
Submissions from 1972

Effect of host strain and h-2 type on spontaneous regression of murine leukemia., M Dietz and M A. Rich

Extraction and purification of murine cell surface alloantigens. Abstr., D Di padua, I M. Kenzie, and P Russell

Quantitation of chemically induced neoplastic transformation of balb/3t3 cloned cell lines., J A. Di paolo, K Takano, and N C. Popescu

Genetics of the immune response. I. Differences in the specificity of antibodies to lipopolysaccharides among different strains of mice., R Di pauli

Glycolipids of mouse fibroblasts and virus transformed mouse cell lines., H Diringer, G Strobel, and M A. Koch

N6-substituted adenosines as inhibition of adenosine kinase. Abstr., A Divekar, M Hakala, G Chheda, and C Hong

Changes in sarcoma 180 cells associated with drug-induced resistance to adenosine analogs., A Y. Divekar, M H. Fleysher, H K. Slocum, L N. Kenny, and M T. Hakala

Hematopoiesis in the embryonic mouse spleen, an electron microscopic study., M Djaldetti, H Bessler, and R A. Rifkind

Erythropoietin effect on fetal mouse erythroid cells. II. Nucleic acid synthesis and the erythropoietin sensitive cell., M Djaldetti, H Preisler, P A. Marks, and R A. Rifkind

Studies on tumorigenicity of rat bone tumor virus (sd-msv-m) in mice, rats and hamsters., L Dmochowski, J L. East, J M. Bowen, M L. Lewis, and T Shigematsu

Isolation and characterization of plasma membranes from an l-aspara- ginase-sensitive strain of leukemia cells., R F. Dods, E Essner, and M Barclay

Cholesterol ester concentration and corticosterone production in adrenals of the c57bl/10 and dba/2 strains in relation to adrenal lipid depletion., C Doering, J Shire, S Kessler, and R Clayton

Glutaminase induced toxicity and anti-glutaminase antibodies in mice. Abstr., W Dolowy, J Roberts, and J Holcenberg

The proliferation kinetics of l 1210 ascites tumour., P Dombernowsky

Analysis of variations in the cell population kinetics with tumor age in the l1210 ascites tumor., P Dombernowsky and N R. Hartmann

Cytogenetic analysis of the first cleavage division in mouse embryos., R P. Donahue

Scanning electron microscopy of two murine tumors. Abstr., E Donati and J Volz

Chemical fractionation of immunosuppressive gamma-immunoglobulins from anti mouse-thymocyte serum (ats)., P Donatsch, M Allgower, L Cueni, K Stadtler, and G A. Schoenenberger

Experiments aiming at demonstrating microsomal drug metabolism in the tumor tissue., M G. Donelli, S Colombo, and S Garattini

Factors influencing the effect of an adjuvant on the growth of solid isogeneic tumors., M Donner, D Hottier, and C Burg

Analyse quantitative in vivo des reactions immunitaires dirigees contre les antigenes associes a des tumeurs murines solides., M Donner, D Oth, D Vaillier, and C Burg

Effect of various cell-free organ extracts on hematopoietic stem cells., R Dons, W Fried, F Trobaugh, and W Knospe

A comparison of multiple trait selection methods in the mouse., D P. Doolittle, S P. Wilson, and L L. Hulbert

H-2 antigens on murine leukemia cells and viruses., N Dorfman, V Stepina, and E Ievleva

Enhancing activity of thymocyte culture cell-free medium on the in vitro immune response of spleen cells from neonatally thymectomized mice to sheep rbc., G Doria, G Agarossi, and S D. Pietro

The rise and fall of antibody avidity at the level of single immunocytes., G Doria, G Shiaffini, M Garavini, and C Mancini

Inclusions lamellaires intra-cytoplasmiques d'un type particulier observees dans des cellules reticulaires mesenchymateuses du thymus chez le rat wistar et les souris nzb et akr., N Dourov

In vitro immune responses of spleen cells from friend virus infected mice., B N. Dracott, N Wedderburn, and M H. Salaman

The role of t cells and adjuvant in the immune response of mice to foreign erythrocytes., D W. Dresser

The regional lymph node in mice bearing transplanted syngeneic lymphoma cells., B Drewinko, M Jurin, and A Howes

Function of met-trnafmet and met-trnamet in peptide-chain elongation in cell-free systems from mouse-liver and ascites-tumor cells., J Drews, H Grasmuk, and R Weil

