Faculty Research 1980 - 1989
Spontaneous temperature-sensitive mutations in bacteriophage T7.
Document Type
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Genes-Viral, Genetic-Complementation-Test, Mutation, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, T-Phages: ge, Temperature
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JAX Source
J-Virol. 1985 Jun; 54(3):886-8.
Attempts to recover temperature-sensitive mutations affecting genes 13 and 14 (virion proteins) in bacteriophage T7 by analysis of amber revertants were confounded by the frequent occurrence of spontaneous temperature-sensitive mutations in other genes. These incidental temperature-sensitive mutations are physically distinct from but may be functionally related to genes 13 and 14, as shown by complementation and recombination studies. The possibility that these incidental temperature-sensitive mutations represent secondary-site suppressors of the pseudonormal suppressed amber products is discussed.
Recommended Citation
Stone JC,
Miller RC.
Spontaneous temperature-sensitive mutations in bacteriophage T7. J-Virol. 1985 Jun; 54(3):886-8.