Faculty Research 1980 - 1989
Studies of two H-2Db mutants: B6. C-H-2bm13 and B6.C-H-2bm14.
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Antibody-Formation, Antibody-Specificity, Antigenic-Determinants, Genetic-Complementation-Test, Graft-Rejection, H-2-Antigens: ge, Major-Histocompatibility-Complex, Mice, Mice-Inbred-C57BL: ge, Mutation, Skin: tr, Transplantation-Homologous
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Immunogenetics. 1980; 11(4):341-9.
Two new C57BL/6 H-2 mutants, B6.C-H-2bm13 and B6.C-H-2bm14 are described. They arose independently in C57BL/6 as spontaneous mutations of the gain and loss type. Complementation studies map the mutations in both bm13 and bm14 to the H-2Db gene. However, these two mutant strains are not identical, but occurred as independent mutations at the same locus, as shown by reciprocal graft rejection and by the inability of the (bm13 X bm14)F1 hybrid to accept C57BL/6 grafts. Serological studies by direct testing (cytotoxicity and hemagglutination) and by quantitative absorption demonstrated a decrease in the H-2Db private specificity H-2.2 in both bm13 and bm14 when compared to C57BL/6. This was confirmed by SDS-PAGE analysis using antisera detecting the H-2.2 specificity. Attempts to produce antibodies to either the gained or lost specificities of the two mutant strains failed.
Recommended Citation
Morgan GM,
Dellos H,
McKenzie IF,
Melvold RW,
Bailey DW.
Studies of two H-2Db mutants: B6. C-H-2bm13 and B6.C-H-2bm14. Immunogenetics. 1980; 11(4):341-9.