Submissions from 1977
Cell to cell transfer of suppressor cell activity. Abstr., S L. Hanson and J R. Schmidtke
An analysis of intestinal stem cell characteristics as a possible explanation for the different strain radiosensitivity between balb/c and b6cf1 mice. Abstr., W R. Hanson, R J. Fry, and A R. Sallese
Role of hormones in maternal aggression and infant care. Abstr., C D. Hansult and S Kessler
Erythropoietic precursors in mice under erythropoietic stimulation and suppression., H Hara and M Ogawa
Erythropoietic precursors in murine blood., H Hara and M Ogawa
Immunologic characteristics in relation to high and low leukemogenic activity of radiation leukemia virus variants. I. Cellular analysis of immunosuppression., ghera N. Haran, yaakov M. Ben, and A Peled
Immunologic characteristics in relation to high and low leukemogenic activity of radiation leukemia virus. II. Analysis of the immune response., ghera N. Haran and N Rubio
Long-term organ culture of mouse mammary gland., J W. Harbell, P D. Bowman, J M. Shannon, and C W. Daniel
Hormonal requirements for growth in vitro of pregnancy- -dependent mouse mammary tumors. Abstr., J W. Harbell, J S. Papkoff, and C W. Daniel
Studies of binary drug combinations involving adriamycin (adm), methotrexate (mtx), 5-fluoruracil (fu) and phosphoramide mustard (pm) in cultured l1210 cells. Abstr., H Harder and E Silk
Rna polymerase activity in liver and brain of aging mice. Abstr., C W. Harker and R W. Benson
Enhancement of colony-stimulating activity production by lithium., W G. Harker, G Rothstein, D Clarkson, J W. Athens, and J L. Macfarlane
The haemoglobin types of mice., J H. Harleman
Resistance of h-2 heterozygous mice to parental tumors. I. Hybrid resistance and natural cytotoxicity to el-4 are controlled by the h-2d-hh-1 region., R C. Harmon, E A. Clark, C O'toole, and L S. Wicker
Comparison of chloride and sulfate exchange in mouse erythrocytes and friend virus-induced mouse erythro- leukemic cells. Abstr., P Harper, A M. Dougall, and P A. Knauf
A prednisolone ester of chlorambucil., K R. Harrap; P G. Riches; E D. Gilby; S M. Sellwood; R Wilkinson; D I. Konyves; and S O. Ofprednimustine,
Involvement of lymphocyte mediators in the rejection of a murine tumor allograft., J T. Harrington
Transferrin promotion of 67ga and 59fe uptake by cultured mouse myeloma cells., A W. Harris and R G. Sephton
Response of primary and secondary cytotoxic t lymphocytes to hyperthermia. Abstr., J W. Harris
Further studies of anti-murine plasma cell sera. Effects on immunoglobulin levels and the anamnestic response., N S. Harris, D S. Chi, and P D. Thomson
The spinal cord-ventral root junction in the trembler mouse., B M. Harrison
Stem cell lines from old immunodeficient donors give normal responses in young recipients., D E. Harrison, C M. Astle, and J W. Doubleday
Schedule dependence of hematologic recovery from 5-fluorouracil in mice. Abstr., S D. Harrison and E P. Denine
The relationship between stimulus reactivity and heart rate in two inbred strains of mus musculus., G A. Harshfield and E C. Simmel
A new class of murine leukemia virus associated with development of spontaneous lymphomas., J W. Hartley, N K. Wolford, L J. Old, and W P. Rowe
Suppressor t-cell inactivation of a helper t-cell factor., L Harwell, P Marrack, and J W. Kappler
The antibody response to the t1699 murine adenocarcinoma. Antibody class and subclass heterogeneity detected in serum and in situ., J S. Haskill, L A. Radov, J W. Fett, and E Parthenais
In vitro erythroid colony formation following rauscher leukemia virus. A8@@@bs, S Hasthorpe
Specific changes in the collagen phenotype of balb3t3 cells as a result of transformation by sarcoma viruses or a chemical carcinogen., R Hata and B Peterkofsky
Sex and genotype influences of nicotine on motor activity, liver metabolism, neural sensitivity, and the acquisition of motor tolerance in inbred mice. Abstr., P C. Hatchell and A C. Collins
Combined treatment with anaerobic corynebacterium liquefaciens and chemotherapeutics against solid tumor in mice., T Hattori and S Yamagata
Etude morphometrique du thymus de la souris heterozygote pou>@ r @@, S Haumont and J Scheiff
A new histogenetic method for minor histocompatibility antigen typing., V Hauptfeld and J Klein
Influence of bcg-potentiated immunotherapy in tumor-bearing mice., E Hawrylko
Serum-mediated escape from bcg-potentiated antitumor immunity in vivo., E Hawrylko
