Faculty Research 1980 - 1989

Evidence for an hereditary defect in taurine transport in the ciliary epithelium of an inbred strain of rabbits.

Document Type


Publication Date



Animal, Aqueous-Humor: me, Biological-Transport, Ciliary-Body: me, Disease-Models-Animal, Epithelium: me, Glaucoma: cn, me, Rabbits, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, Taurine: bl, me

First Page


Last Page


JAX Source

J-Inherited-Metab-Dis. 1983; 6(4):163-6.


EY02991, EY03115


The concentration of taurine in the aqueous humour and serum of 21 rabbits with hereditary buphthalmia (Bu rabbits-genotype bu/bu) was compared with the aqueous and serum taurine levels of eight strain-related normal rabbits (JAX) and nine non-strain-related normal rabbits (MCV). There was a significant difference in the mean aqueous taurine concentration in each of the three groups. The Bu rabbits had only 29% of the MCV rabbits' level while the JAX rabbits were intermediate with 56% of the MCV level. It is suggested that some of the JAX rabbits may be heterozygous and the Bu rabbits homozygous for a semi-dominant allele of a gene that is less efficient in taurine transport in the ciliary epithelium than the normal allele represented by the MCV animals.

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