
Submissions from 1980

Serum protein concentrations during schistosoma mansoni infection in intact and t-cell deprived mice. II. Immuno- globulin g and antibodies specific for heterologous erythro- cytes., R Musallam, J Bain, A Mcgregor, and M Doenhoff

Cloned delta chain cdna., J F. Mushinski, F R. Blattner, J D. Owens, F D. Finkelman, T W. Kessler, L Fitzmaurice, M Potter, D P. Tucker, and I D. Of a

Amino acid uptake is inhibited following p388 cell surface alterations induced by 2-deoxy-d-glucose treatment. Abstr., robfogel M. Myers, D M. Hockenberry, and J T. Jr

Evaluation of capillary tube leukocyte adherence inhibition as an immunodiagnostic assay in a murine tumor system. Abstr., W L. Myers and M O'keefe

Thymocyte subpopulations in young and adult mice. Iii. Quali- tative and quantitative electron microscopic study of steroid resistant and steroid sensitive populations., B Nabarra and M Papiernik

Pentobarbital (p) tolerance and dependence in different strains of mice. Abstr., T Nabeshima, J Smith, and I K. Ho

Cytolytically active murine t-cell hybrids., M Nabholz, M Cianfriglia, O Acuto, A Conzelmann, W Haas, H V. Boehmer, H R. Mcdonald, H Pohlit, and J P. Johnson

Established murine cytolytic t-cell lines as tools for a somatic cell genetic analysis of t-cell functions., M Nabholz, A Conzelmann, O Acuto, M North, W Hass, H Pohlit, H Von boehmer, H Hengartner, J Mach, H Engers, and J P. Johnson

Lymphokine activation of mouse peritoneal macrophages for killing of leishmania tropica. Abstr., C A. Nacy, M S. Meltzer, and D J. Wyler

Glycosaminoglycans of some mouse mastocytomas., H B. Nader, W Marx, and L Spolter

Differences in camp levels in tn- and non-tn-bearing mouse spermatozoa., M Nadijcka and N Hillman

A monoclonal antibody defining a lymphoma-associated antigen in man., L M. Nadler, P Stashenko, R Hardy, and S F. Schlossman

Ontogeny of murine accessory cells: ia antigen expression and accessory cell function in in vitro primary antibody responses., P I. Nadler, R J. Klingenstein, and R J. Hodes

Purification and characterization of mouse alpha-lactalbumin and preparation of its antibody., Y Nagamatsu and T Oka

Sleep-promoting effect of the sleep-promoting substance (sps) and delta sleep-inducing peptide (dsip) in the mouse., H Nagasaki, K Kitahama, J Valatx, and M Jouvet

The radiation responses of synchronous l5178y s/s cells and their significance for radiobiological theory., H Nagasawa, A B. Cox, and J T. Lett

Relationship between incidence and onset age of mammary tumors and reproductive characteristics in mice., H Nagasawa and Y Nakajima

Effects of progesterone on normal and preneoplastic mammary development in mice in relation to prolactin and estrogen., H Nagasawa, R Yanai, Y Nakajima, and J Mori

Inhibitory effects of potassium thiocyanate on normal and neoplastic mammary development in female mice., H Nagasawa, R Yanai, Y Nakajima, H Namiki, and K Shiota

Changes in contractile proteins during differentiation of myeloid leukemia cells. I. Polymerization of actin., K Nagata, J Sagara, and Y Ichikawa

Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase activities in brain regions of rolling mouse nagoya., I Nagatsu, Y Kondo, S Inagaki, S Oda, and T Nagatsu

Biochemical controls of the g1 phase of a mammalian cell cycle. I. Analysis of chromatin proteins in temperature-sensitive variants., P M. Naha and R Sorrentino

The ability of hapten-conjugated cells to induce cell-mediated cytotoxicity is affected by the mode of hapten linkage., F Nahas and S Leskowitz

Analysis of monoclonal anti-group a carbohydrate antibodies from a/j mice. Abstr., M Nahm, B Clevinger, P Basta, D Briles, and J Davie

