Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
Expression of Delta1 and Serrate1 (Jagged1) in the mouse inner ear.
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Animal, Cochlea, Gene-Expression-Regulation-Developmental, In-Situ-Hybridization, Labyrinth, Membrane-Proteins, Mice, Mice-Knockout, Proteins, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-NON-P-H-S
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JAX Source
Mech Dev 1999 Jun; 84(1-2):169-72.
The Notch signalling pathway is thought to play a key part in controlling the production of sensory hair cells in the vertebrate inner ear via lateral inhibition; but there is disagreement as to which Notch ligands are expressed in hair cells as they develop. We show, using a mouse Delta1:LacZ knock-in as a reporter, that nascent hair cells, but not their neighbours, express Delta1. Expression of Serrate1 (Jagged1), meanwhile becomes restricted to the supporting cells of each sensory patch. Delta1 is also expressed: (a) at early stages, at the site of otic neurogenesis; and (b) in scattered cells of the endolymphatic sac, as is Serrate1.
Recommended Citation
Morrison A,
Hodgetts C,
Gossler A,
Hrabe de,
Lewis J.
Expression of Delta1 and Serrate1 (Jagged1) in the mouse inner ear. Mech Dev 1999 Jun; 84(1-2):169-72.