5-diamino-1,2,4-triazole (guanazole). I. Anti- tumor activity of guanazole., M Hahn and R H. Adamson
The pharmacology of guanazole in animals and man. Abstr., M Hahn, R Adamson, I Zarembok, and J Block
Localization of affinity-labeled residues on the heavy and light chain of two myeloma proteins with anti-hapten activity., J Haimovich, H Eisen, E Hurwitz, and D Givol
Lymphocytic cells with marginally arranged dense chromatin., I Hajdu, M Holub, and I Trebichavsky
Common mechanism for the passage of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides through the plasma membrane of sarcoma 180 cells (s-180). Abstr., M Hakala and L Kenny
Soluble h-2 antigens. Effect on graft-versus-host reaction and factors influencing its effect on host-versus-skin-graft reaction., pannenko O. Halle, M Martyre, and G Mathe
Leukocyte adherence inhibition, a simple test for cell-mediated tumour immunity and serum blocking factors., W Halliday and S Miller
Osseuse de souris cba t6/t6, traites par differentes hydrolases., B Halpern, C Bona, C Heuclin, R Robineaux, D Y. Crepin, and S D. Moelle
Possible autoimmune processes related to chromosomal abnormalities (breakage) in nzb mice., B Halpern, I Emerit, E Housset, and J Feingold
Polymer formation and j chain synthesis in mouse plasmacytomas., M S. Halpern and R L. Coffman
Radioresistance of carrier-specific helper thymus-derived lymphocytes in mice., T Hamaoka, D H. Katz, and B Benacerraf
Experimental studies by tissue culture of a new murine leukosis virus (ml.v)., Y Hamazaki, T Murao, and T Murao
In vitro studies of regeneration and innervation of muscle from dystrophic (dy2j) mutant mice. Abstr., M Hamburgh, M B. Bornstein, E R. Peterson, S M. Crain, and C Kirk
Humoral and cellular factors in xenograft rejection by mice., D Hamilton and J Gaugas
Histoincompatibility, placental size, ornithine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase in mice. Abstr., J K. Hampton, R D. Jones, J P. Preslock, and J B. Simpson
Radiation effects on chylomicron synthesis in mice. Abstr., J Hampton and B Rosario
The fine structure of intestine and liver in irradiated mice during fat absorption., J Hampton and B Rosario
Thermoregulatory effects of intraventricular injection of noradrena- line in the mouse and the influence of ambient temperature., S L. Handley and P Spencer
The ability of thymus and bone marrow cells from immunized donors to restore antibody formation to bsa in irradiated mice., Z T. Handzel, A Frensdorff, V C. Buchner, and I P. Witz
Evidence for an immune response to endogenous rna tumor in rfm mice. Abstr., M Hanna, R Tennant, J Yuhas, and N Clapp
Cell-bound myeloma proteins on the surface of myeloma cells. Potential targets for the immune system., K Hannestad, M Kao, and H N. Eisen
Induction of estrus in mice, hypophyseal-adrenal effects., C D. Hansult, L L. Uphouse, K Schlesinger, and J R. Wilson
Simplified whole blood method for evaluating in vitro lymphocyte reactivity of laboratory animals., T Han and J Pauly
Cytotoxic effect of a xenogeneic antiserum on bone marrow cells from normal or sublethally irradiated mice., J Haot, E Moller, K Hiesche, and L Revesz
Latent period in leukaemia induction by the radiation leukaemia virus., ghera N. Haran
Alkaline phosphatase activity in spontaneous and induced leukemias in sjl/j mice., ghera N. Haran, granoth R. Hauch, and H Neumann
Leukemogenic virus release in mice by irradiation. Abstr., ghera N. Haran and A Peled
Influence of mouse strain on the assayed potency (unitage) of tetanus toxoid., M C. Hardegree, M Pittman, and C J. Maloney
The effect of route of administration on the distribution of ellipticine in mice., C T. Hardesty, N A. Chaney, and J Mead
The use of dihydrofolate reductase as a signal for scheduling optimal treatment with antileukemic agents., C T. Hardesty, D Chen, and J Mead
The renal lesions of host versus graft disease. Abstr., R C. Hard and W Still
Quantitative studies on the t cell populations in spleens from amyloidotic and non-amyloidotic mice., F Hardt and M Claesson
The effect of syngeneic transfer of normal lymphoid cells on the development of casein-induced amyloidosis in mice., F Hardt, P Ebbesen, and J Moesner
Transfer amyloidosis, studies on the nature of the amyloid inducing factor in a murine transfer system., F Hardt and larsen P. Hellung
Occurrence of autoimmune phenomena during the development of casein- -induced amyloidosis in c3h and nzb/bl mice., F Hardt, J Wanstrup, P Elling, and P Ranlov
The immunocapacity of the akr mouse., B J. Hargis and S Malkiel
Evidence for cross-reactivity of antigens at the level of thymus- -derived cells., H Haritou and B F. Argyris
Induction of neuronal functions, acetylcholine-induced acetylcho- linesterase activity in mouse neuroblastoma cells., J Harkins, M Arsenault, K Schlesinger, and J Kates
Template requirements of a dna polymerase from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., K Harm and M Oldekop
Radiosensitivity of the peritoneal mononuclear phagocytes and their precursor cells., J Harper and N Wolf
