Faculty Research 1980 - 1989
Mandibular-morphogenesis gene linked to the H-2 complex in mice.
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Comparative-Study, Crosses-Genetic, Genes, H-2-Antigens: ge, Linkage-(Genetics), Major-Histocompatibility-Complex, Mandible: ah, hi, Mice, Mice-Inbred-C57BL, Mice-Inbred-Strains, Morphogenesis, Species-Specificity, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S
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JAX Source
J-Craniofac-Genet-Dev-Biol-[Suppl]. 1986; 2:33-9.
The shapes of mandibles from mice of a group of H-2 congenic strains are compared to that of their C57BL/6By background strain. One congenic strain carries a passenger gene that evokes an elongation of the dorsal reach of the condylar process as does an H-2 recombinant congenic strain derived from it. Two other independently derived H-2 congenic strains do not carry such a gene. This indicates that the effective gene resides outside of and on the centromeric side of the H-2 complex on chromosome 17. Reiterated tests demonstrate the reproducibility of this type of genetic analysis.
Recommended Citation
Bailey DW.
Mandibular-morphogenesis gene linked to the H-2 complex in mice. J-Craniofac-Genet-Dev-Biol-[Suppl]. 1986; 2:33-9.