Developmental interaction in the pigmentary system of mice. I. Interactions between effects of genes on color of pigment and on distribution of pigmentation in the coat of the house mouse (mus musculus).

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Hereditary Factors:, Morphology:, Organs:, Physiology:, Genes: a - Non-agouti, a*t - Black & tan, A*y - Yellow, bt - Belted, e - Recessive yellow, ye, ls - Lethal spotting, mi*sp - mi-spotted, Mi*wh - White, Ph - Patch, s - Piebald-spotting, W*j2, e - Recessive yellow, ye, bt - Belted, bt*2J - Belted-2J, bt*J - Belted-J, Strains: C57BL/6, Unknown:

Original Citation

J Hered 1979; 70:31-6.

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