Nuclear dht-receptor in tfm/y kidney cell., U Drews, H Itakura, R Dofuku, U Tettenborn, and S Ohno

Comportement electrophoretique en gel d'acrylamide des isoenzymes de la phosphatase alcaline chez la souris., J Drouet, G Brunet, A Legrand, and M Goyffon

Metabolism in vivo of brain galactolipids, the jimpy mutant., M J. Druse and E Hogan

Fine structure of epidermal differentiation in the mouse., E F. Du brul

Effect of local or distal therapeutic treatment with polyinosinic- -polycytidylic acid on survival of mice with ehrlich carcinoma., H Du buy

Leucine pool size in liver and heart of mature and old mouse. Abstr., J Du, J Hoffman, and C Lang

Essential fatty acid requirement of tumor cells. Abstr., L Dunbar and J M. Bailey

Pathologic changes observed in organs of 'lethargic' mutant mice. Abstr., H Dung

Histo-pathologic observations of the nervous and lymphoid tissues of 'lethargic' mutant mice., H Dung and R Swigart

Antigen binding and capping by lymphocytes of genetic nonresponder mice., E K. Dunham, E R. Unanue, and B Benacerraf

The effect of certain nitrogen mustard derivatives on bone marrow colony-forming units and erythroid repopulating ability. II. Mice., C D. Dunn

Embryological effects of a minute deficiency in linkage group ii of the mouse., G Dunn

Expression of a sex-linked gene in standard and fusion-chimeric mice., G Dunn

Differences between immunodeficiencies of snell-bagg and ames pituitary dwarf mice. Abstr., R J. Duquesnoy

Immunodeficiency of the thymus-dependent system of the ames dwarf mouse., R J. Duquesnoy

Quelques donnees sur la longevite du rat et de la souris soumis- a des regimes alimentaires additionnes d'agents antioxygenes-a des restrictions alimentaires., G Durand

Combined neoplastic effects of vaccinia virus and 3-methylchol- anthrene. I. Studies with mice of different inbred strains., reynals M. Duran

Etude de l'action des androgenes sur l'incorporation de cytidine dans les organes du tractus genital de la souris male. I. Influence de la castration et de l'implantation d'androgene chez les castrats., M Durliat and C Vendrely

Limitations on calculation of dose based on number of fractions., L A. Du sault and P P. Maximuke

Macromolecular behaviour of gangliosides on electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate., G Dutton and S Barondes

Inhibitory and stimulatory effects of concanavalin a on the response of mouse spleen cell suspensions to antigen. I. Characterization of the inhibitory cell activity., R W. Dutton

The development of antigen-binding lymphocytes in foetal tissues., J M. Dwyer and I R. Mackay

Validation of autoradiography for recognition of antigen-binding lymphocytes in blood and lymphoid tissues. Quantitation and specifi- city of binding., J M. Dwyer and I R. Mackay

Specificity and nature of the antigen-combining sites on fetal and mature thymus lymphocytes., J M. Dwyer, N L. Warner, and I R. Mackay

The oviduct as a barrier to exogenous thymidine in the early develop- ment of the mouse embryo., A Dyban, N A. Samoshkina, and E B. Mystkowska

Cellular interactions during in vitro sensitization to transplantation antigens. Abstr., J W. Dyminski and B F. Argyris

In vitro sensitization to transplantation antigens. Iii. Thymus- -bone marrow cooperation., J W. Dyminski and B F. Argyris

In vitro sensitization to transplantation antigens. II. Role of h-2 antigen and culture supernatant., J W. Dyminski and B F. Argyris

In vitro sensitization to transplantation antigens. IV. Density gradient centrifugation of sensitized cells and sensitization of density gradient-fractionated cells., J W. Dyminski and B F. Argyris

In vitro sensitization to transplantation antigens. V. Suppression of t-cell and of b-cell function in vitro., J W. Dyminski and B F. Argyris

Influence of restricting the diet on breeding in genetically obese mice., A Eastcott

Potentiation of the antitumour effect of rubidomycin and rubomycin by non-ionic detergents., G C. Easty, J A. Stock, and bortkiewicz A. Ukleja

Intestinal helminths in inbred strains of mice., G J. Eaton

Deae-dextran and polybrene cation enhancement and dextran sulfate anion inhibition of immune cytolysis., P Ebbesen

Long survival time of isolated balb/c and dba/2 male mice., P Ebbesen

On the influence of two polycations and a polyanion on casein- -induced amyloidosis with a hypothesis on membrane alterations during amyloidogenesis., P Ebbesen

