
Submissions from 1982

Formation of duct-alveolar structures and new types of tumors by a pregnancy-dependent mouse mammary tumor (tpdmt-4) in virgin mice., A Matsuzawa, T Kaneko, Y Ikeda, and T Yamamoto

Enhanced and reversed growth in vivo of a pregnancy-dependent mouse mammary tumor (tpdmt-4) by a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist analog., A Matsuzawa and T Yamamoto

Accelerated development of th-2 type of helper effect in mrl/mpj-lpr/lpr and bxsb/mpj mice., T Matsuzawa and B Cinader

Accelerated development of the th-2 type factor in animals with and without an imbalance between help and suppression., T Matsuzawa and B Cinader

Polymorphism of age-dependent changes in the production of a thf helper factor., T Matsuzawa and B Cinader

Strain- and age-dependent change in carrier independent helper capacity., T Matsuzawa and B Cinader

Development and application of an efficient procedure for converting mouse igm into small, active fragments., W D. Matthew and L F. Reichardt

Myelin basic protein and the stability of the multi-lamellar myelin structure., J Matthieu

Effects of cytochalasin b on unstimulated and adrenocorticotro- pin-stimulated adrenocortical tumor cells in vitro., P Mattson and J Kowal

Decline in bone marrow proliferative capacity as a function of age., P Mauch, L E. Botnick, E C. Hannon, J Obbagy, and S Hellman

Use of donor allogeneic cultured cells in bone marrow transplantation. Abstr., P Mauch, B Hamilton, J Lipton, and S Hellman

Weak bases and ionophores rapidly and reversibly raise the ph of endocytic vesicles in cultured mouse fibroblasts., F R. Maxfield

Effects of the y chromosome on testis weight and aggression. Abstr., S C. Maxson and P Shrenker

The control of embryonic pigment cell proliferation in culture by cyclic amp., T C. Mayer

Studies on the clonal origin of human b cell leukemia using monoclonal anti-idiotype antibodies., M Mayumi, H Kubagawa, G A. Omura, W E. Gathings, O F. Kearney, and M D. Cooper

Effect of c. Parvum on the number and activity of macrophages in primary and transplanted murine fibrosarcomas., W H. Mcbride, M F. Woodruff, G M. Forbes, and K Moore

Audiogenic induced seizures and regional cerebral energy metabolism. Abstr., D W. Mccandless and F Schwartzenburg

Antigenic regulation of cytotoxic t cell activity in mice neonatally tolerized to h-2. Abstr., S A. Mccarthy and F H. Bach

Grass pollen hypersensitivity in mice., A C. Mccaskill, C S. Hosking, and D J. Hill

Manganese potentiation of autologous anti-meth a tumor vaccines. A developmental study., D L. Mccollester

Inhibition of carcinogenesis of the rat mammary gland and mouse urinary bladder by an inducer of interferon synthesis. Abstr., D L. Mccormick, P J. Becci, and R C. Moon

Differential cell cycle phase specificity for neoplastic transformation and mutation to ouabain resistance induced by n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine in synchronized c3h10t1/2 c18 cells., P J. Mccormick and J S. Bertram

Accelerated rate of mononuclear phagocyte maturation in autoimmune motheaten mice. Abstr., K Mccoy and J Clagett

Structure and expression of endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia viruses in rf/j mice., J Mccubrey, J M. Horowitz, and R Risser

Allelism and linkage studies of murine leukemia virus activation genes in low leukemic strains of mice., J Mccubrey and R Risser

Genetic interactions in induction of endogenous murine leukemia virus from low leukemic mice., J Mccubrey and R Risser

Genetic interactions in the spontaneous production of endogen- ous murine leukemia virus in low leukemic mouse strains., J Mccubrey and R Risser

Effect of antimetabolites on programming of inner cells of the mouse blastocyst., P A. Mccue and M I. Sherman

Immunologic paralysis induced by alloantiserum. Abstr., C S. Mccullough and P H. Sugarbaker

Antitumor immunity induced by hybrid murine tumor cells: requirements for optimal immunization., C S. Mccune, R W. O'donnell, P K. Horan, H S. Budd, A L. Spennacchio, C Chuang, and E C. Henshaw

In vivo microscopic studies of the responses of the liver to endotoxin., R S. Mccuskey, R Urbaschek, P A. Mccuskey, and B Urbaschek

Studies of the liver in c3h/hej endotoxin-resistant mouse. Abstr., R Mccuskey, R Urbaschek, P Mccuskey, N Sacco, W Stauber, C Pinkstaff, and B Urbaschek

Immunoadjuvant effects of blastomyces dermatitidis against el 4 lymphoma in c57bl/6j mice., L S. Mcdaniel and G C. Cozad

Herpesvirus-specific rna and protein in carcinoma of the uterine cervix., J K. Mcdougall, C P. Crum, C M. Fenoglio, L C. Goldstein, and D A. Galloway

Characterization of the pituitary gonadotroph cells of hypogonadal (hpg) male mice. Comparison with normal mice., I F. Mcdowell, J F. Morris, and H M. Charlton

