Faculty Research 1980 - 1989
Novel PKU mutation on haplotype 2 in French-Canadians.
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France: eh, Gene-Amplification, Haplotypes, Human, Mutation, Oligonucleotide-Probes, Phenotype, Phenylalanine-Hydroxylase: ge, Phenylketonuria: ge, Polymorphism-Restriction-Fragment-Length, Quebec, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT
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Am J Hum Genet 1989 Dec;45(6):905-9
We analyzed DNA from nine French-Canadian probands from eastern Quebec province; all had hyperphenylalaninemia (phenylketonuria [PKU] or non-PKU forms) caused by mutations at the phenylalanine hydroxylase locus. Analysis of RFLP haplotypes and mutations revealed a novel mutation, an A-to-G transition (met----val) in codon 1 (the translation-initiation codon). It occurred on 5 of the 18 mutant chromosomes and was associated each time with haplotype 2. A proband homozygous for this mutation had the PKU phenotype. In other probands, the codon 1 mutation was inherited once with the splice junction mutation in exon 12 (on haplotype 3), conferring PKU, and was inherited twice with a mutation on haplotype 1, conferring PKU in one proband and non-PKU hyperphenylalaninemia in the other. The other five probands carried mutations, conferring PKU, on the following haplotype combinations: 1/3 (twice), 1/9, 3/4, and 1/1. The mutations on haplotypes 1, 4, and 9 are not yet characterized. This preliminary study reveals a novel PKU mutation and considerable genetic heterogeneity at the phenylalanine hydroxylase locus in French-Canadians.
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John SW,
Rozen R,
Laframboise R,
Laberge C,
Scriver CR.
Novel PKU mutation on haplotype 2 in French-Canadians. Am J Hum Genet 1989 Dec;45(6):905-9