Isolation, characterization and amino acid sequence studies of the cyanogen bromide fragments of the h-2dd glycoprotein., R Nairn, S G. Nathenson, and J E. Coligan

Inhibition of effector cell functions in natural killer cell activity (nk) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc) in mice by normal and cancer sera., P N. Nair, G Fernandes, K Onoe, N K. Day, and R A. Good

Establishment of a cell line from a human fetal liver and its xenotransplantation to nude mice., O Nakagomi and N Ishida

Genetic studies of autoimmunity in new zealand mice. Association of circulating retroviral gp70 immune complex with proteinuria., Y Nakai, N Maruyama, K Ohta, H Yoshida, and T Shirai

Neurovirulence of influenza virus in mice. II. Mechanism of virulence as studied in a neuroblastoma cell line., S Nakajima and A Sugiura

Conversion of immune response patterns from high to low and low to high by an rnase-sensitive thymocyte extract., K Nakamura

Immunosuppressive factors from mastocytoma cells cultured in serum-free medium., M Nakamura, N Ishida, and I Kamo

Biophysical cytochemical investigations of intracellular heparin in neoplastic mast cells., N Nakamura, R E. Hurst, S S. West, J M. Menter, A F. Golden, D A. Corliss, and D D. Jones

Radiobiological studies of pi-meson at triumf using mouse l5178y cells., N Nakamura, G K. Lam, K Sakamoto, and S Okada

Changes in the cellular glycosaminoglycans of cultured masto- cytoma cells induced by sodium butyrate., N Nakamura, Y Mori, Y Tanigaki, and J Kojima

Induction of suppressor t cells in delayed-type hypersensitivity to mycobacterium bovis bcg in low-responder mice., R M. Nakamura and T Tokunaga

Difference in antigen-presenting ability of macrophages between high- and low-responder mice in delayed-type hypersensitivity to mycobacterium bovis bcg., R M. Nakamura, T Tokunaga, and S Yamamoto

Aging and sister chromatid exchange. V. The effect of post-embryonic development on mutagen-induced sister chromatid exchanges in mouse and rat bone marrow cells., Y Nakanishi, R A. Dein, and E L. Schneider

Accelerated age-dependent decline in the t suppressor capacity of sjl mice., K Nakano and B Cinader

A strain survey of age-dependent changes in antigen elimination, antibody formation and tolerance., K Nakano and B Cinader

Effect of 1-beta-d-ribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide (ribavirin) on tolerance induction in sjl mice., K Nakano and B Cinader

Suppressor cells and their precursors in a/j mice, tolerant to heterologous gamma globulin., K Nakano and B Cinader

Characterization of mouse helper and suppressor t cell subsets separated by lectins., T Nakano, Y Imai, M Naiki, and T Osawa

Induction and separation of mouse helper t cells by lectins., T Nakano, Y Oguchi, Y Imai, and T Osawa

Mitogenic response of human and murine t lymphocytes to staph- ylococcal protein a: not mediated by binding to cell surface immunoglobulins., Y Nakao, M Kishihara, Y Baba, T Fujita, and K Fujiwara

Adjuvant actions of polyclonal lymphocyte activators. II. Comparison and characterization of their actions in initiation and potentiation of immune responses to t-dependent and t-in- dependent soluble antigens., I Nakashima, F Nagase, A Matsuura, and N Kato

Distinct types of t-initiating adjuvant action demonstrated under different experimental conditions., I Nakashima, F Nagase, A Matsuura, T Yokochi, D N. Kato, and N A. Two

Alloantigen-induced t-cell proliferation: lyt phenotype of responding cells and blocking of proliferation by lyt antisera., E Nakayama, W Dippold, H Shiku, and L J. Old

Analysis of the mechanism of allograft rejection and cell-mediated immunity. I. Accelerated rejection of tumour allografts without augmented cytotoxicity in the spleen cells., F Nanishi, K Nomoto, K Taniguchi, and C Kubo

Unresponsiveness to modified self antigens-a censorship mechanism controlling autoimmunity?, D Naor

Experimental study on the antileukemic effects of the recently developed aclacinomycin a. Abstr., N Nara, T Miyamoto, A Kurisu, M Bessho, and K Hirashima

Antibody response of murine spleen cells with or without receptors for c3 to antigenic or mitogenic stimulation., H Nariuchi and T Kakiuchi

Purification and characterization of a mouse t cell replacing factor from primary mixed lymphocyte culture supernatant., K Naruo, Y Oguchi, Y Masuzawa, and T Osawa

Developmental abnormalities of the mouse brain in hereditary polydactyly (polydactyly nagoya, pdn). Abstr., I Naruse and Y Kameyama

In vitro differentiation of two surface markers for immature t cells by the synthetic pentapeptide, thymopoietin32-36 (tp-5). Abstr., L Nash, R A. Good, G Goldstein, and G S. Incefy

Lack of suppressor cell regulation of murine natural killer cell activity. Abstr., A G. Nasrallah, M T. Gallagher, S K. Datta, E L. Priest, and J J. Trentin

Parvum on natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity., A G. Nasrallah, M T. Gallagher, E L. Priest, D J. Trentin, and A E. Corynebacterium

Genetic studies of daily variations of first-step enzymes of mono- amines metabolism in the brain of inbred strains of mice and hybrids. I. Daily variations of tryptophan hydroxylase activity in the nuclei raphe dorsalis, raphe centralis and in the striatum., J Natali, degueurce A. Mcrae, G Chouvet, and J Pujol

Genetic studies of daily variations of first-step enzymes of mono- amines metabolism in the brain of inbred strains of mice and hybrids. II. Daily variations of tyrosine hydroxylase activity in the locus coeruleus., J Natali, A Mcrae-Degueurce, and P Keane

Role of activated macrophages in antibody-dependent lysis of tumor cells., C Nathan, L Brukner, G Kaplan, J Unkeless, and Z Cohn

Tumor cell anti-oxidant defenses. Inhibition of the glutathione redox cycle enhances macrophage-mediated cytolysis., C F. Nathan, B A. Arrick, H W. Murray, and Z A. Cohn

Effects of a plasminogen activator inhibitor on the growth of mouse bladder tumors. Abstr., S D. Nathanson and D L. Morton

Structural polymorphism of murine c4 and its linkage to h-2., sakai S. Natsuume, T Kaidoh, M Nonaka, and M Takahashi

Differential nitrogen mustard toxicity toward the murine l1210 leukemia and host directed by tertiary amines, monoquarternary and bisquaternary ammonium compounds. Abstr., A S. Naujokaitis, J M. Fisher, and M Rabinovitz

Effect of cyclomunine on allogeneic responses in mice., J Navarro, J Touraine, and lavoine N. Simon

Etiologic role of lactic dehydrogenase virus infection in an age-dependent neuroparalytic disease in c58 mice., J F. Nawrocki, L R. Pease, and W H. Murphy

Anti-erythrocyte autoantibody production in mice associated with the injection of rat erythrocytes. I. Regulation of the response by suppressor cells., J D. Naysmith, C J. Elson, M Dallman, E Fletcher, and pierres M. Ortega

Association between ornithine decarboxylase induction and the ah locus in mice treated with polycyclic aromatic compounds., D W. Nebert, N M. Jensen, J W. Perry, and T Oka

Decreased t cell function in mice exposed to chronic, low levels of lead., B A. Neilan, L Taddeini, C E. Mcjilton, and B S. Handwerger

Cellular distribution of the target of qa-1 region associated cytotoxicity. Abstr., L J. Nell and R R. Rich

T-t hybridoma product specifically suppresses tumor immunity., K Nelson, J Cory, I Hellstrom, and K E. Hellstrom

Macrophages and resistance to tumors. IV. Influence of age on susceptibility of mice to anti-inflammatory and antimacrophage effects of tumor cell products., M Nelson and D S. Nelson

Persistence of passively transferred goat f(ab')2 antibody fragments in the circulation of rodents., S J. Nelson and D D. Manning