The acute effects of ionizing radiation on antibody-producing cells (pfc) in mouse spleen during primary and secondary responses to sheep erythrocytes (src)., G Harris and V Sljivic
Myelinated nerve fibre counts in the nerves of normal and dystrophic mouse muscle., J Harris, C Wallace, and J Wing
The effect of antiplasma cell sera on the primary immune response., N S. Harris, S M. Jagarlamoody, C F. Khann, and J S. Najarian
Normal function of transplanted mouse erythrocyte precursors for 21 months beyond donor life spans., D Harrison
Lifesparing ability (in lethally irradiated mice) of w/wv mouse marrow with no macroscopic colonies., D E. Harrison
Marrow transplantation and iron therapy in mouse hereditary microcytic anemia., D E. Harrison
The response of w/w(v) and sl/sl(d) anaemic mice to haemopoietic stimuli., D Harrison and E Russell
Retention of skin allografts in the mouse., T Harris, S Harris, M H. Bocchieri, M B. Farber, D C. Ogburn, and S E. Of
Effect of anti-mouse igg1 on some complement-requiring alloantibodies of the mouse., T N. Harris and S Harris
Suppression of idiotypic specificities in adult mice by administra- tion of antiidiotypic antibody., D A. Hart, A Wang, L L. Pawlak, and A Nisonoff
Sagittal growth trends of the craniofacial complex during formation of the secondary palate in mice., J Hart, G R. Smiley, and A D. Dixon
Cell-mediated control of an antibody response., J Haskill and M Axelrad
Classification of thymus-derived and marrow-derived lymphocytes by demonstration of their antigen-binding characteristics., J Haskill, B Elliott, R Kerbel, M Axelrad, and D Eidinger
In vitro immunity to sheep erythrocytes by fractionated spleen cells, differentiation within the antibody-forming-cell precursor population., J Haskill and J Marbrook
In vitro response of partially purified spleen cells, 'blast' transformation., J Haskill and J Marbrook
Acetylcholine formation in mouse brain and effect of cholinergic drugs., D R. Haubrich, W D. Reid, and J R. Gillette
A model system for release of iron from the reticuloendothelial system., F I. Haurani and R O'brien
Increased tolerance of leukemic mice to arabinosyl cytosine with schedule adjusted to circadian system., E Haus, F Halberg, L E. Scheving, J E. Pauly, S Cardoso, J F. Kuhl, R B. Sothern, and D S. Hwang
The effect of the immunogenicity of the heterologous carrier on the early secondary anti-2, 4-dinitrophenyl (dnp) response of balb/c mice., H F. Havas and A Pickard
Allograft response in vitro., P Hayry, L C. Andersson, S Nordling, and M Virolainen
Development of neoplasia and karyotype analysis in mice with graft- -versus-host reaction., E F. Hays
Graft-versus-host reactions and the viral induction of lymphoma., E F. Hays
Distinction between the preneoplastic and neoplastic state of murine mammary glands., C Hazlewood, D Chang, D Medina, G Cleveland, and B Nichols
Immune responses in vitro. V. Rold of mercaptoethanol in the mixed- -leukocyte reaction., katz E. Heber and R E. Click
Antibody islet forming-cells, localized hemolysis inhibition in gel., J S. Hege and W V. Epstein
Physiological function and behavioral genetics. I. Genetic variance for peripheral conduction velocity in mice., J P. Hegmann
Nature of cellular deficiencies in age-related decline of the immune system., M L. Heidrick and T Makinodan
Potentials of spleen, lymph node, and peyer's patches to reconstitute lymphoid tissue and produce graft-versus-host reaction., L R. Heim, M P. Garry, J R. Montgomery, and M A. South
Pathogenesis of graft-versus-host reaction. I. Influence of thymectomy and adrenalectomy on development of lymphopenia., L R. Heim, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
The peyer's patches as thymus-independent lymphoid tissue., L R. Heim, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
Embryologische parameter verschiedener mausestamme., H Heinecke
Einfluss von n-lost-verbindungen auf die ausbildung akzessorischer rippen bei mausefeten., H Heinecke and S Klaus
Studies on the genetic control of cell proliferation, i. Clearance of dna-bound radioactivity in 19 inbred strains and hybrid mice., H Heiniger, H Chen, H Meier, B Taylor, and L Commerford
Studies of the blastogenic response of murine lymphocyte. Iii. Specific viral transformation., A Hellman, A K. Fowler, H G. Steinman, and P M. Buzzerd
Pancreatic islet levels of citrate under conditions of stimulated and inhibited insulin release., B Hellman and L Idahl
Transport of mannoheptulose and the dynamics of insulin release., B Hellman, L Idahl, A Lernmark, J Sehlin, E Simon, D I. Taljedal, and N B. willi
The pancreatic beta-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues. V. Binding and stimulatory action of phlorizin., B Hellman, A Lernmark, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
Transport and storage of 5-hydroxytryptamine in pancreatic beta-cells., B Hellman, A Lernmark, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
The intracellular ph of mammalian pancreatic beta-cells., B Hellman, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal