Faculty Research 1980 - 1989
Tumor induction by simian virus 40 in mice is controlled by long-term persistence of the viral genome and the immune response of the host.
Document Type
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Cell-Transformation-Neoplastic, Comparative-Study, DNA-Viral, Genes-Viral, Immunity-Natural, Kinetics, Liver: mi, Mice, Mice-Inbred-Strains, Mice-Nude, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S, SV40-Virus: ge, im, Tissue-Distribution
First Page
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JAX Source
J Virol 1984 Feb;49(2):540-8
ES1866, CA10815, CA18470
Simian virus 40 (SV40), which transforms mouse cells in vitro, has not been previously observed to cause tumors when injected in immunocompetent mice. We have investigated both the fate of the ijected virion in mice and several immunological parameters as potential factors controlling tumorigenicity. We find that although SV40 does not replicate in mouse cells, the viral DNA can persist for many months postinjection; the majority of the viral DNA is found in the cytoplasm, but a small amount of the viral DNA is integrated at multiple sites in the host nuclear DNA. The persistence of the viral genome is independent of the ability of the mouse to mount an SV40 TSTA specific cytotoxic T-cell response and may be attributed to the cytoplasmic location of the majority of the viral genome. However, in long-term studies of SV40-injected mice, genetically identical except for the major histocompatibility complex, we find that tumors were induced in some mice of the H-2d (low cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responder to SV40 TSTA) but not of the H-2k (high responder to SV40 TSTA) haplotype. Thus, a combination of inefficient disposal of the injected virion and inefficient immunological surveillance and elimination of cells containing nuclear SV40 DNA can eventually result in SV40-induced tumors at multiple sites in mice.
Recommended Citation
Abramczuk J,
Pan S,
Maul G,
Knowles BB.
Tumor induction by simian virus 40 in mice is controlled by long-term persistence of the viral genome and the immune response of the host. J Virol 1984 Feb;49(2):540-8