Alteration of the glycolipid biosynthesis in the hypopituitary dwarf mouse., N M. Neskovic, L L. Sarlieve, and P Mandel

In vivo release of lymphokines in different strains of mice., R Neta and S B. Salvin

Sequential expression of functions during macrophage differentiation in murine bone marrow liquid cultures., C Neumann and C Sorg

Effect of ligh and heated medium on the plating efficiency and heat sensitivity of emt6 cells. Abstr., B H. Nevaldine and G A. King

The sites for alpha-aminoisobutyric acid uptake in normal mammary gland and ascites tumor cells. A comparative study of mouse tissues in vitro., M C. Neville, C J. Lobitz, E A. Ripoll, and C Tinney

Frequency determination of k cells by a single cell cyto- toxic assay., M E. Neville, E Grimm, and B Bonavida

On the mechanism of t cell-independent anti-listeria resistance in nude mice., M F. Newborg and R J. North

The genetics of antibody response to mammary tumor virus (mtv-s) in c57bl/crgl and i/crgl mice. Abstr., C Newby

Altered polyvinylpyrrolidone clearance and immune responsiveness caused by small dietary changes., T J. Newby, C R. Stokes, and F J. Bourne

J genes for heavy chain immunoglobulins of mouse., N Newell, J E. Richards, P W. Tucker, and F R. Blattner

Genetic control of the immune response of mice to highly dinitrophenylated human gamma-globulin dnp56hcg)., R C. Newton and C M. Warner

Characterization of atpase in sarcoplasmic reticulum from two strains of dystrophic mice., M A. Neymark, S J. Kopacz, and C Lee

Survival of balb/c mice after intravenous infection with mycobacterium marinum., H Ng, T M. Welch, and L Levy

The serially transplanted c3h mouse mammary tumour as a clinically relevant model system, A H. Nias, S M. Chamberlain, and A S. Abdelaal

Bone-forming cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma cells., J F. Nicolas, J Gaillard, H Jakob, and F Jacob

Isoelectric focusing of immunoglobulins: improved methodology., R A. Nicolotti, D E. Briles, J A. Schroer, and J M. Davie

Role of i-region gene products in macrophage induction of an antibody response. II. Restriction at the level of t cell in recognition of i-j-subregion macrophage determinants., J E. Niederhuber and P Allen

The role of i region gene products in macrophage induction of an antibody response. I. Ability of anti-i-j region sera to block macrophage function., J E. Niederhuber and P Allen

Comparative studies on indicine-n-oxide in cultured l1210 cells and rat liver homogenate. Abstr., C J. Nielsen, S K. Daley, and S E. Emmert

Influence of an intestinal microflora on the development of the immunoglobulins igg1, igg2a, igm and iga in germ-free balb/c mice., E Nielsen and C W. Friis

Radiation-induced meiotic autosomal non-disjunction in male mice. The effects of low doses of fission neutrons and x-rays in meiosis i and ii of a robertsonian trans- location heterozygote., J H. Nijhoff and P D. Boer

Molecular dissection of rauscher virus gp70 by using monoclonal antibodies: localization of acquired sequences of related envelope gene recombinants., H L. Niman and J H. Elder

Study on morphological changes of ovaries in mice exposed to 60co gamma ray irradiation -- histogenesis of interstitial cells in an early stage., T Nishida

Reconstitution & characterization of a sodium-stimulated active amin- oisobutyric acid transport system derived from partially purified plasma membranes from mouse fibroblasts transformed by simian virus40: comparison of a reconstituted vesicles with native membrane vesicles., H Nishino, L G. Tillotson, R M. Schiller, and K J. Isselbacher

Organization and complete sequence of idential embryonic and plasmacytoma kappa v-region genets., Y Nishioka and P Leder

Fertilization in vitro of eggs and first cleavage of embryos in different strains of mice., K Niwa, M Araki, and A Iritani

Protein degradation in the mouse visual system. I. Degradation of axonally transported and retinal proteins., R A. Nixon

Passive immunotherapy prevents expression of endogenous moloney virus and amplification of proviral dna in balb/mo mice., P Nobis and R Jaenisch