Faculty Research 1980 - 1989

Human chromosome 11 carries at least four genes controlling expression of cell-surface antigens.

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Antibodies-Monoclonal: an, Antigens-Surface: an, ge, Cell-Line, Chromosome-Mapping, Chromosomes-Human-6-12: ul, Gene-Expression-Regulation, Genes, Human, Hybrid-Cells: im, ul, Mice, Molecular-Weight, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S

First Page


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JAX Source

Somatic Cell Genet 1983 Sep;9(5):629-42


CA29894, CA18470, CA10815


We have mapped two new genes to chromosome 11 which control the cell-surface expression of two distinct antigens defined by monoclonal antibodies. One of the antigens has a general tissue distribution and is associated with a molecular complex of two polypeptides of 80,000 dalton and 40,000 dalton molecular weight. The second antigen has a restricted tissue distribution and is carried on a polypeptide of 100,000 daltons. We have used a combination of genetic and biochemical techniques to demonstrate that these new markers are distinct from the antigens defined by the monoclonal antibodies F10.44.2 and W6/34 which are also encoded by genes on chromosome 11. It is concluded that human chromosome 11 carries at least four distinct genes controlling cell-surface antigen expression.

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