Faculty Research 1980 - 1989

Normal testis determination in the mouse depends on genetic interaction of a locus on chromosome 17 and the Y chromosome.

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Chromosome-Mapping, Gene-Expression-Regulation, Genes-Structural, Male, Mice: ge, Sex-Differentiation, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, Testis: em

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We previously described a locus on chromosome (Chr) 17 of the mouse that is critical for normal testis development. This locus was designated "T-associated sex reversal: (Tas) because it segregated with the dominant brachyury allele hairpin tail (Thp) and caused gonads of C57BL/6J XY, Thp/+ individuals to develop as ovaries or ovotestes rather than as testes. To clarify the inheritance of Tas, we investigated the effects of T-Orleans (TOrl), another brachyury mutation, on gonad development. We found that gonads of C57BL/6J XY, Thp/+ and TOrl/+ mice develop ovarian tissue if the Y chromosome is derived from the AKR/J inbred strain, whereas normal testicular development occurs in the presence of a Y chromosome derived from the C57BL/6J inbred strain. From these observations we conclude that: (1) Tas is located in a region on Chr 17 common to the deletions associated with Thp, and TOrl, and (2) the Y-linked testis determining gene, Tdy, carried by the AKR/J inbred strain differs from that of the C57BL/6J inbred strain. We suggest that in mammals Tdy is not the sole testis determinant because autosomal loci must be genetically compatible with Tdy for normal testicular development.

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