Submissions from 1974
Inhibition of subcutaneously growing line 1 carcinomas due to metasta- tic spread., J M. Yuhas and N H. Pazmino
Differential effects of total-body pre-irradiation on the growth and metastasis of line 1 alveolar cell carcinomas. Abstr., J M. Yuhas and J O. Proctor
Neuraminidase and cell viability, failure to detect cytotoxic effects with dye-exclusion techniques., J M. Yuhas, R E. Toya, and N H. Pazmino
Protection of lethally irradiated mice by spleen cells from neonatally thymectomized mice., E J. Yunis, R A. Good, J Smith, and O Stutman
Immunopathology of aging., E J. Yunis and L J. Greenberg
Altered differentiation of mouse epidermal cells treated with retinyl acetate in vitro., S Yuspa and C Harris
Suppression of in vivo growth of mouse myelomas by purified rabbit antibodies against mouse myeloma cells., M Yutoku, A L. Grossberg, and D Pressman
Relative toxicity of methotrexate in several tissues of mice bearing lewis lung carcinoma., D Zaharko, R Dedrick, A Peale, J Dranke, and R Lutz
The effects of noise level and elevated ambient temperatures upon selected reproductive traits in female swiss-webster mice., H B. Zakem and C Alliston
Ceramide biosynthesis in mouse brain microsomes. Comparison between c57bl controls and quaking mutants., B Zalc, S A. Pollet, M Harpin, and N A. Baumann
Immune response of mice to thy-1.1 Antigen. Studies on congenic lines., M B. Zaleski
Immune response of mice to thy-1.1 Antigen, genetic control by alleles at the ir-5 locus loosely linked to the h-2 complex., M Zaleski and J Klein
The measurement of blood perfusion in experimental tumors by uptake of 86rb., G D. Zanelli and J F. Fowler
Role of base composition in the electrophoresis of heat-treated deoxy- ribonucleic acid from hela and mouse cells in composite polyacrylamide gels., R S. Zeiger, R Salomon, C W. Dingman, and A C. Peacock
The differentiation pathway of t cells by use of preparatively elec- trophoretically separated mouse lymphocytes., K Zeiller, G Pascher, G Wagner, H G. Liebich, E Holzberg, D K. Hannig, and C S. Of
T cell suppression of contact sensitivity in the mouse. II. The role of soluble suppressor factor and its interaction with macroph- ages. Europ. J. Immunol. 1974, 4.799-804., M Zembala and G L. Asherson
Heterogenous populations of cytotoxic cells in the peritoneal cavity of balb/c mice immunized with allogeneic el4 leukemia cells., J Zighelboim, B Bonavida, and J L. Fahey
A sensitive in vitro microassay for detecting antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. Possible role in monitoring lymphocyte function., J Zighelboim, R P. Gale, R C. Ossorio, and J L. Fahey
Localization of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gn-rh) in the hypo- thalamus of the mouse by immunoperoxidase technique., E A. Zimmerman, K C. Hsu, M Ferin, and G P. Kozlowski
Restriction by h-2 gene complex of transfer of cell-mediated immunity to listeria monocytogenes., R M. Zinkernagel
Immunological surveillance against altered self components by sensitised t lymphocytes in lymphocytic choriomeningitis., R M. Zinkernagel and P C. Doherty
Restriction of in vitro t cell-mediated cytotoxicity in lymphocytic choriomeningitis within a syngeneic or semiallogeneic system., R M. Zinkernagel and P C. Doherty
Restoration of immune competence in tolerant mice by parabiosis to normal mice., S Zolla and D Naor
Cellular basis of immunodepression in mice with plasmacytomas., S Zolla, D Naor, and P Tanapatchaiyapong