Effects of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone on the gonadotrophs of hypogonadal (hpg) mice., I F. Mcdowell, J F. Morris, H M. Charlton, and G Fink

Analysis of immunosuppression in nippostrongylus brasiliensis infected mice. Abstr., P J. Mcelroy, A D. Befus, and M R. Szewczuk

Functional analysis of igd+ and igd- b lymphocytes from adult and neonate mice. Abstr., S F. Mcfadden and E S. Vitetta

Improved sister-chromatid differentiation using paraffin-coated promodeoxyuridine tablets in mice., A F. Mcfee, K W. Lowe, and J R. Sebastian

Comparison of natural killer cell activity and antibody-de- pendent cellular cytotoxicity in obese diabetic-prone db+/db+ and ob+/ob+ mice. Abstr., G Mcfeeters and G Fernandes

Regulation of humoral immune responses by a bone marrow-derived glycolipid-like molecule., R C. Mcgarry, R, and E A. Singhal

The immunoregulatory role of bone marrow. Iii. Further characterization of the suppressor cell and its mode of action., R C. Mcgarry and S K. Singhal

Resistance to terminal differentiation in precancerous mammary hyperplasia. Abstr., C M. Mcgrath and H D. Soule

The phenotypic expression of a t6/t6/t6 genotype., J Mcgrath and N Hillman

Inhibition by the landschutz ascites carcinoma of the granulomatous inflammatory response to c. Parvum., L C. Mcintosh, humphreys R. Pugh, R A. Fraser, and A W. Thomson

Serum biochemical changes in c. Parvum-injected mice bearing the landschutz ascites carcinoma., L C. Mcintosh, A W. Thomson, and P H. Whiting

B cell subsets and differential responses to mitogens., J P. Mckearn, J W. Paslay, J Slack, C Baum, and J M. Davie

Biochemical characterisation and localization in brain of a human brain-leucocyte membrane glycoprotein recognised by a monoclonal antibody., J L. Mckenzie, R Dalchau, and J W. Fabre

Comparison of skeletal growth in normal and "little" mice., N M. Mckern

In vitro elicitation of beige and c57bl/6 nk activity by uv-inactivated vsv. Abstr., K P. Mckinnon

Fertile females produced by inactivation of an x chromosome of 'sex-reversed' mice., A Mclaren and M Monk

X-chromosome inactivation mosaicism in the three germ layers and the germ line of the mouse embryo. Abstr., A Mcmahon, M Fosten, and M Monk

Monoclonal antibodies that distinguish subspecies of leishmania braziliensis., pratt D. Mcmahon, E Bennett, and J R. David

The surgical removal of initiation sites (papillomas) and subsequent carcinogenesis in c57bl/6 mouse skin. Abstr., schuyler L. Mcmaster, F J. Burns, and R E. Albert

The effect of misonidazole combined with wr2721 on tumour response and leucopenia due to cyclophosphamide or melphalan., N J. Mcnally

The effect of cytotoxic drugs with or without misonidazole on leucopenia in three strains of mice., N J. Mcnally, T C. Stephens, P R. Twentyman, M Hinchliffe, H. Peacock, M I. Biol, and D Spooner

Dna sequence of the gene encoding the ealpha ia polypeptide of the balb/c mouse., J Mcnicholas, M Steinmetz, T Hunkapiller, and L Hood

An h-2-associated difference in murine serum cholesterol levels., C J. Meade and V A. Gore

Dietary phenylalanine/tyrosine determines the antitumor response to carbidopa/levodopa methyl ester in b-16 melanoma. Abstr., G G. Meadows and H F. Peirson

Dietary influence of tyrosine and phenylalanine on the response of b16 melanoma to carbidopa-levodopa methyl ester chemotherapy., G G. Meadows, H F. Pierson, R M. Abdallah, and P R. Desai

Cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent protein phos- phorylation and the control of leukemia l1210 cell growth., M I. Mednieks, R A. Jungmann, and W D. Dewys

The characterization of non-histone proteins whose amounts increase in chromatin from mouse ehpatocarcinomas., Z A. Medvedev, J H. Buchanan, M N. Medvedeva, and H M. Crowne

Differential interference by azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine with antibody-mediated immunoregulation: synergism of azathioprine and antibody in the control of an immune response., J L. Medzihradsky, C Klein, and G B. Elion

Response of murine sarcomas to high dose methotrexate- -leucovorin rescue. Abstr., B M. Mehta, K B. Mckellop, F A. Schmid, and D J. Hutchison

Trapping of dna-reactive metabolites of therapeutic or carcinogenic agents by carbon-14-labeled synthetic polynucleotides., J R. Mehta and D B. Ludlum

Two distinct amylase genes active in pancreas of ybr mice. Abstr., M Meisler and J R. Strahler

Quantitative correlation between testicular stem cell survival, sperm production, and fertility in the mouse after treatment with different cytotoxic agents., M L. Meistrich

Quantitative studies on t cell diversity. Iii. Limiting dilution analysis of precursor cells for t helper cells reactive to xenogeneic erythrocytes., I Melchers, K Fey, and K Eichmann

