Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
Development of the neuromuscular junction: genetic analysis in mice.
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Animal, Genetic-Engineering, Mice, Mice-Knockout, Muscle-Proteins, Mutation, Nerve-Tissue-Proteins, Neuromuscular-Junction, Protein-Isoforms
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JAX Source
J Physiol Paris 1998; Jun-Aug; 92(3-4):167-72.
Formation of the skeletal neuromuscular junction is a multi-step process that requires communication between the nerve and muscle. Studies in many laboratories have led to identification of factors that seem likely to mediate these interactions. 'Knock-out' mice have now been generated with mutations in several genes that encode candidate transsynaptic messengers and components of their effector mechanisms. Using these mice, it is possible to test hypotheses about the control of synaptogenesis. Here, we review our studies on neuromuscular development in mutant mice lacking agrin alpha CGRP, rapsyn, MuSK, dystrophin, dystrobrevin, utrophin, laminin alpha 5, laminin beta 2, collagen alpha 3 (IV), the acetylcholine receptor epsilon subunit, the collagenous tail of acetylcholinesterase, fibroblast growth factor-5, the neural cell adhesion molecule, and tenascin-C.
Recommended Citation
Sanes JR,
Apel ED,
Burgess RW,
Emerson RB,
Feng G,
Krejci E,
Massoulie J,
Nguyen Q,
Nichol M,
Son YJ,
Yancopoulos GD,
et a.
Development of the neuromuscular junction: genetic analysis in mice. J Physiol Paris 1998; Jun-Aug; 92(3-4):167-72.