Influence of hormones, poly i, c, polyvinylpyrrolidon and beta-stim- ulators on in vitro infection with murine leukemia virus., P Ebbesen and J Hesse

Thymic cysts in oestrogenized balb/c mice., P Ebbesen and M H. Nielsen

Etude comparee de l'acetylcholinesterase et de la choline acetyltrans- ferase du cerveau de deux souches de souris dba et c57., A Ebel, J C. Hermetet, and P Mandel

Erythropoietic responses of mice to infection with rauscher leukemia virus., P S. Ebert, N E. Maestri, and M A. Chirigos

Circadian rhythm in blood glucose levels in normal and hepatectomized mice., J M. Echave llanos and M E. Vaccaro

A classification of the murine leukemia viruses. Neutralization of pseudotypes of friend spleen focus-forming virus by type-specific murine antisera., R J. Eckner and R A. Steeves

Optimal time sequence for the administration of arabinosyl cytosine (ara-c) + daunorubicin (daun). Abstr., M Edelstein

Antigen cap formation in cultured fibroblasts, a reflection of membrane fluidity and of cell motility., M Edidin and A Weiss

Defect of intestinal mucosal iron uptake in mice with hereditary microcytic anemia., J A. Edwards and J E. Hoke

Evidence for a territorial marking factor of mouse emotionality., O Egan, J Royce, and W Poley

Histocompatibility mutations in mice, chemical induction and linkage with the h-2 locus., I Egorov and Z K. Blandova

Differential spermatogenic response of mice to the induction of dominant-lethal mutations by n-propyl methanesulfonate and isopropyl methanesulfonate., U Ehling, D Doherty, and H Malling

The t6 translocation in the mouse, its use in trisomy mapping, centromere localization, and cytological identification of linkage group iii., E M. Eicher and M C. Green

Cytological identification of the chromosomes involved in searles translocation and the location of the centromere in the x chromosome of the mouse., E M. Eicher, M N. Nesbitt, and U Francke

Antibodies with shared idiotypes in inbred mice. Abstr., K Eichmann

Idiotypic identity of antibodies to streptococcal carbohydrate in inbred mice., K Eichmann

Studies of the regulatory effects of the sex hormones on antibody formation and stem cell differentiation., D Eidinger and T J. Garrett

Alteration in graft vs host reactivity and in hematopoietic stem cells of spleen cell inocula from donor mice pretreated with pertussis antigen., E A. Eikman and R T. Bowser

A gene controlling plasma serotonin levels in mice., B Eleftheriou and D Bailey

Genetic analysis of plasma corticosterone levels in two inbred strains of mice., B E. Eleftheriou and D W. Bailey

A gene controlling male pheromonal facilitation of pmsg-induced ovulation in mice., B E. Eleftheriou, D W. Bailey, and M X. Zarrow

Effects of neonatal and adult treatments with gonadal hormones on choline acetylase activity in brain regions of male mice after fighting., B E. Eleftheriou and C L. Dobson

Studies on the mouse mammary tumour agent (mta). IV. Lactate and malate dehydrogenase isozymes in normal mammary gland of riiif, c57bl and in virus-induced and spontaneous mammary adenocarcinoma in c57bl and riii mouse strains., fiky S. El

Growth regulation in mouse epidermis. II. G1-inhibitor present in the differentiating cell layer., K Elgjo, O Laerum, and W Edgehill

Reversal learning and rna labeling in neurological mutant mice and normal littermates., M F. Elias and B E. Eleftheriou

Sequential changes in spleen cell chromosomes during friend virus leukemia., S C. Elliott, R M. Helm, and M E. Myszewski

Antigenicity of clones of mouse prostate cells transformed in vitro., M Embleton and C Heidelberger

Inhibition of mouse ascites tumors by carbohydrate combined with immunization., C Eng, M Bhatnagar, and J Morgan

The detection in vitro of antigen binding cells in normal mouse thymus, using an improved autoradiographic method. Abstr., H Engers

Clearing-factor lipase in obese hyperglycaemic mice (ob/ob)., M Enser

Expression of the mammalian x chromosome before and after fertilization., C J. Epstein

The expression of the isocitrate dehydrogenase locus (id-1) during mouse embryogenesis., C J. Epstein, J A. Weston, W K. Whitten, and E S. Russell

Examination of the carcinogenic and cocarcinogenic effects of grenz radiation., J H. Epstein