Faculty Research 1980 - 1989

Conserved linkage of soluble aconitase and galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase in mouse and man: assignment of these genes to mouse chromosome 4.

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Alleles, Animal, Chromosome-Mapping, Comparative-Study, Evolution, Galactosephosphate-Uridylyltransferase: ge, Genes-Structural, Human, Isoenzymes: ge, Linkage-(Genetics), Mice: ge, Mice-Inbred-Strains, Nucleotidyltransferases: ge, Polymorphism-(Genetics), Species-Specificity, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S

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JAX Source

Cytogenet-Cell-Genet. 1982; 34(4):271-81.


GM20919, RR01183, GM07386


Polymorphism and linkage of mouse soluble aconitase (Aco-1) and galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (Galt) are reported. Three alleles at each locus were recognized on the basis of differences in electrophoretic mobility. Linkage crosses involving Aco-1, brown (b), major urinary protein (Mup-1), and the Rb(4.6)2Bnr Robertsonian translocation (Rb2) showed that Aco-1 is located on the proximal portion of chromosome 4 between (Mup-1) and the centromere. Because Aco-1 and Galt are located on the short arm of the human 9, linkage of mouse Aco-1 and Galt was thought to be likely. Linkage crosses involving Rb2, Galt, Aco-1, Mup-1, and b confirmed this expectation and established the order of loci as: centromere--Galt--Aco-1--Mup-1--b. The conserved linkage of Aco-1 and Galt in mouse and man probably represents an ancient linkage not yet disrupted by chromosomal rearrangement, rather than a linkage preserved by natural selection.

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