Modulation of natural killer cell activity in mice after interferon induction: depression of activity and depression of in vitro enhancement by interferon., R J. Melder and M Ho

Anticonvulsant and proconvulsant properties of viloxazine hydrochloride: pharmacological and pharmacokinetic studies in rodents and the epileptic baboon., B S. Meldrum, G M. Anlezark, H K. Adam, and D T. Greenwood

Radiation-induced myeloid leukaemia in cba/h mice: a non-immunogenic malignant disease in syngeneic mice., R A. Meldrum and R H. Mole

Molecular characterization of the ly-6 phenotype in the autoimmune mouse mrl/mp-lpr/lpr. Abstr., M R. Melino and T H. Hansen

In the number of h-2 molecules expressed., M R. Melino, E A. Nichols, H R. Strausser, D T. Hansen, and T O. Differences

Analysis of low natural killer cell activity in 89sr-treated mice., P F. Mellen, J A. Lust, M Bennett, and V Kumar

Expression of murine h-2kb histocompatibility antigen in cells transformed with cloned h-2 genes., A L. Mellor, L Golden, E Weiss, H Bullman, J Hurst, E Simpson, F. James, A R. Townsend, P M. Taylor, W Schmidt, Ferluga, L Leben, M Santamaria, G Atfeld, S, and R A. Flavell

Epidermal growth factor and cyclic amp stimulation of distinct protein kinase activities in leydig cell tumor membranes., M H. Melner, W A. Lutin, and D Puett

Localization of h-2kk in developing mouse plates using monoclonal antibody., M Melnick, T Jaskoll, and M Marazita

Macrophage activation for tumor cytotoxicity: induction of macrophage tumoricidal activity by lymphokines from el-4, a continuous t cell line., M S. Meltzer, W R. Benjamin, and J J. Farrar

Macrophages in resistance to rickettsial infections: genetic analysis of susceptibility to lethal effects of rickettsia akari infection and development of activated, cytotoxic macrophages in a and b10.a Mice., M S. Meltzer, C A. Nacy, M M. Stevenson, and E Skamene

Simultaneous selection of unlinked loci in producing congeic mouse strains differing at histocompatibility loci. Abstr., R Melvold

Mutagenesis of l5178y/tk+/- murine lymphoma cells under continuous low dose rate x-ray. Abstr., J Mencl and E C. Gregg

An electron microscopical study of neuronal cell clustering in postnatal mouse striatum, with special emphasis on neuronal cell death., P L. Mensah

Abundant messenger rna sequences common to transplanted mouse tumours of different tissue origins., G Mercier, M Guillier, and J Harel

Sequence homology between polyadenylated mrnas from transplant- able mouse tumours of different origin as compared to mrnas from normal adult or embryonic tissues., G Mercier and J Harel

The effect of two different types of colony-stimulating factor on the expression of aminopeptidase on marrow-derived murine macrophages., H Mergenthaler, P Dormer, F G. Staber, and L Hultner

The response of murine splenic granulocyte-macrophage colony- -forming cells to lipid a in vivo., H Mergenthaler, F G. Staber, L Hultner, and P Dormer

Examination of the action of cyclosporin a (cya) on a malignant t cell line, bw5147. Abstr., M Merker, L M. Yu, D H. Sherman, and R E. Handschumacher

Recovery of humoral and cellular immunity by soluble mediators after 5-fluorouracil-induced immunosuppression., V J. Merluzzi, barney K. Last, B M. Susskind, and R B. Faanes

Characterization of inducible type-c rna viruses of mouse strains from different geographic areas., J Merregaert and S A. Aaronson

Evidence for a major cluster of lymphocyte differentiation antigens on murine chromosome 2., D Meruelo, M Offer, and A Rossomando

Amino acid changes in the mouse mutant dystonia musculorum similar to those in friedreich's ataxia., A Messer

Ethanol and simulated high altitude. A study of three mouse strains., F S. Messiha

Regulator-induced suppression of myelomonocytic leukemic cells: clonal analysis of early cellular events., D Metcalf

Sources and biology of regulatory factors active on mouse myeloid leukemic cells., D Metcalf

Abnormal b cell function in mice treated with anti-igd from birth. Abstr., E S. Metcalf, J J. Mond, and F D. Finkelman

Virus inoculation in mice bearing ehrlich ascitic tumors: antigen production and tumor regression., N E. Mettler, D H. Clarke, and J Casals

Multiple intestinal adenocarcinoma in c57 black/6 mice offspring following multigeneration exposure of the male progenitors to tritiated water. Abstr., D J. Mewissen, A S. Ugarte, and J H. Rust

Hematologic parameters of growing and lactating mice. Abstr., J Meyer

Increased plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d after low calcium challenge in x-linked hypophosphatemic mice., R A. Meyer, R W. Gray, B A. Roos, and G M. Kiebzak

Experimental amebic meningoencephalitis in mice subsequent to intracranial inoculations of acanthamoeba and naegleria. Abstr., R P. Meyer, T G. Sarphie, and R B. Chronister