Faculty Research 1980 - 1989
Development of Dickie's small eye: an early lethal mutation in the house mouse.
Document Type
Publication Date
Embryo, Eye: ab, Genes-Lethal, Heterozygote, Homozygote, Mice, Mice-Mutant-Strains, Time-Factors
First Page
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JAX Source
Anat-Embryol-(Berl). 1980; 161(1):115-20.
Mice heterozygous for Dickie's small eye (Dey) are small and have malformed eyes (Theiler et al. 1978). The development of homozygous Dey/Dey was more difficult to analyze than heterozygous Dey/+. This investigation to identify the homozygotes and to distinguish them from Dey/+ and +/+ resorptions. Such a distinction was possible only when enough specimens were available. The mutants are poor breeders and the collection of the necessary material has taken several years.
Recommended Citation
Theiler K,
Varnum DS,
Stevens LC.
Development of Dickie's small eye: an early lethal mutation in the house mouse. Anat-Embryol-(Berl). 1980; 161(1):115-20.