Faculty Research 1990 - 1999
Genetic linkage analysis of the murine developmental mutant velvet coat (Ve) and the distal chromosome 15 developmental genes Hox-3.1, Rar-g, Wnt-1, and Krt-2.
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Carrier-Proteins: ge, Chromosome-Mapping, Crosses-Genetic, DNA-Binding-Proteins: ge, Female, Genes-Homeo-Box, Genes-Structural, Hair, Keratin: ge, Linkage-(Genetics), Male, Mice, Mice-Inbred-BALB-C, Mutation, Proto-Oncogene-Proteins: ge, Restriction-Fragment-Length-Polymorphisms, SUPPORT-NON-U-S-GOVT, SUPPORT-U-S-GOVT-P-H-S
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JAX Source
J Exp Zool 1992 Aug 1;263(1):83-95
GM009966, GM006543
We have identified restriction fragment length polymorphisms between Mus musculus and Mus spretus for the Chromosome 15 loci Hox-3, Wnt-1, Krt-2, Rar-g, and Ly-6. We followed the inheritance of these alleles in interspecific genetic test crosses between velvet coat (Ve) heterozygotes and M. spretus. The results suggest a gene order and recombination distances (in cM) of Ly-6-22-Wnt-1-2-Ve/Krt-2/Rar-g-3-Hox-3. No recombination was found between Ve, Krt-2, and Rar-g. The data also provide evidence for the hypothesis of a large-scale genomic duplication involving homologous gene pairs on mouse Chromosomes 15 and 11.
Recommended Citation
Hart CP,
Compton JG,
Langley SH,
Hunihan L,
LeClair KP,
Zelent A,
Roderick TH,
Ruddle FH.
Genetic linkage analysis of the murine developmental mutant velvet coat (Ve) and the distal chromosome 15 developmental genes Hox-3.1, Rar-g, Wnt-1, and Krt-2. J Exp Zool 1992 Aug 1;263(1):83-95