Serum mediated escape from bcg potentiated antitumor immunity in vivo. Abstr., E Hawrylko
Intracisternal a and bar-shaped particles in murine neuroblastoma c1300., M Hayano, J H. Sung, C W. Song, and J J. Clement
Allograft-infiltrating killer cells., P Hayry and P J. Roberts
A discrepancy in xc and oncogenicity assays for murine leukemia virus in akr mice., E F. Hays and D L. Vredevoe
Experimental pseudomonas keratitis in immunosuppressed hybrid mice., L D. Hazlett, D D. Rosen, and R S. Berk
Significance of the cellular component of the maternal immunologic endowment in milk., J R. Head, A E. Beer, and R E. Billingham
Suppression of antibody-mediated and cell-mediated murine immunity by the carcinogen n-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl]- acetamide., D B. Headley, S M. Cohen, and G T. Bryan
Effects of the carcinogens n-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl] acetamide (nfta) and n-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl]formamide (fanft) and their non-nitro analogues on antibody-mediated (ami) and cell-mediated (cmi) murine immunity. Abstr., D B. Headley, R G. Klopp, J M. Ewenko, and G T. Bryan
Characterization of the intracellular location of tumor- -associated antigens in b-16 murine malignant melanoma. <@@@ab, V J. Hearing, S E. Kerney, P M. Montague, T M. Ekel, and J M. Nichoison
The dna content of micronuclei induced in mouse bone marrow by gamma-irradiation. Evidence that micronuclei arise from acentric chromosomal fragments., J A. Heddle and A V. Carrano
Neonatal androgen injection changes open-field behavior of mice., J P. Hegmann and A Blakley
Antibody to normal cells stimulates tumor cells. Abstr., M L. Heidrick, W L. Ryan, and G L. Curtis
Age-associated interferon production by mouse spleen cells and its effect on mitogen response assays. Abstr., J W. Heine and W H. Adler
The quantitiative production of interferon by mitogen-stimulated mouse lymphocytes as a function of age and its effect on the lymphocytes proliferative response., J W. Heine and W H. Adler
Mobilisation from microdissected pancreatic islets of intra- cellular 45ca taken up in response to d-glucose. Abstr., B Hellman, E Gylfe, A Buitrago, and P Berggren
Effects of various modifiers of insulin release on the lanthanum-nondisplaceable 45ca2+ uptake by isolated pancreatic islets., B Hellman, S Lenzen, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
Catabolism in ehrlich ascites tumor cells in vitro., J F. Henderson, M L. Battell, G Zombor, J Fuska, D P. Nemec, and S O. And
The role of motor learning and cage size in the early enrichment effect in mice., N D. Henderson
Intracellular protein degradation in growing, in density- -inhibited, and in serum-restricted fibroblast cultures., K B. Hendil
Specificity of cytotoxic effector cells directed against trinitrobenzene sulfonate-modified syngeneic cells. Failure to recognize cell surface-bound trinitrophenyl dextran., P A. Henkart, verhulst A. Schmitt, and G M. Shearer
Influence of experiential factors and gonadal hormones on pituitary-adrenal response of the mouse to novelty and electric shock., J W. Hennessy, R Levin, and S Levine
Effects of various habituation procedures on pituitary-adrenal responsiveness in the mouse., M B. Hennessy and S Levine
Biological characterization of a tumour-growth-promoting factor from ascitic fluid of tumour-bearing mice., O Henriksen and L W. Law
Quantitative in vivo studies of soluble simian virus 40 tumor-specific transplantation antigens of the mouse., O Henriksen, L W. Law, and E Appella
Expression and function of i region determinants on immunocompentent cells. I. Selective expression of i-c region determinants on immune cells., C Henry and E L. Chan
Expression and function of i region products on immunocompetent cells. II. I region products in t-b interaction., C Henry, E L. Chan, and D Kodlin
Effects of the albino gene and early visual experience on the visual evoked response in the mouse. Abstr., K R. Henry and R Rhoades
Effects of ambient lighting and the albino gene on the developing visual evoked potential of the mouse., K R. Henry, R W. Rhoades, and M M. Haythorn
The sulphation factor activity response to various treatment in normal and diabetic obese-hyperglycaemic mice. Abstr., G Herbai and C Hellerstrom
The dose-dependent serum insulin lowering effect of a somatostatin (gh-rif) in vivo in the obese-hyperglycaemic (ob-ob) syndrome. Short communication., G Herbai, naeser S. Westman, L Carlsson, P Melin, and J Mulder
