Mechanisms and evolutionary origins of variable x-chromosome activity in mammals.
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Cellular Biology:, Hereditary Factors:, Genes: Hyp - Hypophosphatemia, Bn - Bent-tail, Bpa - Bare-patches, Gy - Gyro, It - Irregular teeth, jp - Jimpy, jp*mds, Ta*jp, Phk=K - Phosphorylase kinase, K(Phk), Ie - Eye-ear reduction, jp*sd - Myelin synthesis deficiency, msd - jp*mds, Mo -, Mottled, sf - Scurfy, sla - Sex-linked anemia, spf - Sparse-fur, Sxr - Sex reversed, Ta - Tabby, Tfm - Testicular feminization, Unknown:
Original Citation
Proc Roy Soc Lond, B 1974; B 1974, 187:243-68.