Indentification of inbred strains of mice, mus musculus. I. Genetic control of inbred strains of mice using starch gel electrophoresis.
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Biochemistry, Metabolism:, Hereditary Factors:, Genes: Es-1 - Serum esterase-1, Es-2 - Serum esterase-2, Es-3 - Kidney esterase-3, Gpi-1 - Alucose phosphate isomerase-1 (all), Gpd-1 - Glucose phosphate dehydrogenase, Hbb - Hemoblobin-beta-chain=Hb*b, Hb*s, Hbd, Id-1 - Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Idh-1, Ldh - Lactate dehydrogenase, ldr-1, Lactate dehydrogenase regulator, Ldh - Lactate dehydrogenase, ldr-1, Lactate dehydrogenase regulator, Mdh-1 - Malic dehydrogenase, Mod-1 - Malic enzyme, supernatant, Pgm-1 - Phosphoglucomutase-1, Pgm-2 -, Phosphoglucomutase-2, Pgd-1 - 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, Trf - Transferrin, Id-2 - Isocitrate dehydrogenase-2, Idh-2 - Isocitrate dehydrogenase-2, p-1, Strains: A(CAL-A) (A/J), AKR, BALB/C, CBA, CBA/H-T6T6, C3H, C3H/HE, C57BL/6, DBA/2 (212), DW, GR, NZB, ST/B (STB), ST/A (STA)
Original Citation
Biochem Genet 1976; 14:319-26.