Laboratory animals exhibiting obesity and diabetes syndromes., L Herberg and D L. Coleman
Paradoxical glucagon responses to saline or tolbutamid^@ e @@, L N. Herberg
Fc receptors on mouse effector cells mediating natural cytotoxicity against tumor cells., R B. Herberman, S Bartram, J S. Haskill, M Nunn, H T. Holden, and W H. West
Cells against syngeneic and allogeneic target cells., R B. Herberman, M E. Nunn, H T. Holden, S Staal, D J. Djeu, and T O. Lymphoid
Development of learning and memory in mice genetically selected for differences in brain weight., B H. Herman and Z M. Nagy
Biochemical and genetic factors in the heat inactivation of murine beta-glucuronidase., K Herrup and R J. Mullen
Effect of cannabinoids on neurotransmitter uptake, atpase activity and morphology of mouse brain synaptosomes., M Hershkowitz, R Goldman, and A Raz
An in vitro assay for the quantitation of phagocytic cells of different anatomic origin., wulff B. Hertel
Is an early calcium flux necessary to stimulate lymphocytes., T R. Hesketh, G A. Smith, M D. Houslay, G B. Warren, and J C. Metcalfe
The effect of pregnancy on lymph node weight in the mouse., C M. Hetherington and D P. Humber
Receptors for igg. Subclass specificity of receptors on different mouse cell types and the definition of two distinct receptors on a macrophage cell line., C H. Heusser, C L, and E A. Grey
Facilitation of nodal metastasis from a non-immunogenic murine carcinoma by previous whole-body irradiation of tumour recipients., H B. Hewitt and E R. Blake
Further studies of the relationship between lymphatic dissemination and lymphnodal metastasis in non-immunogenic murine tumours., H B. Hewitt and E R. Blake
Polyamine concentrations in spleen of normal and tumor-bearing mice with effect of administration of methylglyoxal-bis (guanyl- hydrazone)., H Hibasami, M Tanaka, J Nagai, and T Ikeda
Effects of phenobarbital and endotoxin on the lethality and metabolism of 6-mercaptopurine in male balb/c mice., T Higuchi, T Nakamura, and H Uchino
Studies on the effects of phenobarbital and endotoxin on the toxicity and metabolism of 6-mercaptopurine in mice., T Higuchi, T Nakamura, and H Uchino
Oral anticoagulation in the treatment of a spontaneously metastasising murine tumour (3ll)., P Hilgard, H Schulte, G Wetzig, G Schmitt, and C G. Schmidt
Antitumour and immunosuppressive activity of hydroxyanthra- quinones and their glucosides., I Hilgert, J Cudlin, N Steinerova, and Z Vanek
Pigment in the spleen of c57bl/10scsn and related mice., A C. Hill, H Georgis, and J Breaden
Superiority of adriamycin-14-octanoate over adriamycin in reducing viability of methotrexate-resistant l5178y cells., B T. Hill and L A. Price
"selective Folinic acid (cf) protection" as opposed to "cf rescue" in l5178y cells. Abstr., B T. Hill, L A. Price, and J H. Goldie
The difference between "selective folinic acid protection" and "folinic acid rescue" in l5178y cells culture., B T. Hill, L A. Price, S I. Harrison, and J H. Goldie
Comparative effects of dtic, meccnu and l-pam on 3 transplantable mouse melanomas. Abstr., H Z. Hill, G J. Hill, M Pfaller, K Weiss, and M Galin
Differential toxicity of chloroform in the mouse., R N. Hill
A new method of determining the fraction of hypoxic cells in a transplantable murine sarcoma., R P. Hill and R S. Bush
Intercellular contact and the radiation sensitivity of kht sarcoma cells. Abstr., R P. Hill, R Ng, and R S. Bush
Radiosensitizing and cytocidal effects on hypoxic cells of ro-07-0582, and repair of x-ray injury, in an experimental mouse tumour., S A. Hill and J F. Fowler
DNA damage and repair in L1210 cells exposed to 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea., J Hilton, D L Bowie, P H Gutin, D M Zito, and M D Walker
The role of pi in glycolytic inhibition of calcium ion uptake by eld ascites tumor cells., R N. Hines and C E. Wenner
An experimental approach to relate a tumor-associated enzyme marker to tumor cell numbers., R N. Hiramoto, V K. Ghanta, S Soong, and D C. Hurst
Development of purkinje cell somatic spines in the weaver mouse., A Hirano, H M. Dembitzer, and C H. Yoon
Induction of melanogenesis in the epidermal melanoblasts of bewborn mouse skin by msh., T Hirobe and T Takeuchi
Induction of melanogenesis in vitro in the epidermal melanoblasts of newborn mouse skin by msh., T Hirobe and T Takeuchi
Cancer (br-10) in nude mice., S Hirohashi, Y Shimosato, T Kameya, K Nagai, D R. Tsunematsu, and E D. Breast