Mutants and the differentiation of the murine haematopoietic stem cell.


M F. Festing

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Growth:, Organs:, Serology:, Genes: A*y - Yellow, an - Anemia, bg - Beige, Dh - Dominant hemimelia, ep - Pale ears, f - Flexed tail, gl - Grey-lethal, ha - hemolytic anemia, ha - hemolytic anemia, hr - Hairless, ja - Jaundiced, me - Motheaten, mi - Microphthalmia, Lsh - Leishmaniasis resistance, mk - Microcytic anemia, nu - Nude, ob - Obese, oc - Osteosclerotic, nb - Normoblastic anemia, pa - Pallid, O*s, qk - Quaking, Ra*op - Opossum, Rp - Reduced pinna, Sl - Steel, sl - Steel series, sla - Sex-linked, anemia, sph - Sperocytic anemia, W series, W - Dominant spotting, W*st, lpr - Lymphoproliferation, lps - Lipopolysaccharide responses, Xid - X-linked immune deficiency, Unknown:

Original Citation

Exp Cell Biol 1984; 52:62-72.

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